Saturday, July 22, 2017

Nope, Not Taking It

Finally got that offer from the person who looked at our place on Wednesday. First it was too low in $$, and second it was based on them selling their house. Which in itself, isn't the worse thing in the world - except they have listed their house very, very, very high for the area it's in.  Our agent was surprised at the listing.  Then there was a very long end date.  I don't want to move at the end of October/November.  So, back it went, and we didn't sign it off.

They can sell and then come back.  They might find another house here they like better / less price, but then again, we could find another person to buy too. There was another couple that came on the open house (which finally was listed) they liked the house too except they haven't sold their place either and aren't all that ready to move.  I told our agent that they drove back home, decided to list their house and will be back next week to buy our place!  She laughed but agreed that would be great.

I told AJ tonight that I was so F*N DONE!  My pants are tight, I don't like the feeling, and I'm ready to do this again.  I'm calmer with selling and looking at buying.  I'm just looking because I'm wanting to keep up to date with it.  But I'm done with the foods.  I was at the Bulk Barn today, I was looking to see what I could get, and all of it was uninteresting to me.  I realized I'm just not that interested anymore - the stress level is low/gone, and seriously do I really want the foods more then the weight loss?  I picked up a few things for AJ and Jax, and a couple of things (very few - 4 chocolate caramel squares) and that was it. Again I realized I was done with the foods.  I can see myself going back.

The other night I had a dream and in the dream I was swearing all over the place that I wanted to go back into the white energy stream I saw.  There was another energy stream, but I wasn't interested in it anymore, and I was swearing that I wanted that 'one'.  I woke realizing / sensing it had to do with the foods and weight loss and IP etc.  I wanted back in.

We have another open house tentatively scheduled for August 19, 2017. Hopefully we wont need to do it again.  The cats were looking at us from the cage in the car wondering why we were driving around and then sitting there. We did drive to the other person's place as we found out their street and saw their house.  Nice, but again as I wrote - in a bit of a dumpy area down the street from them.  Oh well.... those other people will come back to us with a perfect offer!  ðŸ˜€

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