Sunday, February 17, 2019

Peaceful Sunday

I was wondering if I should really blog anything today.  It's quiet.  Very quiet.  Took Jax for a walk, then after breakfast to the dog park - he got to play a bit in the big park, there were just a few dogs that appeared quiet, so it worked out.  Cold out, but sunny.  Snow suppose to come thru tonight and tomorrow.  Ugh.

Watched a lot of TV today.  Mostly paranormal shows.  Should have made some cookies, but didn't.  Back to making AIP meals etc.  Spent the last few days munching junk and so ready to eat AIP again.  Reminds me, I have to go to the basement freezer and get some dinner meat out for tomorrow.  Not sure what to make just yet.

Slept funny and left shoulder hurts.  Had weird dreams this morning too.  First I felt very dizzy, and tunnelly looking.  Thought oh, I'm finally relaxing (had gone to the chair to sleep at 4am), then thought, oh no - no coma!, Am I getting ill/stroking?  No.  Was tunnelly dark looking and weird feeling.  Then I saw 'things' at the door, trying to get to me, I started calling on St Michael, God and Jesus.  I said NO.  I want light.  Then 'they' disappeared.  I then looked out the window and saw our neighbour John in our backyard, he was walking and planning on climbing the fence back to his house.  Don't remember anything after that.

I was concerned about the stroke because that shoulder pain was paining up into my left side of my head too.  It's still in my neck a bit and a lot in my shoulder.  AJ has been massaging it.  

Haven't seen any blood from Princess in the last few days.  Hope she's better now.  Twins...  AJ said he always thought cats were soft on their feet.  But with the Twins it's like dinos thumping and rambling around when they play.  I love them all.  Star is much better and lets me pet his head.  He sometimes sleeps on the bed with me, AJ, Jax, Milo, and occasionally Princess.  It's a very crowded bed!

Goal tomorrow is to do some art..... hopefully.  I heard on the radio this morning that the Women's Shelter has art classes - in the list of what they do - thought I'd look and see if the art is free/to others or just to the women there in the shelter.  If I can go, I will.  If not, I thought I'd offer to do a class on Chakra Paint Pour.  Hope that works out.  Was thinking of teaching a Chakra Paint Pour a few weeks ago, just not sure where.  Or really why that thought came up.  Maybe this was why, and not at the Healing Circle.  Thought of the Healing Circle, but room wise, and money wise it just doesn't seem to be able to work out.  I'm not willing to pay for 30 people to do the art - all the canvasses, paint, glue etc.  For me to do my own would cost me about $10. for everything needed.

Guess that's it for the moment!

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