Sunday, October 29, 2017


The B seems to be hiding today! ha ha ha.

Yesterday we went to see my mom.  Was a long drive - 3 hours, there and then 3 hours back.  We also went to the store, was hoping to find a shower brush that is puffy on the end. No luck.  Guess we will continue with just the one we have.

Being at my mom's was ok.  Sis was there.  Life not great for her / her family.  Long history and not surprising as what's happening with the boys.  They are 15 and 16 - they are GOOD boys, but her hubby yells, then so does my sis.  In the end of it all, and 15/16 yrs later - the boys want to leave, my sister is upset.  My mom says the boys can live with her.  My cousin says in emergency the boys can live with her.... and I said we talked, and the boys can live with us.  Currently the boys continue to live at home and my sis / hubby are in therapy.  Oldest has concussion from soccer too.  Will be interested to see what happens over the years.

The B was out a bit when I had to go into the stores - there were so many people all over and frustrating trying to get out of the mall parking lot.  I am a small town gal.  It's so much more easier to deal with the crazy drivers etc.  And the glasses..... they were ok on the highway as long as I didn't look at my speed or radio stations.  Then when the sun came out - rain most of the way there and back - I had to change them to my sunglasses as they didn't change dark enough.  Really weren't that great overall.  So disappointed.  

This morning, had to walk Jax, and I asked AJ if he wanted to come with me.  Scooter is working, so he said yes.  We walked for 2 hours.  Jax was thrilled.  All the new smells.  We walked and got coffee, then walked to Canadian Tire and got a pump for the scooter tires, and the wrong windshield wipers for the car.  Have to bring those back and get the right size tomorrow.  Was chilly but nice out.

Got rid of the wooden steps from the garage.  Posted them for free, someone came and got them.  Posted the door for $20. they are to come this afternoon.  Closet doors $15 each - someone for those too...but haven't heard back from her yet.  

Had to turn on the heat today.  It's too cool in the house.  Still feels cool in the house.  Time for lunch.  Yesterday on the way home we picked up a Wendy's chicken salad each, but by the time we got home, too tired to eat it so we just had some fruit and a granola bar.  Guess what lunch is!  🐤🍀😉 

Friday, October 27, 2017

With a Capital B

Oh, I'm BIT*CHY today.  Sigh.  I don't mean to be, and I tend to be it towards AJ who is just being kind and helpful.  I've been taking a lot of Prednisone the last few days so I'm very on edge.  Moon faced, hungry and wired. Hungry tends to bring it out the worse.  I just had to take something to ease up some of the pain in my body.  My hands still hurt a bit, but not as bad as the last post time.  Wonder what's worse....

I ended up calming down by cutting the grass, even though it was cool out, it needed cutting.  And then walking Jax for longer then I have ever walked him here.  He's sleeping now - I think he was confused and thrilled with the walk.  All the new smells!

I got new glasses for distance.  It's not like I can't see, but I just strain a bit.  I can still read signs etc.  I put on these new glasses and almost threw up by the motion of looking.  Yes they are great to make distance clearer but anything else is nauseating.  Doc came in and basically talked down to me about how I needed them, how they would take time (yes, I can understand that, but I have never had my reading glasses make me want to chuck...), how I just had to use them etc.  He came across as I had to have them to live.  I got the feeling that he was just pushing glasses because that's where he made money.  I wonder if I really need them.  

If I use them when I drive they will make things clear, but the problem is that as I DRIVE, things will get closer.  And looking down at my speed, makes the speed numbers jumpy.  They aren't bi bifocals - maybe they should have been?  But I have never had glasses for distance.  My old eye doc said I was fine last year, so I go back to why exactly do I need them now?  Yes, things are strain-y-er, but I can still see.  His talking down to me and pushing the glasses really upset me.  And I know I'm super-sensitive at the moment but still.  AJ says we will look for someone new next year then.  I don't see me using these glasses that much.  I will continue to try them and see how driving works, but on the general day to day I doubt it.

I will start with the Metho injections on Wednesday after the blood work.  Not crazy about needles.  Ugh.

I'm sore and achy.  But the pain isn't bad.  At least I'm able to ease up the the eating because of it.  Just need to make sure I do eat so I don't get into the hungry B.  

Went and saw Anne Marie for a healing treatment yesterday.  Was good and able to sleep better.  I also am trying to do as she suggested - drink more water (what's new about that!), don't watch TV an hour before bed, read and relax an hour before bed.  I've been working on my art room.  It's 99% done.  Hung up my art last night.  I like the room.  Just have a few things on the table that have to go else where - after those rooms are painted.

Dinner tonight will be simple.  Probably soup and bread.  (low carb bread).  and Water.....

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


I had my telehealth appoint with my RA today.  I told her I was in so much pain that I was willing to take even Humiria or Enbrel.  She laughed and said you must be in pain. YEAH.

In the end, I am back on Methotrexate, but needles so that it bypasses the stomach hence no nausea.  I hope it will bypass the fatigue too.  I don't look forward to needles, but I'm willing.  My hands hurt so much that I'm nausea'ed with it.  

Both hubby and I continue on our low carb, though today our new friends here brought us treats..... ha ha ha.  We just bump along, and continue on afterwards.  My hands hurt.... I'm sure if I was super strict with my foods etc that I might not have as much pain.  I just know I'm not living that way anymore.  I am super obsessed for so long, then something happens - like moving - and I lose it.  After 54 years, this is telling me something about myself.  I just don't live well like that.  I'm hard on myself when I'm so controlling.  I just don't want to be like that on myself anymore.  

I'm going to adjust my blurb to remove the weight loss intent.  Not to say it's not part of my life, just going to focus more on journaling my life with weight loss involved as apposed (is that the right spelling/word?) to weight loss in my life.

Tomorrow I'm going to walk with my new friend Maureen in the mall.  Diabetic clinic has a walk time and she goes, I asked if I could go with her, and she said yes.  She's picking me up at 950am and we will walk for 1/2 hour.  I have my healing appointment in the afternoon, looking forward to that.

Ok, my hands are really beginning to hurt even more, I need to stop.  More later.  


Saturday, October 21, 2017


We've moved on from Rob painting the house to getting a new person - Dawn to paint it. She's going to start Monday.  That doesn't mean we don't need Rob.  We need him to continue doing the steps in the garage, then outside in the back (as he won't be painting) and to paint my pink bathroom as there needs construction work done in there too.

I will be go glad to get the painting done and get the house more in order.

We have AJ's friends coming over tomorrow - even though it's a bit of a mess.  Bruce will put together the sauna for me.

My RA in my hands have been VERY painful these last few days.  I could cry.  I took some Advil last night, but it didn't help that much.  I feel very swollen too.  I'm not sure what to do - especially since I have a tela health with my RA this week in which, if I push how much pain I have, she will want me on meds.  Methotrexate or Humris.  I really don't want needles.  Metho caused weight gain, but then again most of it does cause me weight gain.  I hate weight gain.

I found a better physic to talk with this week.  She said a few very surprising information.  Biggest was we have another move coming - in 8 years.  8 years, is ok.  I kinda knew this house wasn't going to be the last home.  Biggest thing is, we will get interest and more money in years to come because the place will grow and increase in value.

A few things with me and my weight is that I'm off balance at the moment, so is AJ which I am picking up on too.  Reason for the unable to sleep too.  She suggested I get into something - like art !!! (Same thing Ron said to me) and that AJ needs to get out and doing things too (like the volunteering).  Hence my push for my art room to get done.  I will look into the art classes around here too.  I went outside and did a bit too, as that is good for me.

Thinking back, when I was losing weight, I was much more balanced, and going to art group.  

She also mentioned that as a light worker / one who is more sensitive to others' emotions, and picking them up, I tend to be more heavier to deal with the energies.  Augh.  Knew that story too, not surprising.  It's the balance, healing, mediating, art that will be a big help with my weight and eating.

Not to say that I'm not continuing.  This week my weight didn't move.  I think the pain and swelling isn't helping.

I'm going to go back to see Anne for a healing treatment.  Maybe it will help with my RA pain.


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Now What Was It?

Okkkaaaay......  I know I had something to say the other day, but now I have forgotten all what I was thinking.

We went to Sarnia today to check it out.  Was nice.  Beautiful day and we sat a bit by the bridge to USA. (or is that Trumpland?)

Jax is loving being back in daycare.  I found a place for him able to play with other dogs - granted it's only 2 20 min playtime with other dogs, and the rest of the day in a pen which is open fencing to the other dogs.  It's the closest I could get for him to have dog play that I felt was safe.  He has been there twice now - Monday and today - they said he's a delightful little dog - well adjusted, friendly, plays well and is happy, no anxiety or aggressiveness. They like him already.  That makes me so happy to hear.  Jax is a delightful puppy.  I'm glad that he now has his bouncy step back.  He was kinda down before, I knew he was bored.

I went to talk with this medium I found around here, he was ok, mentioned about putting a piece of tape over the numbers on the scale with a number that I want to believe to be.  I think I will try that.  At first I was going to put 180.5 lbs, now I have decided 179.5 - hence I .5 of a pound under my goal which will be great!  Even though I'm doing low carb again, I'm not exact on it, and today I wasn't on it.  Sunday I want to start the Smart Life cookies, AJ said he would do it with me.  I want to sit down and write down my goal of what to eat when.

I'm going to look into a healing place I noticed around here this week - get some reiki / therapeutic touch healing.  I just feel i want something at the moment.  The medium didn't really say much that was overly helpful like Jacqui or Marly has done.

I wish I could remember what I wanted to write about.

Rob is to come tomorrow and work on the steps for AJ in the garage.  He looks forward to having the steps done so it is easier for him to get out.  We talked (per medium suggestion) about AJ volunteering at the hospital - which interests AJ and he will look into it.  AJ is getting bored being in the house not doing much.  I can see he's bored.  It will be good for him to get out and have a purpose.  

I will be so glad when Rob gets the steps done, and then gets going with the painting!! I can then start putting up the pictures etc.

Guess that's it for the moment.  My weight hasn't moved much - bit up/bit back down at the moment.


Sunday, October 15, 2017

A Little Sunday Thought

Actually, no thoughts..... but it is Sunday!

Jax is pooping blood this weekend.  Instead of checking out the new day care I found and had him booked for on Monday, I'm going to have to check out the new vet.  Overall he's ok this weekend, more today clingy to me.  He's sleeping a bit more too, and not wanting breakfast.  Treats of course he will eat.  I think he has a bug moreso then a cut inside.  Either way - he has to go to the vet.

We get to go to the new doctor (?) on Tues Oct 24th.  We have a meet and greet with the nurse practitioner so I'm not 100% sure we have a family doctor.

I got the front door painted, mostly.  It's orangy-red.  This house is very clearly an orangy-red type of house.  I love purple, but nothing in here wants to be purple.  Even the pillows have to go as the green and purple just don't belong.  I'm ok with orangy-red.  I just find it funny on how clearly the house wants that colour.

I tried the Smart for Life cookies from Costco.  They aren't bad - pretty good actually.  I'm waiting for the other package to arrive and then I might follow that a bit more for a week to see how I like it.  I'm still on track and low carbing.  Cooking a roast today.

Got a few things organized in the house - shoes and towels.  I should continue with the laundry and get my orange room closet a bit cleaner - so I'm off.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Moving Along Today

I didn't realize I've been so busy - the days just move on.  

Nothing really to report either.  Mostly working on putting the house in order.  Rob comes to work, but not to paint.  Hopefully next week when he shows he will get the steps done in the garage so that AJ can get out easier.  Then he will start the painting.  There are a bunch of little things that still need to be done, but they now can wait.  The major things are done. 

We do need to get new toilets as I just can't push down on the buttons - they are too hard on my hands.  I am aching more lately.

Food wise - I've found a few sites that send in Canada IP like foods.  At a less price.  Great.  I am still doing the low carb/IP idea.  Looking more and more into IP alternatives.

Still on track slowly. 

I also ordered from Costco some of their Smart of Life products.  They will be here soon, and will try them.

B- shake, coffee, IP 1/2 loaf with jam and cottage cheese\
S - bar
L - chicken, broccoli salad, bun, tea
D - ground turkey, cauliflower, butter, WF cranberry (delish mix), bit of crushed pineapple and crispy square (IP), tea
S - ? haven't decided yet - probably some nacho chips or Slim Fast chips

That's about it for the moment.  


Monday, October 9, 2017

Remember P2

Posted last night, but forgot a bit.

On Friday evening I sat in the dining room, table, for about 1/2 hour and thought - why was I so depressed, so down.  I thought about calling Jacqui or Marly or a therapist (would have to find here) or someone because I couldn't understand it.  I just felt awful in my lovely home.  I realized how often I had been seeing Marly and Jacqui those last few months before we moved here.  I thought it had to do with the moving issues.  Which I think was some of it, but more was about the foods and eating.

I thought I can't start that again.  That's when I started realizing the down wasn't good for me even if I could lose weight on it.  It's too $$$$ overall.  This is where I started thinking about IP and Poon etc.  I thought how the new IP consult said I'd be angry, hungry etc.  I wasn't angry at all this week, more depressed.  It continued all week.  Would it have stopped?  I'm not sure - it didn't those last few weeks before I stopped.

Maybe it's the control of the foods and measuring etc.  I know last few days I'm so much better emotionally.  I am able to enjoy our home and yard.  I am able to dig in a few plants, putz in the yard.  Able to do things in the house.  Able to be happy with my hubby.  Able to make meals instead of getting AJ to do them because I'm too fatigued.

I still believe in low carb is best for me.  So as I continue.......

Sunday, October 8, 2017


It's been a year since i started this blog.  Numerous changes, and some not as planned. 

Made me realize a few things.  Other then I'm not at the weight I dreamed of being.  I realized that on Poon, I was slowly losing weight which I wasn't happy about.  On IP I was losing weight quicker but I wasn't happy either.  I was more depressed on IP and at the end where I was getting closer to my dream of 150 lbs, I wasn't happy, just going thru the motions and aiming to get to where I thought I wanted to be weight wise.  I realized starting again I didn't overly care, but just wanted to get down on the weight.

I also realized I started struggling from 180 lbs down.   

No, I haven't stopped my weight loss goal.  What I have after talking with AJ, decided was I am going back to 180 lbs.  I realized with the moving and eating that I had started eating like there was no tomorrow because I knew I had to still lose 30 lbs more (180 to 150 lbs) so what was the difference if I had a few more to lose on top of that again.  So I didn't pay attention to what I ate, and just ate.  I wonder if I had been settled at 180 lbs, and knew this is where I wanted to be, without more weight loss, if I would have just lived eating with that goal in mind.

And secretly I knew I would enjoy having to lose weight again - it's my hobby.  Insight gained from Marly.  

I saw too that when I was on IP I was really fatigued and quietly down all the time.  All the time.  This past week I was unable to do a lot of things - even just walking Jax was exhausting.  At first I thought I was still struggling from the burn out of cleaning the yard.  Then I started remembering what I felt a few months ago.  Again, talking with AJ I saw I needed to refocus on what I wanted and how I was doing it.

Yes, I am still doing IP.  I'm adding in Poon bits, and I'm going to aim for just 180 lbs slower. I really like the IP foods, even though it's more expensive.  There are a few Canadian places that I can order semi-IP foods like Purely Simple Choices.  I might try them.  The goal is low carb and weight loss.  Since I started adding in a bit of Poon / low carb foods in, I am more up and happier, able to do things.  This weekend I was able to finish cleaning my mediation room, hung pictures in there, did laundry, walked Jax, cleaned off the dining room table and put most of my sauna together (not the top, a friend will do that).  I felt I accomplished things.  

I also was able to make a recipe - zucchini apple crisp (IP).  It was delicious!  Have some left for tomorrow, and I shared it with AJ.  He liked it too.  Definitely going make that again! Found a few recipes from that company, so going to try them too.

My goal continues.  I will aim for a stable weight loss that is better lasting for me.  Unfortunately it will be slower.  But the amount is less too.  That's a blessing.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

How Many

Wondering if I'm still doing IP?  Or if I've fallen and gave up.  Especially since my last post had me not overly caring.   Well, yes, I'm still not overly caring, but I am on IP still.  I haven't eaten anything that is not IP.  Though I have eaten more IP packages then 3.  Yesterday was munchy hard, ended up having 6 packages.  But I am not going to give up or am I going to eat something else.  I figure it is way better to eat a package then to eat a box of something else.  It's the first week back, and it's a change, a hungry struggle.  That's one thing that I seemed to have that often with being on IP the last time too.  Often very, very hungry.  Not doing that again.  Going to do my best, but will not be crazy hungry.

Having said that, I spent this afternoon baking.  I baked numerous things - muffins, loafs.  Used I think about 12 packages.  Some were double package recipes (pancake and mug cake) and a few were single.  I decided to split even the double packages into smaller wrap ups so that I could have say 2 muffins, and later 1/2 a loaf.  I find at around 4pm I am very hungry, so this way I can keep a bit for then, and not be nuts with dinner.  Worked better today that way.

I also continue to use a shake in the morning with spinach.  

That being said, and keeping in mind I've had more packages, I am down 3 pounds this morning. 

My friend is coming to visit on Oct 10th.  Instead of making anything we are going to Swiss Chalet.  I can have that chicken (with lots of water....which I need to work on too) and some salad.  She's on the Kay Sheppard plan, so this makes it easier all around.  AJ eats whatever is put in front of him! ha ha ha.

Fatigued still, so I watch what I am doing.  Baking and laundry today.  Speaking of which - I need to go change over the towels.  


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Today's Rambling

Yesterdays start was fine.  Nothing exciting.  A bit more hungry and having to deal with oh yeah not eating that.  Did, and this week will, have a few more IP foods to get the week started/going.  

Funny, I'm not overly worried about the foods or the weight at the moment.  My goal this week is to stay on IP and stay with the foods that I am to eat.  More so then keeping to only 3 IP meals.  If I have 4 or 5 this week, so be it.  Next week I will cut it as I get more use to being back on IP.  I know that's not exactly following IP as they want to have you start 3 asap.  I do remember Laura saying 4 off and on would be ok the first week.

I did end up going to see the new IP ...consult?  don't know what to call her.  C was ok.  Not overly personable.  Laura was more friendly.  C said come back in 2 weeks if I want as it's a bit of a drive for me.  That is ok, but I don't know if I would have wanted to wait 2 weeks at the start, I was willing to go every week for a few weeks.  I didn't know if I wanted to go in the first place, or just do it on my own.  At the last minute I decided to go and weigh in with C for a few weeks just to get the foods needed.  I think after a few weeks of doing 2 week weigh ins, I will do monthly and just order foods as needed.

What keeps running thru my head is how interested I am to do thing again.  To lose weight again.  It goes back to an insight I had with Marly about how losing weight is all I know how to do in life, and have been doing it all my life.  So I'm back at it again.  It seems different this time, knowing that.  

Currently I'm not so hyper about my weight either.  I have weighed in this morning and I'm down 1 pound from yesterday.  That's good, but doesn't excite me as before, just pleased.


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Happy October

No I haven't completely disappeared.  Just in the yard A LOT.  Of all the unpacking I need to do, what do I decide to do?  Clean the yard,,,,,and clean the gardens......and cut the trees/bushes.... and rake it up.  It looked like no one cleaned the yard for 3 years.  Apparently the neigbhours agree with me.  There was so much that had to be cut and trimmed.  Everything was overgrown.  AJ took photos of my work - which I have to get him to send me and I will post later.

I have been unpacking too.  Just have about 20 boxes to go.  I wonder WHERE I h ad all this stuff in the old house!  And where I'm going to put it in the new house.  We decided, even though we were going to wait until next year, to paint the place now.  We have a guy that is doing a lot of work around for us and he will do the painting.  In between all the little fix it stuff needed.  

We called Davey Trees to come and take down 2 willow trees.  One is leaning on the neighbour's fence (he asked us to remove the tree, and was willing to take it down, but we decided to get a professional as it's already 40 feet high, and close to the houses) the other is on the other fence and again is big.  Davey Trees came and took all the brush/yard waste I did too.

The house is lovely.  We are enjoying being here, especially as we hear what is going on in the community we use to live in.  AJ is doing well with the stairs at the moment.  One day we will need to put in the lifts for him though.  

I'm burnt out now.  At least the yard is finished.  I don't feel well, and I'm very exhausted, fatigued, anxious and spacey.  I was stung by a yellow jacket on my left hand - very painful. Was very confused and fatigued after that.  Took Benadryl asap and advil that night.  Hand was better the next day, but even now it\s still a bit sore (a week since it happened).

I did want to paint one room but now I will need to tell Rob to paint that one too.  I ended up with the 2 spare rooms upstairs as mine.  One is my mediation room the other is my art room.  Main floor is the living, dining and kitchen.  One downstairs is the family room and the shower bath room - which was to be AJ's but he can't get into the shower because there's nothing for him to hold and balance with.  So he gets the soaker tub bathroom upstairs.  Even though I can use the tub.  Since the shower one is in black/grey stone I am painting it wispy pink.  And the upper is light grey.  Family room is olive and light olive, master bedroom is olive on one wall and mushroomy beige.  Beige is the colour of the main floor and hall way upstairs.  My art room is yellow, and my med room - the only one not being painted is bright orange!  I know, but I love it.

I have all my IP foods lined up in the basement (there is one more floor under the family room).  I had to be a few shelves to put everything downstairs.  Food (as there's not that much room in the kitchen), a new freezer (big!), all the cleaning products - can finally see what I have.  And all the other odds n ends.  We also have a garage for the car and AJ's scooters.  A shed - which we need to buy a new one in the back for the garden stuff. Mom got us a battery lawnmower (which is what we were looking at, she said she'd buy it).

Re IP:  I have everything ready to go for tomorrow.  Monday October 2, 2017.  I know I have gone back up to 205.6 lbs this morning.  I was going crazy with the foods the last few weeks as I knew I was going to start - not the way to do it.  I also knew I didn't care about my weight so I didn't try.  

That's not to say, I don't care completely.  I do.  I just couldn't deal with it and the stress / problems that happened with the moving etc.  I also pushed hard with the yard work because I knew I couldn't do it on IP, and I also knew I needed to get it done - it was a need in me to have the yard done instead of waiting until the spring.  I feel I can look out and breath.  Put up the bird feeder today too.

This week will be back to IP, resting, light house unpacking, gentle cleaning, looking for a daycare for Jax and telling Rob what need to be done.  And I will post more.  Ta