Sunday, March 24, 2019

Mountain Paint

Have a painting I did downloaded so I thought I'd post it.

Think it turned out ok.  Especially since it's not a paint pour!

I've been putting my points into the WW app.  We laugh - breakfast currently uses up all my 26 points.  Obliviously that is going to have to change!  Mostly I have trouble finding things in the app, like coconut wraps.  They don't have them listed.  So that means I need to sit down with the numbers in input it all.  When I officially start I will do this.  Or just hope and go for the closest listed! Used 8'' wheat wrap for my coconut one.

Today we are going to go to church.  Took Jax to the park already, some little dogs were there so that was nice.  Beautiful day.


1 comment:

  1. So when do you 'officially' start? Water for lunch and supper?? Wheat wrap? Sounds like something Trigger would like. LOL.
