Sunday, February 3, 2019


Made some cookies yesterday with Tigernut flour.  They turned out good.  But I think the flour does not like me.  Woke with my hands swollen and in pain.  And of course, tried another one this morning.  


Definitely not for me.  Stomach was sick, and I'm sore.  Does not help that I didn't sleep well last night.  Even tho AJ got a new sleep machine, with a full mask, he wants to try it with his small nose mask, and up the humidity.  He's still breathing thru his mouth and waking me up.  Just as I fall asleep............  RARKKKKKKKKKKKK  - what the ???  Oh.  AJ close your mouth.

So now I'm tired, swollen, nauseated and ready to cry.  And I still have to cook lunch and dinner.

I'm having trouble getting Sunday Art to download the paintings for some reason.  Hopefully it's not because I removed all the Google + stuff.  

I do know you can find my blog as I got AJ to find it.  But I don't know if anyone still is looking at it now.  Oh well.  I'll still write as it's for me - mostly.

Weather is better today.  But just not up for going out.  I'm not up for cooking either.  I'm up for going back to bed!

Star still bothers me.  He's still skittish with me.  I hate that.  I'm not going to hurt him, but I guess he doesn't get that.  I have no idea how I will get him to the vet for his needles.  Even if the vet came here, he wouldn't let anyone touch him.  I have been able to barely scratch his head.  Then he freaks the next time and will not let me touch him.  What the fuck?  Milo is so, so cuddly!!!!  Thank God!  I wish I knew how to help Star.  I do have a fear that come spring/summer he will try to escape outside.  Please don't.  And please don't take Milo with you!  Star is an adorable cat.  He's not a kitten.  He is sweet - I see that.  But there's still that ?????????  'better then you' / I don't need you - attitude.  He probably would be able to feed himself outside.  He's a very good hunter.  When AJ plays with them, Star really attacks the feather stick.  I do not want him to escape!!!  I really want him to be comfortable and happy here with us - INSIDE!  

Makes me think of that dream I had a while ago with the cat.  The one where the woman says the cat would make me sad.  Tho that one was an orange cat.  Guess life will go on, and will have to see what happens, what I can do to help him.

Back to trying to get that painting downloaded.

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