Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Love Myself

Went yesterday for an appointment for energy healing with Marley.  She runs 'bars'.  Energy lines in a person.  We talked about weight and money.  Basically I'm still working on those two things.  They are my most challenging issues. Went well.

Comes down to loving self.  Really can't say much more then that, or on it. Loving self, loving body etc is the best way to heal self and issues.  Will continue on with that.

The guys working on the siding have been busy.  They are now at having most of the siding done.  Only the front needs the siding, then all the fiddly things and window trim.  It's dark.  Looks like dark chocolate (hum...delicious) but it's really eggplant purple.  When the sun hits it, and you look close you can see it's purple.  I love it!  It's like me - look at it, and it's one colour, but when you look closer you see the true colour.  😄😺

Today I ate:
B - oatmeal (IP type) rhubarb, coffee 8am
S - chips (so hungry and still early) 11am
L - 1/2 shake, egg white, bit (3/4 cup) of cauliflower/broccoli, cucumber, tea 1pm
D - port mushrooms with turkey burger, pickle, jicama fries, tea, chayote, and then my chocolate bar (IP) 530pm.

I'm so full after dinner - feel I ate too much.  Isn't that funny?  There is no snack tonight as I'm 1/2 over IP.  The oatmeal was ok, but I think I like more the pancake or muffin or bread kind of meal at breakfast.  The veg at breakfast is good - I use 1/4 cup, seems to be just enough to make breakfast comfortable.  I need though to work at a balance between breakfast and lunch, and then not have all the food for dinner.  I feel fat tonight.  I'm not, but still, I have this fear to weigh in tomorrow morning.  I was down .9 lb this morning.  Sigh.  Still have work to do on that weight issue/weight thoughts......

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Sunday Thoughts

Today was a beautiful day.  So was yesterday.  Got a bit - very bit - done in the garden.  Have decided once the house is done with the siding, we will get gravel and then river rock to put around, 1 foot out.  To make it safer from critters that like to dug and live under the house.  We tried with mulch, but that didn't really work.  Will probably take me a month to do around.  I worked a bit in one of our gardens today.  Just put down 5 bags of dirt.  Still need about another 5 bags for that garden.

Tomorrow is suppose to be a little rainy in the morning, but better in the afternoon, so that means they will probably come and start the siding.  We had to cancel the foaming under the house as there was ant/water damage, and that needed to be repaired!

Years ago we tried going to T-Zone.  It's a Vibration machine place.  Suppose to help with weight loss, muscle strengthening, and blood flow.  We did 10 sessions, was ok.  Problem was the cost and it was winter, and for 10 minutes... it wasn't something we continued.  A friend in the community here that AJ knows better, found out we were going there.  Years later, this morning she sent AJ an email and asked if we wanted her machine.  She decided her and her hubby were never going to use it, it was sitting in the corner, and they were re-doing their sunroom and needed it gone.  Offered it to us: for free, if we wanted it.  YES!

With not exercising, other then walking, and very limited weights... I find I'm not doing enough exercise.  And on IP, I struggle with being tired a lot.  Though to be fair, I have chronic fatigue, so it's not exactly IP doing it.  With the machine, I can at least try to do something, it's only 10 minutes about 5 times a week.  Now that it's in the sunroom, I can get on it and watch TV for 10-15 minutes.  And if we don't use it that much...at least we didn't lose any money on it.  Maybe even try selling it?  I suspect it will be here for at least a few years.

Last couple of days, much better eating/starving/hungry wise.  Not as hungry. I'm also adding a bit of veg in the morning meal.  Like today it was 1/4 cup rhubarb compote with 2 muffins, and coffee.

Hopefully the T-Zoning won't add weight, but help lose inches, and the less hungry feelings will lose the weight!

Friday, May 26, 2017


So this week I have been dealing with hunger.  I've found out a few possibles of why:

A)  I'm close to my goal weight.
B)  I'm not having enough / having too much protein.
C)  It's just my mind and not my body.
D)  It's spices.

Damn spices.... I suddenly noticed for some reason, that the 2 mixed spices I have been using (found via Poon facebook, and having been using a lot since on IP) actually have sugars in them!  I stopped those immediately.  One is a PC garlic mix, other is Clubhouse Parm & Herb.  How silly of my not to study them, and just assume because others on Poon were using them, they were ok.

In regards to B... I don't know, just have to continue.

With A... I realized, as of today - my IP weigh in yesterday resulted in 3 pounds down - that I am at 191.4 lbs, and really, I'm only 11or 12 pounds away from 180 lbs, which my body is use to being the last few times.  WOW.  I'm so far down! I still want to aim for 160 lbs, with a possible 150 lbs.  Would like to settle between 155 and 165 lbs.  If I take it as 10 pound goals, it's not that long!  I'm stunned.

And C.... THAT one I need to deal with.  I do think there's some validity to it.  I know at times I feel I'm hungry, but after 30 minutes I'm doing ok.  I just never seem to have that really full feeling.  It makes me also plan for 'when I'm finished' and eating.  Not a good idea.  There is no when I'm finished and eating - going back to old habits.  I just don't want to do that.  Some how I need to let go of those dreams/thoughts, and figure out how to be comfortable with less foods, and maybe even accepting never feeling all that full.  I wonder though if once I'm eating protein at lunch and dinner if I will feel fuller.  Another thing, I need to remember to use oil.  I tend to forget to add my 2 teaspoons of oil to my food.  I try to cook a bit more with oil as I forget adding so I at least have some oil in me.

Today I made a pot roast in the slow cooker, look forward to dinner!  Will have it with cauliflower.  Tonight we are going to a comedy night at the rec center here. I have decided to save 1/2 protein shake with spinach (which I made a full pkg yesterday and had 1/2 already), and 1 pkg of potato chips to bring with me.  That made:
B - 1/2 brownie with 1/4 rhubarb compote, coffee, bit of protein vanilla, and 1/2 pancake muffins
L - 1/2 of pancake muffins with 1/4 rhubarb compote, salad - lettuce and cucumbers, coffee, bit of protein vanilla
D - 3 cups veg, 6 oz cooked pot roast, tea
Will bring water and a few cucumber slices along with 1/2 veg, and shake/chips as my snack at the show.

I'm still a bit hungry, but not as bad or as crazy as I have been.  So glad.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Rambling Along

Not much happening today.  Except outside!  They are working away at the house.  They found yesterday some boards that had been wet, years ago.  From the bathroom window there must have been a leak, good that we had replaced the windows the first year we bought the house.  The wooden beams are mush. Thankfully the house is standing and it's an easy repair.  So glad we are replacing the siding.  Another spot was in the front window, but not as bad as the other one.

I am still semi-hungry all the time.  I am beginning to think it's not so much that my body is that hungry, it's more my thinking/mind that is.  My body is just reacting?  I am trying to do the packages better - as in doing one full one instead of breaking them in half etc.  Today I'm just down 1.5 lbs.  Will see tomorrow what the weigh in will be.  And it's a day earlier too.  (Thursday instead of Friday).

My face is breaking out horribly.  Welts like crazy around my nose/forehead. They hurt at times.  Using a bit of apple cider vinegar to cool them and dry them. It's the dairy in the packages.  I will continue as I want the weight off!  I will work at my face as best as I can.

This early up is too much.  ha ha.  It's only 1030 am and I'm ready for lunch! Oh well, guess I will have some tea.

Monday, May 22, 2017


This weekend I've been starving!!  Even ended up getting up at 3 am to sip a bit of my protein shake as I couldn't sleep.  Not the first time since being on IP that I've done this.  I really don't get why I am SO hungry on this plan.  I eat and then I could still eat.  But I don't.

I've been tired too.  I feel weak, and have been careful on doing any exercise. Today I did do 2 sets of weights - gently.  I just feel I need to do a bit of exercise. I did the weights at home too so it wasn't that hard.

Ended up eating a total of 5 packages today.  A lot of 1/2 packages that ended up equaling 5 in total.  I do feel better, and I'm having a tea now.  Something I don't tend to do so late at night.  One of the other things this weekend, I wasn't drinking a lot of water.  Kinda slowed on the water intake.  Funny thing was, the water didn't taste good.  I know, weird.  Water is beginning to taste better this evening.  I checked my weight this morning....still the same as last Friday.  Sigh.

I am surprised though that I have been so hungry and I continue to refuse to cheat.  I know I ate a bit more packages, but I have not touched to my mouth any of the other food in the house.  Especially since I have to buy food for AJ.  Like big delicious (he says they are juicy and sweet) strawberries.  Or my soft protein bread and almond butter that AJ is also eating.....  I will not cheat!  I have no desire to gain weight or hold back on my weight loss.  Which makes seeing my weight the same a bit sad.

I had to check last night at my numbers.  Hoping it would help me.  Sorta did, but not enough to make me feel good about it, yet I am grateful.  Since starting Poon, I have lost 47.5 lbs and 24 inches.  On IP I have (in the last 3 weeks) lost 13 lbs and 9 inches.  The Poon numbers include IP numbers.  I realize both numbers and timing are good. Just wish I had a bit more.  I am working at accepting I will not be 180 lbs by June 15th.  I just don't see that happening....though anything can happen and there is a tiny spark hoping inside me.

I know it is an every day, every moment work at it plan which will only truly show the bigger amounts as a past.  Which means, I need to wait another 3 months from now to truly see how great (?) my results are, but it is only today's work that I can focus on.  Well, doesn't that sound confusing?  It's like me looking at the numbers and realizing I have lost 47.5 lbs since I started.  I remember thinking way back then - would I ever get under 200 lbs?  Now I wonder - will I ever get to 150 lbs?  I'm basically at the half way point.  Wow.

Gave all those clothes I bagged away this afternoon.  On facebook in the community there's a boy collecting clothes for the Scouts.  PM'd the mother and said he could have mine.  They came this afternoon.  I got a skort from Costco yesterday, in medium.  A bit tight.  But I really liked it.  Going back tomorrow to get another (in medium) different colour.  I have goals! 😻

Got a call from Bill tonight.  They are coming at 730 am tomorrow to start the siding, YES.

Saturday, May 20, 2017


Was a good daughter.... we went to see my mother (and aunt) this morning. Takes about 2 hours to drive down, and 2 hours back.  Basically stayed just over 2 hours.  It was her birthday yesterday.  Brought her the usual present - flower. She likes flowers, and really doesn't want anything else.

We go for a semi-breakfast/lunch.  She made AJ pancakes etc.  I brought my IP meals with me as I am not willing to cheat!  My aunt has reached her goal weight of 165-170 lbs, and still continues to bring her snack over too.  I brought 1 vanilla pudding shake made into 2 containers and frozen, 2 muffins (equals 1 pkg), some lettuce/cucumber/ celery and dressing, and lastly 1 cup jicma with some WF caramel/chocolate syrup.

When we got there, I pulled out 1 container of the shake, some lettuce - put some in a small bowl and put the rest away, and my 2 muffins.  It wasn't much.  My mother looked at it, looked at me and said:  "You are eating SO much?"  Me: blank look, uh? What?  I truly didn't know what to say.  I looked at my bowl of lettuce - a SMALL bowl, my 2 SMALL muffins, my thin container of shake, and my now made small cup of tea.  Seriously????  She repeated herself again, stating was I going to eat all that.  I kinda thought, go back to not noticing I have lost weight.  I really didn't know how to respond.

Later, before we left, I pulled out my jicma as I knew I was hungry and didn't want to be nuts driving home or nuts at home.  She looked.  I ate.

I asked AJ on the drive home about my food.  He said it was fine, I didn't have a lot.  My mother ate 2 slices of raisin bread with butter/jam, a pancake with some strawberries, a few slices of turkey and coffee/cream.

Years ago, statements like these would have made me want to eat.  Now, I just am sad..... and I want to go clothes shopping. But then, the shopping is probably because last night when I was trying to figure out what to wear, I ended up bagging 2 green garbage bags full of clothes that are too big on me.  YEAH! Guess it didn't help my mother either when my aunt asked for a sweater because she was cold, and I asked for one too.  She gave me the smaller of the two - and it fit me.  FYI my mother weighs 165 lbs today, per her report.

It just brings on sadness, and I know it doesn't have to do with me personally.  Or that I need to take it personally.  Unfortunately, I still end up thinking about it, and working thru it.  I'm better when I don't see her too often.  Kinda makes me really want to weigh 145 lbs! 😁😄😜  Ok, ok, I know - I need to find my weight because of myself - not because of her.


Today's rest of my food:  got home and had the rest of my lettuce/dressing, 1 egg scrambled with a bit of egg white.  Put my 1/2 container away for tomorrow and had 1/2 broccoli cheese soup loaf that I made yesterday.  (equals: 2 == 1 pkg loaf/shake, along with the 1 pkg of muffins I had already)  Means I can still have a 1 pkg tonight as snack.  Dinner will be bison stew (4 oz cooked, made last night:  lunch egg makes up my 8oz meat for the day), and 2 1/2 cups of cauliflower with 1/2 cup chayote. (ate 1cup jicma already for a total of 4 cups veg)  And water.....tea....water......tea....water......

Yesterday's weigh in with Laura was 1.8 pounds down, and another 2 1/2 inches. I was aware I might have a little weight loss as the last two weeks were 7 and 5 pounds.  I'm hoping my next one will be better.  But then again - as long as it's down!  I started back with my weights yesterday too - but only doing one set of everything and no cardio - other then walking Jax.  Figured that would be a good balance between not over exercising yet still doing some exercise as I don't want to get too far off of not exercising and then not ever getting back to it.  Especially since we planned Josh for every third week instead of every week.

I bought a regular XL top, and shorts at Joe Fresh yesterday.  AJ says I should go to Winners and look as I will now fit in there, and since we are holding off going to Boston.  Not going anymore in October.  I feel too stressed, and I want to be stable with my weight before going.  At this point I don't know if we will ever go.  Maybe I will visit my friend in Windsor instead and cross boarder shop then. Just a thought.


Thursday, May 18, 2017


I'm so glad it's warm and sunny out... but I'm not one for the hot and humid. Ugh.
Will be nice for me when the weather breaks back to more comfortable heat. Funny thing is with all this humid/hot - I don't want to drink water.  Not that I want to drink anything else, I just don't want to drink.  That makes getting the water down trickier.

Laura says I'm not to weigh myself.  But we know that's not going to work!!!  At this rate, tomorrow's weigh in with her will be around 2 pounds down - give or take. How do I feel about that?  Well... 2 pounds every week will add up.  I really would love to be at 180 pounds for June 15th.  My birthday.  Today I'm weighing in at 195 lbs.  At least, God willing, I will be close.  I really don't believe I would even of had a chance with Dr Poon.  Not saying Dr Poon isn't a good plan, just needed a bit more weight loss visual for me.  Dr B was pleased and wanted me to move to Phase 2 with Poon....uh, yeah, not going to happen at the moment.  I have decided my goal is 145-150 lbs.  But will accept 160 lbs.  I'm hoping I will stabilize at around 150-155 lbs and be able to maintain that weight.  Right now the interesting thing will be getting under 180 lbs.  (since my body does know 180 lbs, and I've never really tried that hard to get under it, and just settled there.)

Last few days I've been hungry.  Really hungry.  I read facebook about people not able to eat all the 4 cups of veggies.  What the &(#)$???  I could and then a bit more.  Thankfully, the other day there was a post asking if people were hungry and a lot posted yes.  Well, that's good to know!

Today a breakfast I had 1/2 mug cake cookies, and 2 muffins = 1 package.  And coffee with a bit of shake in it.
Lunch worked better for the first time in days - I had lettuce with WF dressing, and 2 cups broccoli.  What did it was I had ONE whole vanilla pudding package with a bit of water and ice whipped up into a frozeny drink.  That was so delicious.  It really helped fill me.
Dinner today will be - salmon (get a total of 9 oz as it's fish), 1/4c choyate apples,  1 3/4 c other veg (haven't figured out what), plus tea.
Snack either a bar and jello, or some chips... and maybe jello.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Back to the Old Country

I've moved to the old country.  Huh?

I'm living in ONEDERLAND!!!!!!!  Still huh?

Onederland is known only to a special few.  Those who weigh over 200 pounds.  They long (ok, most, especially those who diet and exercise) to get into a weight that starts in the one hundreds.  Even if they are 199 lbs.  It's the old country.  It's under 200 lbs.  It's a celebration!!

It's been a while.  I plan to live here permanently.  God willing, and I keep remembering it - I will.  There were times in those 200-210 lb days that I wondered if I would even get here.  It just seemed I was going so slow.  I couldn't seem to get myself together and plow thru.  But that's all in the past now. I just want to continue towards my goal.

I've actually been in one-underland for over a week.  Sunday May 7 on my scale I unofficially hit 197 lbs.  On Friday May 12, I semi-officially hit 197 lbs. (Laura's scale is different then mine, so hitting the same number is ok) and finally, today, at Dr Poon, I hit 196.8 lbs.  That's official!!!  I had coffee and some protein shake before weighing in.  Now just to continue on.

I do have some concerns about what I will do once I'm down.....and what is really the weight I want to be.  At first with Dr Poon I had originally planned for 180 lbs.  Then I thought to hit 160 lbs.  Now it's my long ago deep dream of 150 lbs.  Is that even possible?  Maybe.  With IP I thought I'd probably have to hit around 140 lbs so that I can start on Phases 2 and 3, balancing out around 150 lbs.  But then again, is 160 lbs better?  Can I do that?  I just can't seem to figure out what weight I am aiming for.  What I do know is that I need to figure out my goal weight.  Then I will know I was successful.

But, for today.... I'm officially under 200 lbs, and that's great!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

And Now for the Rest of the Book

As you know I've been reading 'Ideal Protein...Because it's your Life'.  It's not a big book, and I finished reading it yesterday.  Highlights:

- You must be in harmony with yourself in order to lose weight successfully.
- The reasoning is the same for diets, but on a different scale.  Why blame defenseless diets for failures.  A diet can help you lose weight, but it cannot help you stabilize it because losing pounds and keeping them off are two separate realities.  If you don't grasp this, long-lasting, trouble-free weight loss will elude you.
- If you drop 20 pounds on a traditional diet, you'll lose fat and muscle.  However, if you go back up to your initial weight, you'll regain 20 pounds of fat, not 20 pounds of muscle!
- You must keep your protein assets to avoid wasting muscle.  Proteins are vital.  When you lack proteins you become weak.
- I think the same logic can be applied to a diet.  If you don't finish your weight-loss project, what does it matter if you regain 2, 5 or 10 pounds?  You'll almost be certain to put the pounds back on if you don't do any upstream thinking on your eating behavior.  You'll fall back into your old habits and pack the pounds back on.
- The hardest part begins once the pounds have melted away after following the diet for weeks.
- Why is it more difficult to stabilize weight than to lose it?  As was stated previously, a diet is a voluntary act.  Patients situate their approach within a dynamic. They work hard on their weight and see results week after week.  In addition, a diet has a time limit.  Every diet has a beginning and an end.  That's what makes it bearable.
Unlike a diet, the maintenance phase has no end, as the goal is to maintain a balanced weight forever.  It is generally a static phase.  Patients tend to think that they are subjected to weight stabilization.  Gone are the encouraging spectacular results that made success so concrete.  What's more, weight is no longer their priority because life gets in the way.
- If you had a truly gargantuan feast, give your pancreas a break by avoiding all carbs for 24 hours.  This way, you'll be able to control your waistline without depriving yourself of the foods you love.  Weight loss is no longer the goal; preventing fat storage is.
******- However, similarities end here.  DRAP (diet rich in animal protein) are high protein diets, whereas Ideal Protein is a protein-sparing diet, which means that IP only provides dieters with the adequate amount of protein, and no more.  (IP recommends 0.5g of protein per pound per day, which is the minimal quantity required.)
- Consequently, high protein diets relying heavily on animal protein have a negative impact on the cell membrane and the insulin receptors.  This leads to insulin resistance and hyper insulinemia, which in turn cause weight gain and favor the metabolic syndrome.

These last two points make understanding why I had some trouble with Poon. When I got hungry (or thought I was hungry); I would eat more meat.  I always felt that eating more meat was causing me to either gain weight or hold on to the weight (not lose weight), and one of the reasons why I had such small weight loses.  Other reason of course was all the snack foods....

The book was good and helpful.  Most of it I knew, but still, liked reading it again and confirming what I thought.

Today was a good day.  Not as fatigued.  Better with the foods as not so hungry as yesterday.  I made 2 different kinds of muffins, and some pototoe puree bread. Froze some.  Also made veg - but that was basically eaten today between AJ and I  - lunch and dinner.  Snack was a frozen brownie with WF marshmallow between.  Was good.  But then I find most of the IP package foods good.  (Some would say that was sad I guess).

Want to try more drinks for breakfast this week.  Along with the coffee and water.  I will be very ''liquidie''.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

What Happened to the Week?

I meant to write for the last couple of days, but just never got around to it.  My weigh in with Laura on Friday was good.  She and me = pleased.  Tuesday is Dr Poon's weigh in.  Look forward to seeing those results.

This week has been a bit challenging emotionally.  That stress from the trip to Pickering continued all week, fatigued and crying.  Finally by Friday I started to feel better.  This morning I woke at 430am, by 530am I got up.  AJ got up too. We had breakfast basically at 7am.  By 12 noon I was so over hungry the stress was starting to come back.  After lunch we watched tv and AJ had to rub my feet to see if that would help my body calm down (which it did help).  I'm still fatigued even though I slept a bit at 1030am.  AJ said I should not go out and do anything in the garden.  Promised him I wouldn't......though the plants need water.  (where is the rain they talked about??)

I did get the plants in the ground yesterday in hopes that the rain would water them.  Neighbour Steve (NS) apparently isn't thrilled with me even though he said he would talk with me if things were an issue.  Park Manager Rick was by the other day.  I'm so glad I spoke with Rick first, I happened to be out.  I said oh, yes, we are fine, everything is worked out and good.  Rick saw my Round Up sprayed line which I made to define a boarder between NS and us.  Rick said the line was exactly where it should be and was ok.  He saw my arch and few fences I put up, didn't say anything about them.  He wondered about the rocks I put back (per NS) at the front garden and thought maybe I should move them, but I said it was ok per NS.  Rick went to talk with NS.  Anne and I went to walk Jax.

Later I saw Rick elsewhere, and I said everything ok?  Apparently not.  Rick was a bit upset all of a sudden about the Round Up sprayed line - not the line, but the dead grass part of it.  He said NS wasn't happy.  Too bad (my thought).  Rick said my arch and fences were ok and could stay but no more adding to it, and the grass had to grow again.  (It will in time).  Urgh.

Went back to my original plan - got grasses for the rock garden out front and planted them.  They will grow 6-8 feet.  I will remove my rocks during the summer from there too.  I'm SO GLAD I put up the fencing/plant pots between us before Rick came by.  I will just plant the flowers by the fences/arch and be polite to NS as I have always been.

Food all week has been good.  I have had times where I wished for something else, or more, but only once I had an extra package.  Today might be another day as it's been so long.  I do fine doing Ideal Protein much easier then Dr Poon's at this point.  I think though that it was good that I started with Dr Poon as it got me into low carb etc.  I just would like to have started IP a few months ago.  But that's over and in the past, and I'm on it now, so that's all good.

I have been reading Ideal Protein....Because it's your Life.  By Dr. Tran Tien Chanh.  He was the doctor that basically started the program of IP.  Only on page 41 and I'm finding it very interesting.  A big part of his understanding is that one needs to have compassion and love for self for the weight to STAY off.  Also for weight loss, but more for the staying off as that's much harder.  There's the guilt of eating involved - which in a sense causes weight to be gained. (re-gained). I'm probably really butchering his words....not great at composing.  I can't highlight because I have to return the book to Laura.

- Women who wish to successfully maintain their weight must ask themselves one question when they set out to slim down:  What is the real reason that is driving me to constrain and modify my body?
- What is that sacrifice?  If you think that diet-related deprivations are nothing but a succession of frustrations, don't go on a diet because you'll fail.  If you consider them a necessary treatment, go on a diet.  And if this approach is a challenge you want to take up, you're ready to embark on a fabulous adventure that will lead to a terra incognita or almost: your true self.
- Like a lone sailor, you'll have to go it alone.  You must face up to the doubts, and resist the temptation to give up and seek refuge in your comforting eating habits.
- This is the big question dieters asked themselves:  Do I want to accept myself as I am or fight it?  when you put an end to the vicious cycle, you re-establish a dialogue with yourself.  Diets fail because they go against what we are.  You must be able to forgive yourself in order to lose weight.
- Fear is the opposite of love.  It immobilizes you and confines you to the role of a victim.  it makes you bear the weight of your existence and body.  It's sometimes easier to sustain guilt through complacency, even if it causes pain.
-Because weight loss isn't only a matter of willpower.
- Genuine satisfaction lies in the rareness of temptation and the delight in yielding to it from time to time. ...... The same applies to the rules of dieting.  You can have a great family meal or dine out at a restaurant once in a while.  ..... They shouldn't be eaten every day.   Treat yourself by enjoying a good meal; you won't gain any weight.  (this also leads into the chapter about having compassion for self and not guilt with eating)
- When you're overweight, you don't like what you see in the mirror.  You reject your body, which has become unrecognizable or was never accepted.  After dieting for a few weeks and dropping about ten pounds, a patient can STAND HERSELF, buoyed by the initial signs of success.  Then, she eventually accepts herself by making the most of her new-found body.  That usually marks the end of her diet.  But how long will she be able to keep the pounds off?  Acceptance is insufficient because it does not answer the real unformulated need - 'I don't feel good about myself.'    ....... In order for weight loss to be legitimate, it must be accompanied by self-compassion.
- Weight gain and difficulties slimming down go hand in hand with the disappearance of self.  (like this statement)

And that's where I'm at with the reading of the book.

I also ordered Janeva's IP recipe book.  It's the golden book of IP recipes - everyone on facebook who has it; loves it.  Best recipes in it.

I'm off to continue reading...looks like rain (yes).

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tuesday Insights?

If would have been a Tuesday that we would have gone to Dr Poon.  But instead I pushed my appointment originally to Tuesday May 23, and then to Tuesday May 16th.  I didn't want to be too long til I saw Dr B.  I think though Dr B would be pleased with my weight loss.  Maybe even question why all of a sudden I'm getting weight loss.  

I look forward to this Friday's weight loss appointment with Laura.  I think I will have done well.  I do weigh myself, so I know where I am.  On her scale I'm 2 pounds heavier, so I like mine better!

I am doing well with the Ideal Protein plan.  I find the foods acceptable, and I can make a lot of different things.  I also read daily the facebook pages on IP.  I notice that a lot of people ask about cheating, or eating a meal out etc.  Then others write about how they were doing well, but quit and now have gained.  A few write about wanting their foods back.

I relate to all of that.  But what I have learnt reading all this, especially on IP - DO NOT CHEAT!  Dr Poon's I could do that once in a while cheating.  It appears on IP cheating will just cause way too much problems.  Just stay on it and go thru.  Suck it up if I'm hungry - drink more water, and at worse, have another package if that bad - just don't cheat.  Carefully follow the plan to go off onto maintenance.  Do Phases 2 and 3 and 4 properly.  In the end, yes I can have cheat days, but the next day, I will need to go back onto Phase 1 for a day at least.  And will live doing low carb as it will be easier overall to maintain.  As it stands, I'm good with this plan.  

We went to Pickering yesterday.  I looked so forward to enjoying the day with AJ and shopping around.  I planned out my lunch, Jax went to daycare.  By the end, coming home, I was so stressed and upset.  Even today I'm still feeling the affects.  The drive down overall was fine, we took the back routes.  But at the stores, people were pushy, the washrooms (and I'm using a lot of them!!!!) were filthy - especially Walmart, ordering a meat patty was difficult to get (McDonald's doesn't get it)  Had wanted a grilled chicken breast, but we were at a McD in Walmart, so they only had a bit of food.  A lot of drivers all over the place.  It was just too much for me.  Ended up going to bed at 830pm.  I even had my snack with my dinner because I wanted something.  At least at 730pm when AJ got his evening fruit snack I finally was ok not to have anything.  I was a bit concerned I might want to eat something, but I was ok with not having something.  Sleeping helped.  Today I went out and got a few things we couldn't get yesterday.  By lunchtime I was wiped.  Got home, had lunch, and needed to take a nap.  Doing much better now.

AJ decided to get me an air fryer for my birthday in June, Walmart in Pickering didn't have it, so I got it today.  And I got an Jicama.  Going to slice it up for fries, hopefully for tomorrow's dinner.  Really liking having that 1/2 cup of chayote with dinner as my dessert - thus allowing me a package for my snack in the evening.  Now I will mix the chayote - have that one night, and jicama the next night (as raw not fries).  Can always have zucchini with caramel sauce as dessert too.  Yum.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Sunday Evening

Going well.  Though at the Market (flea market) it was a bit frustrating to see the foods.  Not that it truly mattered in the end as I knew what my choice was - I want to lose the weight, and I'm good with being on IP/Poon.  Just need to plan meals.

B - Chocolate Drink Mix with raw spinach (actually good!), Coffee with WF Caramel Creamer
L - that was getting late, had lunch at 2pm, - Lettuce, bit of ground beef, zucchini, peppers, WF dressing and caramel syrup (on zucchini), tea, lemon and stevia
D - Chili, ground beef, 2 cups vegs, tea, lemon/stevia
S - pudding
Lots of water!

All that is filling.  Struggle is mostly on the munchy / emotional / tasty - mouth want.

Tomorrow we are going to Toronto, which will be an all day thing.  So I've planned it out.

B - coffee with 1/2 pudding
S 1 - 1/4 vanilla crispy, 1/4 muffin
L - salad, WF dressing, chicken a la king (going to make it, heat it, put in a thermal cup) 2 cups veg, possible tea or coffee with WF caramel creamer
D - pork leftover and veg
S - chocolate bar

Only the salad (lettuce) will need to be bought.  AJ will be having lunch, so I can order the lettuce.

Have been wondering about an Air Fryer.  Either an air fryer or the one with the tablespoon oil only.  Don't know which is better.  AJ said he'd buy it for my birthday (next month).  Still looking into it.

Feel good about my weight.  Can't weight (ha ha) to weigh in this week.  I also will see Dr B in two weeks.


Friday, May 5, 2017

First Week... Part 2

Today was weigh in.  The results are - down 7 pounds, and 2 1/2 inches.  I am sooooo close to getting under 200 lbs.  Hopefully next week.  Now comes the interesting part as I am into the second week, which with most changes doesn't give that much of a weight loss, usually.  As long as I'm going down better then the piddly 1-2 lbs I was doing every TWO weeks with Poon, I'll be thrilled.  If my body just can't do more, then - well it's still a blessing going down in weight.

Laura asked how I did - great.  How did I like the food - was fine.  Headaches? - yes but managed.  Fatigue - well, that I have either way.  Able to manage the foods and follow - oh yes!  She was surprised on how well I was adapting to the foods.  I explained I just follow other recipes I found, and made them tasty.  She explained that she had people that were struggling on the program as they didn't like the foods.  I said, just go on Facebook group and do the recipes - they aren't bad.  She said they just didn't do that.

Considering how boring the food could be, I'd agree if I was just eating it the way it is, I'd struggle and probably quit.  Though I am really intent on doing this weight loss and getting down in size permanently.  I know that I will continue living this way after I get to the weight I want - so I might as well figure out a way to like it, enjoy the foods, and accept this choice I made.

Today I had 1/2 a pancake pkg made into muffins, and 1/2 vanilla pudding with extra water - added that to my coffee.  Surprisingly I am adjusting to this small amount of food and good with it.  Tomorrow's planned Breakfast - is 1 egg with egg white and raw spinach, chocolate pudding made into hot chocolate.  I have the 1 egg/white as I have only 4oz of chicken (already cooked and measured out) for dinner. Thus allowing me the egg for breakfast..... and skipping meat at lunch.
Lunch will be... haven't decided.  Dinner will have that chicken bit and veg.  I haven't decided when I will have my 2nd pkg.  3rd pkg will be evening snack.

Lunch today was a goofed up pudding pkg that I was wanting to make as a mug muffin - needs pancake not pudding - I ate it, but not satisfying/tasted weird. Even though I had 1 cup of cauliflower soup (goof there too as it should have been 2 cups) I was craving hungry - I had a IP pkg of wafers.  I know that's not exactly allowed, but also allowed if having problems.  I knew this would be a problem.

Dinner was 2 cups cabbage, 8oz chicken, and 1/2 cup of chayote apple.  I just realized I'm missing 1/2 cup veg.  Not really hungry for more veg. I'm finding my carbs are low enough that mega hunger is disappearing.  I realize that's weird after above lunch statement - that hungry issue was more....I'm not sure how to explain it, there needs to be a sense of satisfaction / or contentment with eating.

Snack is Sweet Chili Nachos.

I hope you followed all of that - it was confusing writing it.  Sorry about that. Will do better next time.  Now it's time for water.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

It's Going!

It's only been a few days, but I feel SO much better overall.  Friday (today's Wednesday) is IP weigh in day.  I'm optimistic.   I called and changed my Poon weigh in from Tuesday next week, to two weeks later on Tuesday.  Basically because I don't really have much reason to weigh in there.  I had kept the appointment because I wanted to get a few Waldern Farm's products.  Problem is, it would easier if I had them now as what I do have is low/limited.  I thought of driving down to get the stuff but it would take most of the day.  AJ said and then you'd probably get a few more things too.  Possible, but doubtful.

Instead what I decided was to order from Low Carb Grocery store.  I go there sometimes, and they had a bigger selection.  Also, they were .10....hey do you know that there's no longer a cent sign on the keyboard!  Since this is the first time I've looked for it in, say 25 years, I guess that's why.  Anyway, 10 cents less is helpful.  ONS was more money.  I had to order $100. to get free shipping and will get it tomorrow.  I would have bought close to $100 even if I went down there to get it.

With all that, going to Poon wasn't a good idea.  Not that I'm ready to give up on Poon weigh in.  I'd like to finish (get to my goal) with weighing in with them because ... I'd like to finish and get to my goal with them instead of just stopping.

I spoke with AJ this morning and said I know it's only been a few days, but I feel like my stomach is slimmer on IP then it has been on Poon.  It even feels slimmer.

Today I had:
B - coffee and IP pancake (made into a muffin).  Went to the local coffee shop to eat breakfast.  AJ had egg muffin, date square and coffee.  I felt comfortable and full with my 'muffin'.
L - lettuce/cucumber, oil/vinegar, zucchini and mushrooms (1 1/2 cups).  IP wafer, tea with lemon and stevia
D - ground meat (will have to change this plan - all the meat at one sitting is too much, will go back to having some at lunch and some at dinner), mushroom, spinach (raw), cauliflower 2 cups, tea l/s, and 1/2 IP pudding/jello mix
S - because this is to be an IP package, this all leaves, for a snack - 1/2 chayote baked apples (my other 1/2 of veg from lunch), and 1/2 pudding/jello mix (other 1/2 was eaten at dinner)

And lots of water..... I have my water better planned out.  I have 24 oz first thing in the morning 12 oz and then 12 oz.  Bit later more water, then more for lunch etc.  I aim to get all the water in before 8pm so that I don't have to spend the night in the bathroom!  I get more sleep in this way.

Still a bit of a headache, but over all I'm happiest I have been in weeks.  😺

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

I'm Feeling It

I've been successful the last few days at getting my water in!  Around 80-100 oz. And I've decided to move the TV, my computer and bed into the bathroom.....

So far, I've been doing well with IP and the foods.  I find the foods tolerable and not bad tasting overall.  I also add stuff to it.  I went yesterday to get a few more things - like Leek Soup which I had 1/2 yesterday, and other 1/2 today.  Along with 1/2 pancake mixed as a mini loaf each day to equal 1 package.  In the soup I added some of my evening meat, and some of my veg.  Rest of veg just ate them as is.  

What I notice too is that I do think, oh, I'd like something else... especially at breakfast, but I realize, nope had my package - just have my coffee.  I've switched from having almond milk in my coffee to Waldern's Caramel Creamer and stevia.  I do add a bit of my extra egg white to any pancake packages to make them more fluffier (?).  As I drink my coffee I find I am full on just that one pancake mix and coffee.  Today I did my pancake as a Mug Cake.  Adding a bit of egg, and a bit of Waldern's chocolate creamer, and baking powdered.  Was much more filling then having it as a pancake.  

I do get to lunch not terribly starving - just hungry.  Suddenly I find lunch a lot when I look at it.  2 cups veg, a package, a bit of meat.  Especially mixing things. Yesterday I also made some chayotes into 'baked apples'.  Put them into 1/2 cups equals 1/2 cup veg.  And makes it as a dessert!  So does adding a bit of Waldern's Caramel to cucumbers...

Evenings are still a little munchy.  Last night had a dill pickle and a bit of cucumber.  Though I am managing much better then with Poon's plan.  I think because on Poon's I can eat, whereas on IP I basically can't.  Yes, if it's horribly bad I could have another package, or the pickle, or lettuce etc.  But the idea is not to have anything but water.  Speaking of which..... I'll be right back.

Have a bit of a headache.  Apparently that's me going into ketosis.  Should get those 'stix' out and see next time.  Then again could be the weather.  It's pouring rain and damp last few days.

Overall I'm pretty happy and calm.  Sleeping better.  Wake early, and up most of the day, I get fatigued off and on thru out the day.  I am able to focus on what foods to have, and able to make them.  The packages are quick to make.  I skipped exercising, and will skip it (other then walk Jax) this week, just to let myself adjust.  Josh ended up coming to the house and just working with AJ instead of both of us.  Told him about IP, he knew about it.

So far, so good!