Friday, February 15, 2019

What He Is Told

That insight for today (reposted here)

Has got me thinking.  Mostly because I had to call the Nurse Practitioner back and tell her that I wasn't going to follow her orders about my thyroid.

She wanted me to do the bloodwork asap and I had said no, it needs a few more weeks to let the thyroid hormone work out.

I really wish I just would have gone with the naturopath in the first place.  But me not sure about insurance coverage, and really wanting the medication to stay with my regular grouping of meds, went to the NP to get it.  She wasn't sure, but agreed, then when that TSH came back so low, she freaked.

I kinda made a mess of all this as I had to ask the naturopath if she would still order the thyroid meds for me - she would, and explain why.  Then I had to call the NP and explain since no matter what the bloodwork showed, she wasn't going to give me thyroid hormone, so I am going to a naturopath who understands the medication.  Then I had to explain that yes, I would still get the bloodwork done - at the end of the month, and yes, I was still going to go to the Diabetic Specialist.  I also had to tell her who the pharmacy was that I gave the prescription to.  I'm guessing, hoping, so that she would just call them to not allow them to fill any thyroid hormone prescribed by her.  AJ says there is no way she can tell them not to fill someone else's order on it for me.  

I have difficulty standing up for myself with those in ''authority''.  I don't want to cause myself any pain, which in turn, I end up causing more issues for myself because I try to not cause any issue and pain.  I'm scared to make waves.  I'm scared to not get what I want, and feel like I have to fight or convince someone who has the ability to provide what I need/want.  The more I try not to cause an issue, the more it becomes an issue.  And you'd think, knowing this, that I wouldn't do this!!!  But it still doesn't go well at times even if I try to be straight from the beginning.  Ultimately, I am so super stressed about everything that has to deal with it, and in turn get super wiped out.

Ending up with ulcers/ stressed stomach etc.  STILL have issues with my chest etc.  That I just can't seem to get anyone in ability to deal or look at.  When I see my original NP in March (to follow up with all the bloodwork) I will ask her point blank to send me for a scope.  Which I feel will come back normal.  Hence afraid to ask, and bring AJ along with me.

Princess continues to bleed a bit from her mouth.  Think it might be an ulcer/ something in her throat.  I am beginning to wonder if she is taking on my throat/stomach/stress/chest issue.  Which I would not want her to do.  Will give her until Tuesday to heal some more, and if still bleeding, then I will bring her back for bloodwork.  Hopefully it will not be costly.

I feel so wiped and depressed and down as I wrote the other day.  Feeling stress come with it.  All of it - NP/naturopath, bloodwork/meds, chest pains/what is it, cat/costs, weather/going out, eating/not eating, normal foods/AIP foods, taste/no taste, sugar/stevia........ is stressing me a lot, and I'm starting to cry.  I can not seem to calm down over all this.  OH - and add money/no money into the mix too!  Ended up drinking coffee with stevia, and eating Tim's cookies.

I wonder if one of the two pills (Biothyroid or SPM Active) that the naturopath gave me is causing me to be depressed.  It's the only major change that I can figure in the last two weeks.  Before then I was quite happy and up.... tho also using stevia.  

I wish I had clear answers and directions.

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