It's not May yet, just April 13th. But I felt like writing a bit for the last few I will!!!
Still going to Weight Watchers, tho not following the program exactly. Was inputting my points, then decided that was too much focus. I'm really intent on just eating what my body desires... not my emotions, but my body, and listening to that. I find the more I focus on what everyone else says I'm suppose to eat - Poon, Low Carb, IP, WW etc - the less I am able to maintain a life of it. I GET it. I like more Abraham Hicks saying your body knows. I've read that a few times in books too. I am focusing on just loving my body, and saying - everything I eat is healthy and healing for my body and my being. It's good for me. I am slender. And leaving it at that.
I see there are times I'm still emotionally eating, but I'm working at pivoting that into healthy thinking. And WW.... I like going. I keep thinking of canceling as I still can, but each time, I hear a NO in my head. So, I will continue to go. I want it that I can just live my life with the foods. I find too that I lean to buying foods low carb that I like. I don't want to eat foods I dislike just because they are good for me. I dislike eating cucumbers all the time. But there are times I don't mind a cucumber slice on my sandwich. I dislike having to eat something 'weird' because it works as food. A weird combo of pudding and peanut butter idea. Or PB2 - ugh. Bought that, not sure what to do with it. I don't like peanut butter really. I like salmani. So I'm just going to have that instead.
Jax is still recovering. He still hops with his back legs We went to Dr Steve who started laser and acupuncture on him. It is helping. I'm letting him go up and down the stairs now. Sometimes I still carry him, I can see his back leg shaking when he pees at times. I'm so glad it looks like he will get better. Will always have to watch, but better.
We (AJ and I) are going to go to Dr Steve too. He also works with people. Will see how that comes out.
We had the realtor come in yesterday. He will be back on Wednesday with the selling price of our house. ??!!! Think you missed something? Don't bother reading back. There is no mention of it. Other then we will one day move. About a week ago we went to the Health and Wellness Fair in town here, and ... they didn't have anyone able/available to run the elevator so AJ couldn't come in. All week I had been pissy about things. It was getting funny how pissy I was getting. Don't even remember now what it was all about. I was just
'not feeling the love' for others. And it seemed that the non elevator issue was the last straw. I ended up bitching about it on facebook. Riled up a few people. Actually think I lost a few - what few friends, I had started to make in this town. It wasn't that I wrote bad words, or lies, just the anger was coming out.
AJ and I talked. He was so upset too. Especially because we had been excited about going all week. I just find this town difficult to get along with. In Sandy Cove, even Scarborough - we weren't buddy buddy with people, but we were fine overall in those places. We were content in Sandy Cove, it was Parkbridge that drove us out. But here, it just feels like I'm banging my head on a wall trying to fit in a place that will not allow me a chance to try to fit in. Maybe in years it would be ok.
We decided we'd see how much we could sell for. AJ and now Jax and me need a place that is mostly one floor. One floor with a basement. Need that basement for all those cat litter boxes! ha ha ha.
Currently we are looking at Welland area. Currently we are waiting for the money to come out of the Vortex and into our bank accounts... (Abraham Hicks). Don't know if / when we will move, but we are putting it out there and seeing what develops. That and that SUV still.
Went today to Sarnia for an MRI on my hands.
OH I remember what was pissing me off. I TOLD THEM!! I TOLD Gabriele (NP) that there was something going on with my health!!!!! Went and saw the internal medicine doctor (better then Dr Wiley who said you have heartburn) Did that cardio stress test. He listened to me, and said he thought I had Angina. Changed my blood pressure meds, added that baby aspirin. Within 2 days - 2 DAYS - my chest pains stopped! Other then seriously out of shape breathing, I was better. So for a whole year I could have had a heart attack or stroke and NP Gabriele continued to say it's inflammation, suck it up.
Then the next day I had that scope. That doctor reported - mild peptic stricture (food has trouble going down/trouble swallowing), hitital hernia (was on that CT Scan report already, so I knew about that), inflamed esophagus, and stomach ulcer. He took a biopsy piece too. I TOLD HER my stomach was a problem!!! THAT MY esophagus was a problem!!!! I just wasn't believed by her. I was so wanting to report her. That's all I was pissy about all that week. I haven't seen my NP Lindsay to see what she has to say about all those reports yet. See her in 2 weeks. She won't apologize for Gabriele. Ended up with meds for my stomach too.
Both meds I think have been making me fatigued. I'm really repeating that the blood pressure med is helping me. That it works perfectly. I don't want to keep trying other types. Just let it work, and have no side effects. Same with the PPI.
Was able to clean the back yard one day. Most of it is done. Need to get to the front in a few weeks too. And I did it all without chest pains! Actually think I will be able to cut the grass again in one shot.
Well that's about it for now. i'm still going to leave this for May at the moment. Unless I start feeling better and wanting to write again. Will just have to see what happens.
Til then, remember!
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