I'm back. I had a bit of a challenging weekend. More so Friday and Saturday. Sunday was better.
I struggle with the slow weight loss as you might know. I get hungry and have pain with RA. My left foot has really been painful lately, especially when I get up and start walking. Fatigue hit me last week so I ended up not doing any exercise. Which stresses me as I know exercise is good and helpful. Because both AJ and I are on disability/pension/old age - there's not much money in it, so my spending, especially on food / pets / household is at the limit or over at times. More stress I feel. Sometimes I wonder why I'm even wanting to lose weight. Only answer I still come up with is, I just feel it's time, and I want to. Funny how not eating junk foods/quick foods etc verses the healthier foods - still comes out me spending same or more money on foods!! I really thought once I cut out all the processed/refined foods that our grocery bill would at least go down some. It has not. So why am I bothering with this? Combining eating/hunger, pain, money/spending weighs heavy on me to the point at times I feel like I can't breathe. I feel lost as to what to do. The simple answers don't work, eat less, spend less, exercise more, don't worry etc as simply as it sounds. This then, pulled at me last week to the point where I was just in tears and down, unable to think or write.
Now? I'm still in the downs but better. I have started taking that CLO, which actually is helping me feel fuller. Also I make sure I will have a chia/flax muffin if I'm feeling hungry with some butter/nc pb & jam etc. Pain... well, that is still there, comes and goes. Money...breathing thru that, unresolved at the moment but... Exercise, planning for it - though not today it looks like. Snow shoveling is involved too! booo.
I went with a friend from art class to her church on Sunday. Still think that day when I didn't want to go, but did was a Spirit led guidance. The church is a Catch the Fire revival church. I was prayed over - open to that. Emotionally, spiritually it calmed me. What was said to me resonated. I feel lighter from that service. I asked for another more personal healing, which will be this coming Wednesday. I liked the service, though long, and will go back just for the service not like this time - for a specific reason of prayer healing requests. Last night by 8pm I was ready for bed and went to sleep before 9pm.
Breakfast - scrambled eggs, lc bagel, butter, ncpb, jam, coffee and 'cream'/CLO
Snack - coffee/cream, 1/3 protein bar (during service ... remember it's long)
Lunch - Tim's - chipolte grilled chicken, minus the wrap, coffee/cream, rest of bar
Dinner - nupasta, stir fry mix, beef strips, jello, tea......still empty hungry - chia/flax muffin with butter/ncpb/jam. After that I was content, full and peaceful. Just had water before bed.
Another week begins!
Journal of what's happening in my life - involves the ramblings of body image, psoriasis arthritis, MGUS, autoimmune issues etc, arts and crafts, healing energy work, daily ups and downs, and of course all the amazing insights in life. Oh yes - reminding myself how Awesomely Fabulous I am!! ;)
Monday, January 30, 2017
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Chinese New Year
Happy Chinese New Year. Not much in a up mood today. Just feel down. Tomorrow gone out most of the day.
Really would like to get to a manicure......
But instead just going to hide most of today.
Will write more on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend!
Friday, January 27, 2017
Fat Head
Watched a movie last night - Fat Head. Not a high, glossy production type, but interesting.
Basically the guy didn't agree with Supersize Me guy (remember him?) and set out to see what would happen if he did it. With minor twists. Firstly, he kept his carbs to around 100 grams per day. Secondly, he kept doing exercises (walking) just increased it. Did it for 28 days.
First part of the movie was about McDonalds etc and junk food etc. It was the second part that was more interesting. There was a lot too that I didn't really agree with - like addiction. He said after his 28 days of fast foods, he hadn't been to one in 3 weeks and had no interest in going. Personally, I think there are people who DO get addicted to fast food. He also didn't agree with Supersize Me guy and vomiting as Fat Head never vomited the foods. Personally, I found if I had weeks where I was going a lot to fast foods, by the end of the week I was pretty ill and nauseous from the foods.... and I kept wanting to eat it! The other thing I struggled with was his blaise (that the right spelling?) attitude about junk food. He missed the point that junk food has a lot of...well... junk in it. All the sugars etc aren't healthy, for me at least. Granted they aren't forcing me to eat there as he said. At this point with my foods I do agree with him on the once in a while eating there isn't going to kill me thought. But I'd still prefer a healthier place then some of the fast food places.
The second part got more into the low carb, higher fat understanding. Taubes and Eades and Al Sears were on talking about foods. I know of these people, and have read stuff from them, and agree with a lot what they say. When Fat Head (sorry I don't remember his name) went to his doctor his pre weight was 206 lbs, and his cholesterol was very good. After 28 days eating 2000 cals (about), around 100 carbs, around 50 fats / 20-30 sat fats, he weighed 194 lbs, and his cholesterol was even better. Later he decided to do 28 days again, fast foods but with even less carbs - so no buns etc. Don't think he mentioned weight on that one, though he didn't gain, but his cholesterol was even more better. Usual aim is 3.5, his was 3.27. And thru it all he wasn't depressed as he had been when he was eating a more grain based diet (years ago). Point was the fat made the body etc happier.
Before we watched the movie I had already gone out and bought some Cod Liver Oil (with lemon) as oil not capsules. I had thought the other day that I needed to increase my fat more. Not into the LCHF ideas, as I'm still willing and wanting to follow Poon, but I just sensed I wasn't having enough fat in my foods. Since I didn't want to add olive oil to my tea, I wanted something else. Coconut/MCT oil is off on Poon's list. (My RA pain has lessen since I had stopped eating coconut oils...might be something to that) The only thing I could find acceptable was Cod Liver Oil. So...my tea tastes good. Tastes like tea. Going to start adding the CLO in my morning drinks for a while and see how that goes. Just a teaspoon or two.
I'm still trying to find the proper levels for me in protein and fats, and carbs. I still think too much protein is slowing my weight loss and making me hungrier. Fats will help curb that. Poon allows up to 60 grams of fat per day.
This morning's breakfast:
1 egg, with egg whites scrambled. Zucchini and mushrooms, 1/2 orange, 1 lupin muffin with some peanut butter and jam, and tea with lemon, stevia and CLO. I was completely full, satisfied and content. Not looking for any more food. Able to listen to that full sense in my body. It's an hour until lunch and I'm still not interested in eating..... whereas the last few weeks on more protein, I was already looking for a snack. Will be interesting to see what happens!
Basically the guy didn't agree with Supersize Me guy (remember him?) and set out to see what would happen if he did it. With minor twists. Firstly, he kept his carbs to around 100 grams per day. Secondly, he kept doing exercises (walking) just increased it. Did it for 28 days.
First part of the movie was about McDonalds etc and junk food etc. It was the second part that was more interesting. There was a lot too that I didn't really agree with - like addiction. He said after his 28 days of fast foods, he hadn't been to one in 3 weeks and had no interest in going. Personally, I think there are people who DO get addicted to fast food. He also didn't agree with Supersize Me guy and vomiting as Fat Head never vomited the foods. Personally, I found if I had weeks where I was going a lot to fast foods, by the end of the week I was pretty ill and nauseous from the foods.... and I kept wanting to eat it! The other thing I struggled with was his blaise (that the right spelling?) attitude about junk food. He missed the point that junk food has a lot of...well... junk in it. All the sugars etc aren't healthy, for me at least. Granted they aren't forcing me to eat there as he said. At this point with my foods I do agree with him on the once in a while eating there isn't going to kill me thought. But I'd still prefer a healthier place then some of the fast food places.
The second part got more into the low carb, higher fat understanding. Taubes and Eades and Al Sears were on talking about foods. I know of these people, and have read stuff from them, and agree with a lot what they say. When Fat Head (sorry I don't remember his name) went to his doctor his pre weight was 206 lbs, and his cholesterol was very good. After 28 days eating 2000 cals (about), around 100 carbs, around 50 fats / 20-30 sat fats, he weighed 194 lbs, and his cholesterol was even better. Later he decided to do 28 days again, fast foods but with even less carbs - so no buns etc. Don't think he mentioned weight on that one, though he didn't gain, but his cholesterol was even more better. Usual aim is 3.5, his was 3.27. And thru it all he wasn't depressed as he had been when he was eating a more grain based diet (years ago). Point was the fat made the body etc happier.
Before we watched the movie I had already gone out and bought some Cod Liver Oil (with lemon) as oil not capsules. I had thought the other day that I needed to increase my fat more. Not into the LCHF ideas, as I'm still willing and wanting to follow Poon, but I just sensed I wasn't having enough fat in my foods. Since I didn't want to add olive oil to my tea, I wanted something else. Coconut/MCT oil is off on Poon's list. (My RA pain has lessen since I had stopped eating coconut oils...might be something to that) The only thing I could find acceptable was Cod Liver Oil. So...my tea tastes good. Tastes like tea. Going to start adding the CLO in my morning drinks for a while and see how that goes. Just a teaspoon or two.
I'm still trying to find the proper levels for me in protein and fats, and carbs. I still think too much protein is slowing my weight loss and making me hungrier. Fats will help curb that. Poon allows up to 60 grams of fat per day.
This morning's breakfast:
1 egg, with egg whites scrambled. Zucchini and mushrooms, 1/2 orange, 1 lupin muffin with some peanut butter and jam, and tea with lemon, stevia and CLO. I was completely full, satisfied and content. Not looking for any more food. Able to listen to that full sense in my body. It's an hour until lunch and I'm still not interested in eating..... whereas the last few weeks on more protein, I was already looking for a snack. Will be interesting to see what happens!
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
There is a sign at Dr Poon in one of the offices. We were in #5 for the first time, and the sign was there. I found a similar one on the web:
I thought it was so cute.
As I was looking for this I also found a few statements:
Desserts are behind me
Taste make waist
He who indulges bugles
But the stuffeth-puffeth is the one I like best.
Went to physio today. Julian (physiotherapist) gave me 5 new weight training to do daily. To help me get ready for March's physio/weight training course that AJ and I are scheduled to go to. Actually looking forward to going. In a way I wish we could go sooner. But I know I need to get ready for it first.
Wanted to do some cardio today, but this morning I just didn't have it in me and the thought of doing cardio/weights made me feel like crying. My body just didn't have it in me to do. Mentally was up for it, physically not. Was important that I honour my body's needs, otherwise I would be going back to my illness ways. I just do not want to go back there! I desire to lose weight, but in a healthy way - a way that my body can be comfortable and happy in.
Tomorrow is Art class, look forward to going. Afterwards I have hope I will be up for some exercise.
I'm finding that I'm eating more protein - not so much because I'm hungry, but because (as I realized/found out) I'm not feeling that satiated full feeling. I feel full, but not satisfied so I'm looking for more. More protein is not the answer for me, but adding more fats is something that gives that satiated feeling. Tonight I added some olive oil to dinner (of beef stew and cauliflower rice) and it did help. Will see about continuing that idea. Also looking into cod liver oil.... maybe take that too.... maybe not.
I thought it was so cute.
As I was looking for this I also found a few statements:
Desserts are behind me
Taste make waist
He who indulges bugles
But the stuffeth-puffeth is the one I like best.
Went to physio today. Julian (physiotherapist) gave me 5 new weight training to do daily. To help me get ready for March's physio/weight training course that AJ and I are scheduled to go to. Actually looking forward to going. In a way I wish we could go sooner. But I know I need to get ready for it first.
Wanted to do some cardio today, but this morning I just didn't have it in me and the thought of doing cardio/weights made me feel like crying. My body just didn't have it in me to do. Mentally was up for it, physically not. Was important that I honour my body's needs, otherwise I would be going back to my illness ways. I just do not want to go back there! I desire to lose weight, but in a healthy way - a way that my body can be comfortable and happy in.
Tomorrow is Art class, look forward to going. Afterwards I have hope I will be up for some exercise.
I'm finding that I'm eating more protein - not so much because I'm hungry, but because (as I realized/found out) I'm not feeling that satiated full feeling. I feel full, but not satisfied so I'm looking for more. More protein is not the answer for me, but adding more fats is something that gives that satiated feeling. Tonight I added some olive oil to dinner (of beef stew and cauliflower rice) and it did help. Will see about continuing that idea. Also looking into cod liver oil.... maybe take that too.... maybe not.
Monday, January 23, 2017
Extra Fries
Yeah, ok, I know, I like the joke.... extra fries!
Yesterday AJ had to go to a meeting so I dropped him off and went to the gym. I'm still recovering today. I ended up going to bed and sleeping asap at 730pm last night. Sad thing is, I want to go again today because I know AJ needs the exercise too. Though today is NOT going to be like yesterday for me. Not sorry I did so much, but I think I overdid it for me.
What I did was:
25 mins on treadmill - 10 mins, then 1 min run, 4 mins, 1 min run, 4 mins, 5 mins walking backwards
2 rep rounds on the weight machine (7 different moves)
10 mins on stepper (one I still can't spell correctly) - 5 mins forward, 5 mins backwards
10 count of free weights - 5 different moves
20 mins on bike - 9 mins, then 1 speed, 4 mins, 1 speed, 5 mins backwards
then about 10-15 mins stretches etc
Came home ate a bar - after picking AJ up, and walked Jax for 15 mins. I was so wiped. My stomach hurt. My legs were jello. Had dinner and soon went to bed.
Guess I'd better not do that much again in one shot. At least at the beginning now. I'm going to have to accept that I need to break up the workout. I know it's the weight and strengthening that burns the fat, and the cardio doesn't do it, but I still enjoy cardio more. I'm going to need to just do a longer cardio one day, short cardio and weights the next day. and toss in some just plain walk the dog nothing else days between. At least until March. In March we are scheduled for that weight training via Physio. Look forward to that.
So for the month of February, I'm just going to do cardio as I like, and weights etc as best I know how to.... I hope.
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Happy Dance
Doing a happy dance today. I know it's funny - but I went to Dr Poon today instead of this Monday (apparently bad weather coming that day). Saw another doctor. Dr Dye. She was amusing. She said I lost 3.6 pounds of fat, gained 1. 4 pounds of water. Have a total loss of 2.6 pounds. I was so happy to hear that I had lost weight. Especially considering my crazy week of up and down and trying to control things with my ego.
I talked (AJ with there too) with Dr Dye about fat and protein. I am allowed 5-7 carbs as I am on Phase 2 at each meal. Protein, as much as I want. Fat - less then 6 grams per meal or snack. BUT I am allowed as much extra virgin olive oil as I want. So.... I can drink a bottle of oil if I want? Well, yes you can, but do you want to? She was funny as she explained that olive oil is light in the body, where the other fats are heavy. The 'light' olive oil, floats thru you and it gathers the heavy fats and drags them along out of the system. She had a little hand wiggling dance as she explained it. She was busy with other people, but I didn't feel pushed out. She answered my questions, listened to me and explained delightfully in a way I could understand. She acknowledged AJ, said oh you have your support system with? Yes, AJ is a truly wonderful support system for me.
I felt so much better coming out of the office today. Even though it was 2.6 pounds down, I felt good. We had lunch at Tim's. I had chicken, no wrap, coffee with my ONS milk, and an ONS lemon donut. Tonight we went for dinner with friends - disappointing chicken, I had ordered steak but they cooked it to shoe leather, couldn't even cut it!!!!!! A few vegs, mushroom and onion soup minus the bread. The owner brought us a Creme Brulee - I did it, I had a few bites of it. Was good. Afterwards my tummy was off because of the meal/dessert. When we got home I had a tea and a protein bar. The chicken was very small.
Dr Dye said if I wanted a protein shake every night - then I could have one. She explained Dr Poon didn't want people to just have shakes all day because people need to eat real food. But if I wanted one or two every day, that was ok. Just remember to eat real food. Personally, I do know I need to watch the shakes as they are dairy, and that doesn't always sit well on me.
In the end, I'm better and happy again. I just going to follow Dr Poon's directions, shake or no shake. I'm not going to count protein, or limit it as the dietitian suggested I do. I understand now it's less then 6 grams per meal/snack instead of less then 60 grams per day. I will continue to count my carbs and I've been getting about 4-5 per meal, I will continue to aim for 3 to 5 per meal as I'm losing weight on it. I am exercising, so again I'm happy. Today's meals - they are part of life. Other then the Creme Brulee everything was acceptable so that's good. My walking friend, Anne, mentioned she has noticed my face is slimmer for the last few weeks, but didn't want to say anything as one never knows if one should. i appreciated her comment, and glad she mentioned it. I've got two garbage bags half full of clothes that are now too big for me.
Good day.... let's
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Stacking Ego
I think I'm carb stacking. I think I'm worn with monitoring the foods. I think it shows this week! I am up 3 pounds. Shows what happens when I let my ego get control.
I have been writing down my foods, and I can see that at the beginning of the week I WANTED to eat the bison sausages. I justified them by saying oh the carb is just 2 for one, and so what that the fat is so high. I ate them. And then I ate them the next day because they were still there, and we needed to cook them - right? Then I got into wanting/having a protein bar and then a hot shake. Instead of having a hot carbthin shake with no carbs, I was having the Diesel or Chocorite shake - which has 1-2 carbs. I think my body decided to slap me in the face about trying to control via ego. So I'm letting go, or at least trying too.
Yes, I'm still going to repeat - I have desire and intent to continue with low carb. I do feel this is best for me. It's just it for me. AND I finally have started exercising. I am doing stretches in the morning, walking of course, and we have started going to the gym where I do the treadmill for 10-20 mins, optical (sorry not sure how to spell that machine- stepper type) 5 mins, and 5 mins on the bike. Also do 2 to 3 10 times rounds on the weight machine. It's a start, and I do want to do more. But I want to just go slow on it, make sure what I'm doing is right. I will ask my physiotherapist when I see him next as to what to do. He has put AJ and I on the list for the weight training program that is in March for 6 weeks 2 times a week.
I was looking at macros - got very confused as to what I truly need. I saw the dietitian the other day. She had me at 60 grams of protein per day. Agreed to 80 grams, and then planned on 60 grams of fat. I realized when I got home, that's not going to work because the rest then would be carbs. I'm not go on math and found a site http://www.freedieting.com. Spent time punching in numbers with the carbs at 20 to 30 grams per day (which is 5-6%), and fat at 45-60 grams. That left protein very high. This whole thing is too much for me to figure out - not that I can't, but I realized it's my ego control wanting to control each morsel of food. Hence I again realized my carbs are being stacked - and I think I'm having too many. Will bring my food dairy to Dr Poon and see what is said about it. I'm also aiming to go back to just doing my best and back off of the food control.
That sounds all confusing right. Try listening to it in my head! Today was some what better:
B - cauliflower muffin (egg white, turkey bacon, cauliflower), chia muffin, almond butter, jam, coffee Waldern milk
L - bar, almond print, jam, piece of chicken breast, mayo
S - piece of chicken, mayo, print/jam (after exercising hungry)
D - cauliflower rice, garlic spread, bok choy, celery, broccoli, ground beef, jello, tea
Might still have that hot carbthin (hopefully) shake later tonight.
Just listing that all here, makes me think it's too much or wrong. I'm struggling with 'wrong' doing everything wrong, food amounts wrong, food wrong, wrong balance etc. I would like to sit down and clearly discuss my balance - someone who is ok with low carb and can best explain things to me, including best exercises. I know there are lots on the web. I'd like the old fashion face to face plan. Maybe one day I will find someone. Dr B isn't the right person.
Guess that's the confused end that I'm at.....
I have been writing down my foods, and I can see that at the beginning of the week I WANTED to eat the bison sausages. I justified them by saying oh the carb is just 2 for one, and so what that the fat is so high. I ate them. And then I ate them the next day because they were still there, and we needed to cook them - right? Then I got into wanting/having a protein bar and then a hot shake. Instead of having a hot carbthin shake with no carbs, I was having the Diesel or Chocorite shake - which has 1-2 carbs. I think my body decided to slap me in the face about trying to control via ego. So I'm letting go, or at least trying too.
Yes, I'm still going to repeat - I have desire and intent to continue with low carb. I do feel this is best for me. It's just it for me. AND I finally have started exercising. I am doing stretches in the morning, walking of course, and we have started going to the gym where I do the treadmill for 10-20 mins, optical (sorry not sure how to spell that machine- stepper type) 5 mins, and 5 mins on the bike. Also do 2 to 3 10 times rounds on the weight machine. It's a start, and I do want to do more. But I want to just go slow on it, make sure what I'm doing is right. I will ask my physiotherapist when I see him next as to what to do. He has put AJ and I on the list for the weight training program that is in March for 6 weeks 2 times a week.
I was looking at macros - got very confused as to what I truly need. I saw the dietitian the other day. She had me at 60 grams of protein per day. Agreed to 80 grams, and then planned on 60 grams of fat. I realized when I got home, that's not going to work because the rest then would be carbs. I'm not go on math and found a site http://www.freedieting.com. Spent time punching in numbers with the carbs at 20 to 30 grams per day (which is 5-6%), and fat at 45-60 grams. That left protein very high. This whole thing is too much for me to figure out - not that I can't, but I realized it's my ego control wanting to control each morsel of food. Hence I again realized my carbs are being stacked - and I think I'm having too many. Will bring my food dairy to Dr Poon and see what is said about it. I'm also aiming to go back to just doing my best and back off of the food control.
That sounds all confusing right. Try listening to it in my head! Today was some what better:
B - cauliflower muffin (egg white, turkey bacon, cauliflower), chia muffin, almond butter, jam, coffee Waldern milk
L - bar, almond print, jam, piece of chicken breast, mayo
S - piece of chicken, mayo, print/jam (after exercising hungry)
D - cauliflower rice, garlic spread, bok choy, celery, broccoli, ground beef, jello, tea
Might still have that hot carbthin (hopefully) shake later tonight.
Just listing that all here, makes me think it's too much or wrong. I'm struggling with 'wrong' doing everything wrong, food amounts wrong, food wrong, wrong balance etc. I would like to sit down and clearly discuss my balance - someone who is ok with low carb and can best explain things to me, including best exercises. I know there are lots on the web. I'd like the old fashion face to face plan. Maybe one day I will find someone. Dr B isn't the right person.
Guess that's the confused end that I'm at.....
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Ticker Factory
Eons ago I found Ticker Diet (or Ticker Factory) it is basically something for tracking weight loss... or other things to I guess. Thought I'd look it up and input my info, kinda cute to see it. Rounded off the numbers as uneven numbers drives my OCD crazy. So I put in 240 as my start, 215 (actually 214.8 today) and 160 lbs as my goal.
This is it:

I have been monitoring - writing down my foods - for the last few days. Couple of things have occurred. I feel a bit depressed. Not sure if it's the foods, or the amounts, or the counts, or the weather or I'm actually depressed. I'm struggling with emotions and feeling blue. I am very clear that I am fine with my food choices - as in low carb not eating other stuff etc. I also (I've been struggling with the depressed feelings since before Christmas) started eating some chocolate again - started at Christmas. I don't know where I sit on this. It's basically hot chocolate and the occasional protein bar that is chocolate. I actually like the Chocorite bars better then the chocolate covered ones. The Diesel Hot Chocolate Protein shake is simply delicious. Apparently Diesel Protein shakes are the best. Also expensive. Will though, buy another one - the vanilla or caramel one next time. I don't like having only the chocolate in that company. The other shakes are ok. Though I think the shakes and bars are making my face break out badly, due to the milk content. I have found that having a hot shake before bed, I sleep much better and my legs don't ache. So, do I choose between having face break out or aching legs????????
Today I feel better then yesterday. I got a bunch of cooking done this morning. Egg/turkey bacon cups, pizza base, chicken breasts. Going to use the pizza base for lunch but as a wrap. Doing a bison dog/sausage with raw sauerkraut and a pickle, mustard. Tea probably, later a shake.
I cut my blood pressure med in half - my pressure is up a bit, but in normal. 115/85, better then 98/77. Might be a reason for the depression too.
I find that I am not excited about my weight loss. I am glad I am losing weight. I just want to get down to 160 lbs and see what is going to happen I guess. I want to stay there (160 lbs) and be comfortable with my foods, exercising etc. I wonder if part of me is just scared that eventually I will gain again, like all the other times. So I don't allow myself to feel good about what I'm doing. Funny thing is - and I know I keep repeating it - I am just so clear on doing this, on eating this way. It's like a total shift in my head. I'm so grateful for that!!!!
I have been tracking, but can't seem to get on Phase 1. I keep having about 3 to 4 carbs at each meal. Sunday's lunch I got to 1 carb. But the rest I just keep ending up with the 3 or 4. I'm not sure if it is that I don't want to cut it down, or what. I thought I did, but I'm guessing not. I do stay at or under 20 carbs net extra a day. I'm not counting the green veg carbs which would make my daily count higher then. I'm guessing I'm running around 40 net carbs a day, maybe 50? Writing it down is helping me see that I am eating ok. That helps with my thinking - shows me I'm doing well and to not beat myself up over the foods. I like the shakes at night instead of meat (protein) as it's easier. I'm also trying to add more fat. The max is 60 grams on Poon. I am lousy at math, and grams! So I will continue just counting the carbs. Looks like my fantasy of 6 to 10 pounds off this week....is just that! A fantasy.
This is it:

I have been monitoring - writing down my foods - for the last few days. Couple of things have occurred. I feel a bit depressed. Not sure if it's the foods, or the amounts, or the counts, or the weather or I'm actually depressed. I'm struggling with emotions and feeling blue. I am very clear that I am fine with my food choices - as in low carb not eating other stuff etc. I also (I've been struggling with the depressed feelings since before Christmas) started eating some chocolate again - started at Christmas. I don't know where I sit on this. It's basically hot chocolate and the occasional protein bar that is chocolate. I actually like the Chocorite bars better then the chocolate covered ones. The Diesel Hot Chocolate Protein shake is simply delicious. Apparently Diesel Protein shakes are the best. Also expensive. Will though, buy another one - the vanilla or caramel one next time. I don't like having only the chocolate in that company. The other shakes are ok. Though I think the shakes and bars are making my face break out badly, due to the milk content. I have found that having a hot shake before bed, I sleep much better and my legs don't ache. So, do I choose between having face break out or aching legs????????
Today I feel better then yesterday. I got a bunch of cooking done this morning. Egg/turkey bacon cups, pizza base, chicken breasts. Going to use the pizza base for lunch but as a wrap. Doing a bison dog/sausage with raw sauerkraut and a pickle, mustard. Tea probably, later a shake.
I cut my blood pressure med in half - my pressure is up a bit, but in normal. 115/85, better then 98/77. Might be a reason for the depression too.
I find that I am not excited about my weight loss. I am glad I am losing weight. I just want to get down to 160 lbs and see what is going to happen I guess. I want to stay there (160 lbs) and be comfortable with my foods, exercising etc. I wonder if part of me is just scared that eventually I will gain again, like all the other times. So I don't allow myself to feel good about what I'm doing. Funny thing is - and I know I keep repeating it - I am just so clear on doing this, on eating this way. It's like a total shift in my head. I'm so grateful for that!!!!
I have been tracking, but can't seem to get on Phase 1. I keep having about 3 to 4 carbs at each meal. Sunday's lunch I got to 1 carb. But the rest I just keep ending up with the 3 or 4. I'm not sure if it is that I don't want to cut it down, or what. I thought I did, but I'm guessing not. I do stay at or under 20 carbs net extra a day. I'm not counting the green veg carbs which would make my daily count higher then. I'm guessing I'm running around 40 net carbs a day, maybe 50? Writing it down is helping me see that I am eating ok. That helps with my thinking - shows me I'm doing well and to not beat myself up over the foods. I like the shakes at night instead of meat (protein) as it's easier. I'm also trying to add more fat. The max is 60 grams on Poon. I am lousy at math, and grams! So I will continue just counting the carbs. Looks like my fantasy of 6 to 10 pounds off this week....is just that! A fantasy.
Sunday, January 15, 2017
I decided that this week I was going to track. (old school and new school)
As I previous wrote I wanted to write things down. I did decide on meals for breakfast/lunch/dinner that I could have. Then I decided on tracking what I ate instead. I wrote down my weight/measurements this morning and also my breakfast. I took a photo of breakfast too. I want to see how I am doing. My diabetic numbers have been low, and so has my blood pressure. I cut one of my bp meds in half to see if that will help - I am so whoozy lately.
That's chia muffin, jam, veggies (bok choy, celerey, zucchini), olive oil, egg white, turkey sausage (from Poon store, don't like... guess what AJ's getting more of), not shown - tea.
Last few days I've been having a food party. Not that I was eating no-no foods, just more allowed treat foods. That must stop. I am up 3 pounds because of it, that and I've been eating when not hungry. I know I'm not hungry yet I think oh it's dinner time or snack time - time to eat. Need to stop that too. I think I'm so use to volume, that I don't realize that now I'm not needing as much. Even this mornings breakfast was a bit bigger then my eyes, and of course I ate it all.... It's that fear of not having enough food to fill me that showing up, I guess. Be gone!
Although I'm not in competition with anyone - I am sorta, in my head, wanting to compete with my aunt. Who by the way is doing great. She started way back in September last year going to the doctor. Told her either she loses weight or will be dead. She's 85 yrs old, 50 pounds overweight, short, trouble breathing etc. When I heard about her, I thought back then I needed to do something, and I was going to RH in November. If she could do it, then I could too. I never said anything to anyone about it. She doesn't need competition. Personally I think, when I see her, she's not happy with her foods, or what she's doing. Mom says she's happy she's losing weight. Get that. But when we are there, and she's there, and we have lunch.... she just glares at the foods, sighs at her plate, and leaves soon. I just don't get the feeling she's happy and content. She's doing it because she has too. Oh, heck, I'm doing it because ....not so much I have to like her, but because I want to. Even running into a munchie party, I'm still happier doing this then not. I could be totally wrong about her, but it seems she's sad at her choice. Point being - I am in my head, competing with her - she's down 32 pounds, I'm down 26 pounds (counting as last weigh in, not the up scale today). My goal this week - until next weigh in on Monday next week is hopefully 6-10 pounds. I know! Right! That much???? In the end, my goal is to monitor my foods, really do Phase 1 as best as I can, exercise, and hopefully have a weight loss.
I also want to include more exercise this week. I have started doing some, but not enough. I figure I will either look for a video on you tube, or just start doing what comes to mind. More likely that last one. I have been looking up exercises, so far I'm drawn to planks, squats, butt kicks, stand up crosses, stretches, and my rebounder. I just need to do more time on them. I think, for the first time, I will learn about reps / do reps instead of just aerobics. Apparently rep things like squats are way much better for the body, fat loss, lean muscle then aerobics. At the moment I need to do all reps/strength training minus the weights. Can feel it in my shoulders and I need to be careful.
But first things first - first I'm going to finish my tea, read my comics, go into my sauna, take a shower, get dressed (might be lunch time by then - aim to follow if I am hungry first instead of just eat) and then the exercise! AJ will be glad if I go to the gym instead of home exercise - that way he can go too. Thinking of treating him to that. 😁🙌
As I previous wrote I wanted to write things down. I did decide on meals for breakfast/lunch/dinner that I could have. Then I decided on tracking what I ate instead. I wrote down my weight/measurements this morning and also my breakfast. I took a photo of breakfast too. I want to see how I am doing. My diabetic numbers have been low, and so has my blood pressure. I cut one of my bp meds in half to see if that will help - I am so whoozy lately.
That's chia muffin, jam, veggies (bok choy, celerey, zucchini), olive oil, egg white, turkey sausage (from Poon store, don't like... guess what AJ's getting more of), not shown - tea.
Last few days I've been having a food party. Not that I was eating no-no foods, just more allowed treat foods. That must stop. I am up 3 pounds because of it, that and I've been eating when not hungry. I know I'm not hungry yet I think oh it's dinner time or snack time - time to eat. Need to stop that too. I think I'm so use to volume, that I don't realize that now I'm not needing as much. Even this mornings breakfast was a bit bigger then my eyes, and of course I ate it all.... It's that fear of not having enough food to fill me that showing up, I guess. Be gone!
Although I'm not in competition with anyone - I am sorta, in my head, wanting to compete with my aunt. Who by the way is doing great. She started way back in September last year going to the doctor. Told her either she loses weight or will be dead. She's 85 yrs old, 50 pounds overweight, short, trouble breathing etc. When I heard about her, I thought back then I needed to do something, and I was going to RH in November. If she could do it, then I could too. I never said anything to anyone about it. She doesn't need competition. Personally I think, when I see her, she's not happy with her foods, or what she's doing. Mom says she's happy she's losing weight. Get that. But when we are there, and she's there, and we have lunch.... she just glares at the foods, sighs at her plate, and leaves soon. I just don't get the feeling she's happy and content. She's doing it because she has too. Oh, heck, I'm doing it because ....not so much I have to like her, but because I want to. Even running into a munchie party, I'm still happier doing this then not. I could be totally wrong about her, but it seems she's sad at her choice. Point being - I am in my head, competing with her - she's down 32 pounds, I'm down 26 pounds (counting as last weigh in, not the up scale today). My goal this week - until next weigh in on Monday next week is hopefully 6-10 pounds. I know! Right! That much???? In the end, my goal is to monitor my foods, really do Phase 1 as best as I can, exercise, and hopefully have a weight loss.
I also want to include more exercise this week. I have started doing some, but not enough. I figure I will either look for a video on you tube, or just start doing what comes to mind. More likely that last one. I have been looking up exercises, so far I'm drawn to planks, squats, butt kicks, stand up crosses, stretches, and my rebounder. I just need to do more time on them. I think, for the first time, I will learn about reps / do reps instead of just aerobics. Apparently rep things like squats are way much better for the body, fat loss, lean muscle then aerobics. At the moment I need to do all reps/strength training minus the weights. Can feel it in my shoulders and I need to be careful.
But first things first - first I'm going to finish my tea, read my comics, go into my sauna, take a shower, get dressed (might be lunch time by then - aim to follow if I am hungry first instead of just eat) and then the exercise! AJ will be glad if I go to the gym instead of home exercise - that way he can go too. Thinking of treating him to that. 😁🙌
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Can One Say Yummy.....
So I found another blog to read... low carb better health
Rebecca tends to find A LOT of information out. This is just one of the information tidbits she posted. Ahh, the joys of food.
Rebecca tends to find A LOT of information out. This is just one of the information tidbits she posted. Ahh, the joys of food.
(This is an excerpt from the book The Liberation Diet by Kevin Brown, who was interviewed by Jimmy Moore on the post before this one.)
What do candles, soap and buttermilk biscuits have in common? Industrial waste products.
It all started back in 1837 when William Proctor and his brother-in-law James Gamble combined their candle and soap making businesses to make it easier to obtain the beef tallow and lard necessary for their products. Tallow and lard were hard to come by because of fierce competition and price fixing. Irritated at having to pay high prices for their raw ingredients, which cut into their profit margin, Proctor and Gamble began to search for an alternative to tallow and lard. The boys invested in cottonseed mills. Before cotton can be incorporated into a T-shirt or Q-tip, the seeds are removed and discarded as industrial waste. Proctor and Gamble discovered that oil could be extracted from these seeds. Unfortunately, the oil was unstable and not very useful for their products, but, in 1907, with the help of the German chemist E.C. Kayser, Proctor and Gamble developed the science of hydrogenation. They took the cottonseed oil and added hydrogen molecules combined with extreme heat and pressure creating a solid, stable form of cottonseed oil which happened to look a lot like lard.
This new product worked fairly well for soap and candles, but the candle business was dwindling due to the invention of electricity. Candles were used for light back in those days, not for fragrance or decoration, so Proctor and Gamble had to find some other use for all the solid cottonseed oil they were producing. The conversation went something like this, “Well, it looks like lard and acts like lard. Say, why don’t we stick it in a can and call it a food?!” So they stuck the stuff in a can, called it Crisco, short for “crystallized cottonseed oil,” and put it on the market in 1911 as an alternative to lard.
But how do you convince housewives that an industrial waste product is safe to eat?
Proctor and Gamble launched the most ingenious advertising campaign ever. First, they wiped out the competition, lard and butter, with the statement “more economical than butter and healthier than animal fats.” The boys didn’t bother to do any studies comparing the health benefits of Crisco to animal fats; they just said what they needed to say to sell their product. Second, they published a cookbook with 615 recipes all calling for Crisco. The cookbook taught housewives how to use this new fangled fat and appealed to their sense of pride with pictures of young women teaching their mothers and grandmothers to use Crisco instead of animal fats. Crisco was advertised in the cookbook as cleaner than and more easily digestible than animal fats and children growing up on Crisco would be well behaved and intelligent. Crisco was the choice for any enlightened, modern mother who cared about the cleanliness of her home, her standing in the community and the behavior and health of her children. Jewish housewives embraced Crisco with open arms because it behaved like butter but could be eaten with meat and was marketed as such. Another assumed benefit
of Crisco was its 2 year shelf life which ensured that consumers would be able to use the entire can before it went bad. Crisco became a household staple and the first truly fake food.
The formula was brilliant; take an industrial waste product, put it in a can, and market it as a health food.
Crisco became the first in a long line of fake foods that have replaced real food in the American diet. Following close on the heels of Crisco is soy lecithin, the industrial waste product of soybean oil. Lecithin, or phosphatidylcholine, is a component of all cell membranes allowing both water soluble and fat soluble substances to pass through. Oil and water don’t mix, but if you add an egg yolk, they can be combined. Lecithin is just like the egg yolk. Without it, water soluble substances such as vitamin C would not be able to enter cells. Egg yolk happens to be one of the best sources of lecithin in the diet. You may remember that lecithin was a very popular health supplement in the 1970s.
Soy lecithin is the sludge left over from the processing of soybean oil. Kaayla T. Daniel describes this sludge in her book, The Whole Soy Story, as follows. “It is a waste product containing residues of solvents and pesticides and has a consistency ranging from a gummy fluid to a plastic solid. The color of lecithin ranges from a dirty tan to reddish brown. Manufacturers therefore subject lecithin to a bleaching process to turn it into a more appealing light yellow hue. The hexane extraction process commonly used in soybean oil manufacture today yields less lecithin than the older ethanol-benzol process, but produces a more marketable lecithin with better color, reduced odor and less bitter flavor.” Soybean oil is the most common vegetable oil used today and manufacturers need a cheap way to get rid of the industrial waste left behind. In the 1930’s, manufacturers hired scientists to invent ways to use the sludge left over from soybean oil. The scientists discovered over 1000 uses for this industrial waste product and that is why you will see soy lecithin in just about everything from food to cosmetics. Another industrial waste product that ended up in our food supply is fluoride. Hydrofluorosilicic acid is the industrial waste product from the manufacturing of phosphate fertilizers and aluminum and is considered hazardous. It is barreled up and sold across America to communities who add it to their water supply to “prevent tooth decay.” Before it was put into our water supply, it was blown out of smokestacks and dumped in rivers resulting in dead fish and deformed cows. But claiming a health advantage (fewer cavities) gave manufacturers a way to make money “dumping” their waste. Normally, manufacturers have to pay to get rid of industrial waste. They hit the jackpot.
Even if you live in a community that does not fluoridate the water, you may get more fluoride than you need from processed food. Chicken nuggets, tea, soda, cereal, juice and infant formula are just some of the processed foods made with fluoridated water. Fluoride disrupts thyroid hormones leading to hypothyroidism, a condition that contributes to obesity. Over the past 100 years, we have turned industrial waste into food and created fake forms of real food. We have fake butter (margarine), fake whipped cream (Cool Whip), fake eggs (Egg Beaters), fake cheese (Velveeta) and fake bread (Wonder Bread). The only thing that’s a “wonder” about Wonder Bread is that it’s allowed to be called bread. All of these products have been advertised as healthy alternatives to the real thing even though they all leave out life giving nutrients. They are cheap, easy to make in mass quantities and provide a higher profit margin for food manufacturers. Eating is no longer about health and nourishment; it’s all about the bottom line.
Can you guess what this food product is?
No, it’s not transmission fluid, but it is a knock off of a food containing heavy cream, sugar and vanilla extract. That’s right, it’s Cool Whip; a food designed to replace whipped cream yet it doesn’t even contain cream.
How does fake food get promoted over real food?
Crisco turned out to contain harmful trans fats, but Proctor and Gamble didn’t know that when they marketed it as a replacement for lard. Food manufacturers realized that Crisco was cheaper to buy than butter or lard and it had the added benefit of extending the shelf life of any food made with it. From the food company perspective, Crisco and its cousin margarine were money makers so no one bothered to consider the health implications. After all, the number one concern of every business is the bottom line and most companies will do whatever it takes to stay in the black, including carrying out their own “scientific” studies designed to prove the health benefits of their fake foods.
In the 1950s, a theory popped up claiming that saturated fats were unhealthy. This was a godsend for the food industry because it provided a legitimate reason to use Crisco and margarine over lard and butter. Now the food companies could increase their bottom lines under the guise of improving the health of consumers.
The food manufacturers latched on to the anti-saturated fat theory and propelled it forward unaware of the fact that they were actually doing more harm than good.
What do candles, soap and buttermilk biscuits have in common? Industrial waste products.
It all started back in 1837 when William Proctor and his brother-in-law James Gamble combined their candle and soap making businesses to make it easier to obtain the beef tallow and lard necessary for their products. Tallow and lard were hard to come by because of fierce competition and price fixing. Irritated at having to pay high prices for their raw ingredients, which cut into their profit margin, Proctor and Gamble began to search for an alternative to tallow and lard. The boys invested in cottonseed mills. Before cotton can be incorporated into a T-shirt or Q-tip, the seeds are removed and discarded as industrial waste. Proctor and Gamble discovered that oil could be extracted from these seeds. Unfortunately, the oil was unstable and not very useful for their products, but, in 1907, with the help of the German chemist E.C. Kayser, Proctor and Gamble developed the science of hydrogenation. They took the cottonseed oil and added hydrogen molecules combined with extreme heat and pressure creating a solid, stable form of cottonseed oil which happened to look a lot like lard.
This new product worked fairly well for soap and candles, but the candle business was dwindling due to the invention of electricity. Candles were used for light back in those days, not for fragrance or decoration, so Proctor and Gamble had to find some other use for all the solid cottonseed oil they were producing. The conversation went something like this, “Well, it looks like lard and acts like lard. Say, why don’t we stick it in a can and call it a food?!” So they stuck the stuff in a can, called it Crisco, short for “crystallized cottonseed oil,” and put it on the market in 1911 as an alternative to lard.
But how do you convince housewives that an industrial waste product is safe to eat?
Proctor and Gamble launched the most ingenious advertising campaign ever. First, they wiped out the competition, lard and butter, with the statement “more economical than butter and healthier than animal fats.” The boys didn’t bother to do any studies comparing the health benefits of Crisco to animal fats; they just said what they needed to say to sell their product. Second, they published a cookbook with 615 recipes all calling for Crisco. The cookbook taught housewives how to use this new fangled fat and appealed to their sense of pride with pictures of young women teaching their mothers and grandmothers to use Crisco instead of animal fats. Crisco was advertised in the cookbook as cleaner than and more easily digestible than animal fats and children growing up on Crisco would be well behaved and intelligent. Crisco was the choice for any enlightened, modern mother who cared about the cleanliness of her home, her standing in the community and the behavior and health of her children. Jewish housewives embraced Crisco with open arms because it behaved like butter but could be eaten with meat and was marketed as such. Another assumed benefit
of Crisco was its 2 year shelf life which ensured that consumers would be able to use the entire can before it went bad. Crisco became a household staple and the first truly fake food.
The formula was brilliant; take an industrial waste product, put it in a can, and market it as a health food.
Crisco became the first in a long line of fake foods that have replaced real food in the American diet. Following close on the heels of Crisco is soy lecithin, the industrial waste product of soybean oil. Lecithin, or phosphatidylcholine, is a component of all cell membranes allowing both water soluble and fat soluble substances to pass through. Oil and water don’t mix, but if you add an egg yolk, they can be combined. Lecithin is just like the egg yolk. Without it, water soluble substances such as vitamin C would not be able to enter cells. Egg yolk happens to be one of the best sources of lecithin in the diet. You may remember that lecithin was a very popular health supplement in the 1970s.
Soy lecithin is the sludge left over from the processing of soybean oil. Kaayla T. Daniel describes this sludge in her book, The Whole Soy Story, as follows. “It is a waste product containing residues of solvents and pesticides and has a consistency ranging from a gummy fluid to a plastic solid. The color of lecithin ranges from a dirty tan to reddish brown. Manufacturers therefore subject lecithin to a bleaching process to turn it into a more appealing light yellow hue. The hexane extraction process commonly used in soybean oil manufacture today yields less lecithin than the older ethanol-benzol process, but produces a more marketable lecithin with better color, reduced odor and less bitter flavor.” Soybean oil is the most common vegetable oil used today and manufacturers need a cheap way to get rid of the industrial waste left behind. In the 1930’s, manufacturers hired scientists to invent ways to use the sludge left over from soybean oil. The scientists discovered over 1000 uses for this industrial waste product and that is why you will see soy lecithin in just about everything from food to cosmetics. Another industrial waste product that ended up in our food supply is fluoride. Hydrofluorosilicic acid is the industrial waste product from the manufacturing of phosphate fertilizers and aluminum and is considered hazardous. It is barreled up and sold across America to communities who add it to their water supply to “prevent tooth decay.” Before it was put into our water supply, it was blown out of smokestacks and dumped in rivers resulting in dead fish and deformed cows. But claiming a health advantage (fewer cavities) gave manufacturers a way to make money “dumping” their waste. Normally, manufacturers have to pay to get rid of industrial waste. They hit the jackpot.
Even if you live in a community that does not fluoridate the water, you may get more fluoride than you need from processed food. Chicken nuggets, tea, soda, cereal, juice and infant formula are just some of the processed foods made with fluoridated water. Fluoride disrupts thyroid hormones leading to hypothyroidism, a condition that contributes to obesity. Over the past 100 years, we have turned industrial waste into food and created fake forms of real food. We have fake butter (margarine), fake whipped cream (Cool Whip), fake eggs (Egg Beaters), fake cheese (Velveeta) and fake bread (Wonder Bread). The only thing that’s a “wonder” about Wonder Bread is that it’s allowed to be called bread. All of these products have been advertised as healthy alternatives to the real thing even though they all leave out life giving nutrients. They are cheap, easy to make in mass quantities and provide a higher profit margin for food manufacturers. Eating is no longer about health and nourishment; it’s all about the bottom line.
Can you guess what this food product is?
No, it’s not transmission fluid, but it is a knock off of a food containing heavy cream, sugar and vanilla extract. That’s right, it’s Cool Whip; a food designed to replace whipped cream yet it doesn’t even contain cream.
How does fake food get promoted over real food?
Crisco turned out to contain harmful trans fats, but Proctor and Gamble didn’t know that when they marketed it as a replacement for lard. Food manufacturers realized that Crisco was cheaper to buy than butter or lard and it had the added benefit of extending the shelf life of any food made with it. From the food company perspective, Crisco and its cousin margarine were money makers so no one bothered to consider the health implications. After all, the number one concern of every business is the bottom line and most companies will do whatever it takes to stay in the black, including carrying out their own “scientific” studies designed to prove the health benefits of their fake foods.
In the 1950s, a theory popped up claiming that saturated fats were unhealthy. This was a godsend for the food industry because it provided a legitimate reason to use Crisco and margarine over lard and butter. Now the food companies could increase their bottom lines under the guise of improving the health of consumers.
The food manufacturers latched on to the anti-saturated fat theory and propelled it forward unaware of the fact that they were actually doing more harm than good.
Friday, January 13, 2017
Emotions and eating
I was reading a post on a group I belong to, that triggered me into a thought and I felt I wanted to share. This is what as I wrote I learnt about myself even more:
I learnt a few months ago from someone I was talking to about emotion and eating. What she said to me as I was stating about how I know I am emotionally eating is this - You (Me) are maybe ment to be that way. Maybe you (me) will always deal with emotions immediately with foods because this is your (mine) path. Stop trying to change who you are and stop beating yourself up over it. Learn to find a way to live it.
I learnt a few months ago from someone I was talking to about emotion and eating. What she said to me as I was stating about how I know I am emotionally eating is this - You (Me) are maybe ment to be that way. Maybe you (me) will always deal with emotions immediately with foods because this is your (mine) path. Stop trying to change who you are and stop beating yourself up over it. Learn to find a way to live it.
That took so much pressure off me and eating/emotions. What I started becoming aware of was when I wanted or knew I wanted to eat because of an emotion, I explained to myself that this was a very clear need/desire in me eat over ---blank--- emotions. I needed to be first aware this is what I wanted to do, and that in me 1. was I able to overcome it without eat? 2. If so, ok go for it, 3. If not, ok be wise in my choice - instead of going for a very unhealthy choice, look for A. what is it that I need? sweet? salty? crunchy? comfort? soft? cold? hot? etc then B. what is it I really want (usually chocolates or chips etc) then C. what will be very close to that choice/need? (99% of the time I can find something close to it, even if it has that want eg chocolate in it - like a small piece of dark chocolate or some hot chocolate in it, or I can build from there. D. how much will do it without over doing it? E. - go for it!!! Enjoy it, know that feeling is being comforted with food and for me that's ok to do.
I know the whole thing sounds long but it really isn't - it's amazing how fast the mind/food need can work itself out.
Once I have eaten over the emotion, I think now start dealing with the issue. Not to see what to do the next time, but how to heal the emotion/issue. I don't worry that I ate first - so I'm not punishing myself on top of the emotions which would spiral me. Dealing, eating, emotions, food.....it's who I am. Be at peace with it.
As I wrote this I realized that when I started being at peace with foods/eating/emotions idea, I started realizing it was who I am, so I didn't have to continue to fight who I am, to be someone I am not. I know that sounds very confusing, hopefully it can be understood though. I could say yes, I often deal with emotions by first or needing to eat - and I'm ok with that, because this is who I am. Ironically there weren't a lot of emotions after this that I would eat over. I just didn't need to eat over an emotion anymore compared to when I fought every emotion by not allowing myself to eat. Sometimes I eat emotionally over something I would think isn't that big a deal - but my body, which I am trusting - knows better and knows this emotion needs food. Whereas another emotion that is very upsetting, that I would think needs food - just doesn't, it needs my hubby's hug instead. It's trusting my body, my emotions, myself.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Neck Time
Today was Poon day. Drive down and back went well - no ice on the roads. So that was great. The appointment was inbetween the snow/rain of yesterday, and the pouring rain slated for tomorrow. Beautiful, sunny day..... with lots of police! Seemed there were police all over, flashing and pulling over others. So grateful I wasn't one of them! I was basically doing the speed.....
Today's nervous appointment showed - 1 inch less on my neck! Yes. They didn't tell me the number, just that there was a 1 inch shrink since I started. Liked that. And there was again another 5 pound loss. Yes! This time it was 2.5 fat, and 2.5 water. Dr B was very happy with me. We talked about exercise ideas as I have fibro and muscle tears etc. As we (AJ came with me) drove home, I thought about my fatigue issue. Dr B thought the exercise - gently - might help (true), but I realized that maybe my blood pressure medication is too much. Again my pressure there was 95/66. That's low. At my doctor I was around 110/70 - which is great. I do get dizzy standing and whoosy at times, I will need to talk with my doc about the meds. I might also just cut the one med in half (I take 2 different ones). If I can get off at least one, that would be amazing.
I bought a new scale the other day that measures weight, fat, water and muscle. This way I can better monitor it. I find I do much better as I monitor every few days instead of waiting the 12-14 days til the next appointment. I need that closer monitoring to help me keep on track. Some people that would just be obsessive for them, but for me... probably obsessive... but very helpful.
I also think for the next 12 days (have the next appoint on Mon instead of Wed) I want to have a few goals. I've been eating low carb, but I want to monitor / track it and see if I can do it better. I haven't figured out exactly what or how I'm going to do it at the moment - maybe write down my foods or write down a food plan or maybe both. Other goal is a better exercise plan. Want to write down an exercise plan of which exercises to do at home and at the gym. Sometimes we just don't get to the gym and I need to plan something for home. I am more of a home exerciser, but AJ needs to exercise and the gym is better for him. Dr B said more water will help with the pain in my joints....ok will increase the water too!
Ok, so where is some paper and pen to write these goals down (I know old school)?
Today's nervous appointment showed - 1 inch less on my neck! Yes. They didn't tell me the number, just that there was a 1 inch shrink since I started. Liked that. And there was again another 5 pound loss. Yes! This time it was 2.5 fat, and 2.5 water. Dr B was very happy with me. We talked about exercise ideas as I have fibro and muscle tears etc. As we (AJ came with me) drove home, I thought about my fatigue issue. Dr B thought the exercise - gently - might help (true), but I realized that maybe my blood pressure medication is too much. Again my pressure there was 95/66. That's low. At my doctor I was around 110/70 - which is great. I do get dizzy standing and whoosy at times, I will need to talk with my doc about the meds. I might also just cut the one med in half (I take 2 different ones). If I can get off at least one, that would be amazing.
I bought a new scale the other day that measures weight, fat, water and muscle. This way I can better monitor it. I find I do much better as I monitor every few days instead of waiting the 12-14 days til the next appointment. I need that closer monitoring to help me keep on track. Some people that would just be obsessive for them, but for me... probably obsessive... but very helpful.
I also think for the next 12 days (have the next appoint on Mon instead of Wed) I want to have a few goals. I've been eating low carb, but I want to monitor / track it and see if I can do it better. I haven't figured out exactly what or how I'm going to do it at the moment - maybe write down my foods or write down a food plan or maybe both. Other goal is a better exercise plan. Want to write down an exercise plan of which exercises to do at home and at the gym. Sometimes we just don't get to the gym and I need to plan something for home. I am more of a home exerciser, but AJ needs to exercise and the gym is better for him. Dr B said more water will help with the pain in my joints....ok will increase the water too!
Ok, so where is some paper and pen to write these goals down (I know old school)?
Monday, January 9, 2017
Mount Linden
We have such a mountain in front of our house (from the plow and snow blower) that it has attracted animals and mountain climbers! I spend so much time sending out search and rescue that it's cutting into my sauna time! Mount Linden is going to get snowed on tonight and then rained on.....
Had to do something about the mound out front. Thought people might enjoy it. Too bad it was put up late and will be under snow (probably.... but I'm hoping not) tomorrow morning.
I'm inspired and in the groove again. Yesterday we watched a movie - 'Are you Fed Up?' Basically about how there is so much sugar in foods, and how the sugar industry continues to push it. It talked with 3 teens - 12 yrs old girl, weighing 215 lbs, 14 yrs old boy, weighing 400 lbs, and a 15 yrs old boy weighing over 200 lbs.
As I watched I wanted to yell at them / their parents. They were struggling so much and yet still the parents, the doctors, etc were making them eat low/fat free foods etc. No one talked to them about the need for good fats that help the body. They continued to buy 'franknfoods' and they - the kids - were constantly hungry and starving. (their words) They couldn't understand it. All three were exercising like there was no tomorrow and still couldn't lose weight. The health guys (the good guys) were explaining 160 cals of almonds is NOT the same as 160 cals of pop. The industry was saying it was the same. Good guys explained how the body could use the almonds cals but the pop cals just caused the body to pump out insulin which went into fat. The idea of cals in / cals out is again not the same.
In the end the 400 lbs boy went for barbaric surgery even though 30% of surgery patients gain all the weight back within 2 years. The 12 yrs girl continued to cry, struggle, exercise and eat 'healthy' but no weight loss, and the 15 yrs boy - the family went on the sugar detox for 1 week then 6 months at which time the father lose 37 lbs, mother 60 lbs, and the boy 27 lbs.....and later gained it all back. How heartbreaking.
Today I felt better with foods. My stomach is a bit off, but my choices are much better.
B - chia muffin, nc pb and jam, 2 hard boiled egg whites, bar, tea
L - 1/2 chicken breast, few broccoli/cauliflower/carrot, mayo
D - taco salad (lettuce, dressing, ground chicken, scoop of salsa/sour cream, bit cheese), jello and tea.
S - ? haven't decided if I will have or what.
I wonder if the binge hunger last week was 'that time of the month' week. Because of surgery to remove that part of me, I never know if it is, but I continue to get the rest of the reactions of body.
Hopefully there will not be much snow or rain. Especially on Wednesday - that's Poon day.
Had to do something about the mound out front. Thought people might enjoy it. Too bad it was put up late and will be under snow (probably.... but I'm hoping not) tomorrow morning.
I'm inspired and in the groove again. Yesterday we watched a movie - 'Are you Fed Up?' Basically about how there is so much sugar in foods, and how the sugar industry continues to push it. It talked with 3 teens - 12 yrs old girl, weighing 215 lbs, 14 yrs old boy, weighing 400 lbs, and a 15 yrs old boy weighing over 200 lbs.
As I watched I wanted to yell at them / their parents. They were struggling so much and yet still the parents, the doctors, etc were making them eat low/fat free foods etc. No one talked to them about the need for good fats that help the body. They continued to buy 'franknfoods' and they - the kids - were constantly hungry and starving. (their words) They couldn't understand it. All three were exercising like there was no tomorrow and still couldn't lose weight. The health guys (the good guys) were explaining 160 cals of almonds is NOT the same as 160 cals of pop. The industry was saying it was the same. Good guys explained how the body could use the almonds cals but the pop cals just caused the body to pump out insulin which went into fat. The idea of cals in / cals out is again not the same.
In the end the 400 lbs boy went for barbaric surgery even though 30% of surgery patients gain all the weight back within 2 years. The 12 yrs girl continued to cry, struggle, exercise and eat 'healthy' but no weight loss, and the 15 yrs boy - the family went on the sugar detox for 1 week then 6 months at which time the father lose 37 lbs, mother 60 lbs, and the boy 27 lbs.....and later gained it all back. How heartbreaking.
Today I felt better with foods. My stomach is a bit off, but my choices are much better.
B - chia muffin, nc pb and jam, 2 hard boiled egg whites, bar, tea
L - 1/2 chicken breast, few broccoli/cauliflower/carrot, mayo
D - taco salad (lettuce, dressing, ground chicken, scoop of salsa/sour cream, bit cheese), jello and tea.
S - ? haven't decided if I will have or what.
I wonder if the binge hunger last week was 'that time of the month' week. Because of surgery to remove that part of me, I never know if it is, but I continue to get the rest of the reactions of body.
Hopefully there will not be much snow or rain. Especially on Wednesday - that's Poon day.
Saturday, January 7, 2017
Lost It
After that Wendy's restaurant meal and being SO hungry.... I could have lost it! I was nuts with wanting something to eat - anything to eat. AJ's soft, chewy, delicious bread was in danger. I did end up doing a bit of a binge eating on acceptable foods and ended with a hot shake. The hot shake helped a lot. I didn't think I would get thru it without eating everything in the house. Shows me what can be in foods that aren't made by me. Funny thing is, I've been to Wendy's before and was fine. So I don't know what was with this Wendy's.
Yesterday I was better when I woke up. I started drinking more water, only to slack today. Ha ha ha. Will aim again tomorrow for more water. Food wise I haven't been as ravenous as that evening. I've been much better on simple stable foods.
B - omelette/pancake, broccoli, blueberries, syrup, protein hot chocolate, marshmallow (last 3 from Poon store)
S - bar
L - (was much, much later) - 1/2 chicken breast, mayo, flax square, tea
D - Tuna Cabbage casserole with spinach, jello and tea
I am finally aiming to exercise...
We started physio on Thursday. I am to do 3 - 3 sets of 5 second wall pushes for my arms/shoulders. I did think I'd need to do more then just that, so with AJ we went to the gym here and I did 20 mins on the treadmill. Don't forget, I also walk Jax twice a day. I do have plans after blogging to do more exercise at home. Just not much with my arms as I have to be careful. Had minor tears so I am to be watchful and I don't want to damage my arms even more. We will deal with my hips later - but in the meantime.... I need to start. Even though I'm down 21 pounds I'm still in my same clothes - mostly. I do fit into some smaller pants and tops, but current pants aren't really falling off. Hence, that means I really need to exercise to get my body smaller, firmer. Just going to need to push thru those fatigue, worn feelings (like currently) and do it.
Off I go.........!
Yesterday I was better when I woke up. I started drinking more water, only to slack today. Ha ha ha. Will aim again tomorrow for more water. Food wise I haven't been as ravenous as that evening. I've been much better on simple stable foods.
B - omelette/pancake, broccoli, blueberries, syrup, protein hot chocolate, marshmallow (last 3 from Poon store)
S - bar
L - (was much, much later) - 1/2 chicken breast, mayo, flax square, tea
D - Tuna Cabbage casserole with spinach, jello and tea
I am finally aiming to exercise...
We started physio on Thursday. I am to do 3 - 3 sets of 5 second wall pushes for my arms/shoulders. I did think I'd need to do more then just that, so with AJ we went to the gym here and I did 20 mins on the treadmill. Don't forget, I also walk Jax twice a day. I do have plans after blogging to do more exercise at home. Just not much with my arms as I have to be careful. Had minor tears so I am to be watchful and I don't want to damage my arms even more. We will deal with my hips later - but in the meantime.... I need to start. Even though I'm down 21 pounds I'm still in my same clothes - mostly. I do fit into some smaller pants and tops, but current pants aren't really falling off. Hence, that means I really need to exercise to get my body smaller, firmer. Just going to need to push thru those fatigue, worn feelings (like currently) and do it.
Off I go.........!
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Decided to do a vision board. I have done them before, and then print them off, laminate them. I put them up in the shower so I can look at them. I don't do it every year - more when I just feel like it. I have 2 in the shower that I have done over the years. I just felt it was time for a new one. Will move the other 2 higher and post the new one.
I don't overly plan on what to put on the board like most directions are. I just kinda feel out what is coming to me / out of me. Like there wasn't a specific lose weight photo. Though I did add a photo of me when I was slimmer that I really like. Vision boards are personal so I'm not posting it. But I will post one picture I liked and added:
I just look up photos of words that come to me. I'm amazed as to what develops. I found this one had to do with dimensions. The other one had to do with change, and the early one was about goals.
Yesterday breakfast was cereal, blueberries, almond milk, 2 egg whites, tea.
Snack - hot shake
Lunch - soup, egg muffins (2), flax square, 1 cream cheese, tea
Snack after 1 1/2 hours of shoveling - 2 pepperittes
Dinner - rainbow trout, cauliflower, broccilini, garlic olive oil, jello, tea
Snack - chicken, mayo, flax square
I need to increase the water again - that tends to go to the wayside. It's not that I drink pop, mostly tea, occasionally coffee - but still could use more water.
B - omelette with spinach/mushrooms/green onions, coffee
S - cheese
L - pork chop, salad, dressing, tea
D - Wendy's - cheese burger- no bun, water
Home - jello, egg muffins, cream cheese, tea (Wendy's although filling, left me empty and hungry looking....sometimes just eating at home works so much better. But we were at physio and it was getting late)
Today was way too much cheese! Urgh. I am just in ketos, this probably kicked me out again. Water, water, water?
One more vision - I tried to paint a vision of water/mountains/sky/trees at art class today. It's coming along, but I think the water/land is too dark compared to the sky/mountains. I think next week I will need to lighten the water. I haven't finished it as I wasn't sure about the darkness of it, and it was almost time to go. Ah, the joys of painting... I love it! 😄😄
I don't overly plan on what to put on the board like most directions are. I just kinda feel out what is coming to me / out of me. Like there wasn't a specific lose weight photo. Though I did add a photo of me when I was slimmer that I really like. Vision boards are personal so I'm not posting it. But I will post one picture I liked and added:
I just look up photos of words that come to me. I'm amazed as to what develops. I found this one had to do with dimensions. The other one had to do with change, and the early one was about goals.
Yesterday breakfast was cereal, blueberries, almond milk, 2 egg whites, tea.
Snack - hot shake
Lunch - soup, egg muffins (2), flax square, 1 cream cheese, tea
Snack after 1 1/2 hours of shoveling - 2 pepperittes
Dinner - rainbow trout, cauliflower, broccilini, garlic olive oil, jello, tea
Snack - chicken, mayo, flax square
I need to increase the water again - that tends to go to the wayside. It's not that I drink pop, mostly tea, occasionally coffee - but still could use more water.
B - omelette with spinach/mushrooms/green onions, coffee
S - cheese
L - pork chop, salad, dressing, tea
D - Wendy's - cheese burger- no bun, water
Home - jello, egg muffins, cream cheese, tea (Wendy's although filling, left me empty and hungry looking....sometimes just eating at home works so much better. But we were at physio and it was getting late)
Today was way too much cheese! Urgh. I am just in ketos, this probably kicked me out again. Water, water, water?
One more vision - I tried to paint a vision of water/mountains/sky/trees at art class today. It's coming along, but I think the water/land is too dark compared to the sky/mountains. I think next week I will need to lighten the water. I haven't finished it as I wasn't sure about the darkness of it, and it was almost time to go. Ah, the joys of painting... I love it! 😄😄
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Traveling down the Road
Decided yesterday since the weather was so beautiful to do a quick (?) drive to visit my mother. It's a 1 1/2 hour drive down, and then 1 1/2 hour drive back. Got a lot done in the morning too - hopped into the sauna, showered, walked the dog (AJ fed the pets), breakfast - cereal, milk, blueberries and coffee. Off we went. Visit was nice. I do wonder if my mother will ever notice, or say anything about my weight loss. I am down almost 25 pounds. I'm still in my 'old' clothes, just looser. Would be in smaller size I bet if I exercised. Still just not there for it.
I brought lunch with me to be on the safe side. Chicken, 3 little pancakes, PB2, jam, caramel milk. Had all that, a a few slices of kielbasi - that was my naughty. I like them, so I don't buy it. And more coffee. I'm so coffee'd out, I'm surprised I had another one this morning. Last night's dinner with leftover pork chop, spinach paint and nupasta. I really like nupasta - helps with being filling. Snack was a chia muffin with PB2/jam.
Went Walmart shopping this morning. Hot cereal for breakfast, with coffee. When we got to Walmart I just needed something more - so I pulled out a bar, which I keep in my purse for emergencies. I don't really know why I needed it, but I just felt so hungry still. Since we were also going to do grocery shopping there, I figured I'd be safer having the bar. Did help.
One of my goals (besides exercising!) for this year is to cut our spending down. We really.... ok, I really need to cut it down. There's just so much, and then there's not. I thought Walmart would be a good place to start shopping. Also maybe Costco, though there I tend to buy more, in bulk, which doesn't always help. I like Sobeys (it's close to us). And of course, Goodness Me. Problem tends to be, I lean towards organics etc....which are not cheap. I read about all the things in food and it freaks me out, so I end up buying more expensive food hoping to be healthier. It's not healthier on the budget though. So I'm working at sucking it up and buying regular. Meat....not able to buy Walmart meat yet - that will continue to be better (?) company meats. Maybe with price increases that ALWAYS tend to happen with food, we will be able to continue to eat.
I'm guessing you are wondering what the hell is spinach paint????????? Yummy, it is. 😍 Even AJ says he likes it. When I was a little girl, my mother would make what I called spinach paint, for a lack of a better description. Basically it's spinach cooked up and blended in the blender with - at the time, flour, milk and butter. I make it with spinach, water, spices. Sometimes I get tired of all the spinach having 'tails' that get in between my teeth, so I make it into my comfort memory of spinach paint. Use to have it with beef and mashed potatoes. Make a little well in the mashed potatoes and pour in the spinach! Oh, how I loved those dinners. Sigh, drool. As we were in Walmart, I picked up more spinach and mentioned to AJ that there's just something about spinach lately that makes my body feel better when I eat it. Not the memory thing, just like my body needs spinach. I try not to over do it as I don't want to get sick of having so much of it. Got 2 containers of it - going to make the spinach bread again too.
Today's lunch was cauliflower soup, 2 chia muffins with 1 laughing cow herb cheese, other with salmon cream cheese, a red pepper slice, some chicken and mayo, and tea. I think the mayo was pushing the count. Have to check if I'm in ketos yet/still/again etc. I know I need to drink more water, that falls to the way side off and on.
Tomorrow we are suppose to get 10cm of snow. Ugh. It's raining here all day so far. Would rather have more rain then snow. Suppose to get colder again too. Sounds like I will be shoveling soon!
I brought lunch with me to be on the safe side. Chicken, 3 little pancakes, PB2, jam, caramel milk. Had all that, a a few slices of kielbasi - that was my naughty. I like them, so I don't buy it. And more coffee. I'm so coffee'd out, I'm surprised I had another one this morning. Last night's dinner with leftover pork chop, spinach paint and nupasta. I really like nupasta - helps with being filling. Snack was a chia muffin with PB2/jam.
Went Walmart shopping this morning. Hot cereal for breakfast, with coffee. When we got to Walmart I just needed something more - so I pulled out a bar, which I keep in my purse for emergencies. I don't really know why I needed it, but I just felt so hungry still. Since we were also going to do grocery shopping there, I figured I'd be safer having the bar. Did help.
One of my goals (besides exercising!) for this year is to cut our spending down. We really.... ok, I really need to cut it down. There's just so much, and then there's not. I thought Walmart would be a good place to start shopping. Also maybe Costco, though there I tend to buy more, in bulk, which doesn't always help. I like Sobeys (it's close to us). And of course, Goodness Me. Problem tends to be, I lean towards organics etc....which are not cheap. I read about all the things in food and it freaks me out, so I end up buying more expensive food hoping to be healthier. It's not healthier on the budget though. So I'm working at sucking it up and buying regular. Meat....not able to buy Walmart meat yet - that will continue to be better (?) company meats. Maybe with price increases that ALWAYS tend to happen with food, we will be able to continue to eat.
I'm guessing you are wondering what the hell is spinach paint????????? Yummy, it is. 😍 Even AJ says he likes it. When I was a little girl, my mother would make what I called spinach paint, for a lack of a better description. Basically it's spinach cooked up and blended in the blender with - at the time, flour, milk and butter. I make it with spinach, water, spices. Sometimes I get tired of all the spinach having 'tails' that get in between my teeth, so I make it into my comfort memory of spinach paint. Use to have it with beef and mashed potatoes. Make a little well in the mashed potatoes and pour in the spinach! Oh, how I loved those dinners. Sigh, drool. As we were in Walmart, I picked up more spinach and mentioned to AJ that there's just something about spinach lately that makes my body feel better when I eat it. Not the memory thing, just like my body needs spinach. I try not to over do it as I don't want to get sick of having so much of it. Got 2 containers of it - going to make the spinach bread again too.
Today's lunch was cauliflower soup, 2 chia muffins with 1 laughing cow herb cheese, other with salmon cream cheese, a red pepper slice, some chicken and mayo, and tea. I think the mayo was pushing the count. Have to check if I'm in ketos yet/still/again etc. I know I need to drink more water, that falls to the way side off and on.
Tomorrow we are suppose to get 10cm of snow. Ugh. It's raining here all day so far. Would rather have more rain then snow. Suppose to get colder again too. Sounds like I will be shoveling soon!
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Saw this post on Facebook.
It just says it all for me!!!! And for my 2017.
Ment to mention about the change in pills from Dr B to the green tea extract one - it has a more complete B complex in it. That will probably help. I do feel better taking it. Especially on the days when I skip the magnesium pills the night before. I need to take the magnesium for my muscles/leg pain per Dr B. It has helped that, but makes my again tired the next day. Ugh.... finding the balance!
New Year's Eve was very quiet. I was so glad we didn't go to a dance or party. I was out at 7pm shoveling the snow - again. Anne came out to help and then we took Jax for a night walk. Thankfully today I just needed to shovel a bit off the back deck, and even that I could have left for the next snows. The sun doesn't hit it in the winter. The driveway was clear as I salted it last night too. We watched a movie in the afternoon, and some more TV at night, then just went to bed. Was peaceful, quiet and enjoyable night.
Breakfast yesterday was - pancaky omelette with kale and mushrooms. Coffee with cinnamon/cocoa powder and Waldern's caramel milk.
Lunch - cauliflower soup, chicken
Dinner - really wasn't hungry, just very tired - had hot shake and protein bar.
Snack - oopsies with nc pb and jam, pepperitte
Today - we went to church. Thought it was a nice way to start 2017 and Jan 1 - all on a Sunday. Was fine.
Breakfast - high fiber hot cereal, blueberries, splash of almond milk. Coffee same as yesterday.
Snack - havla
Lunch - chia muffin with PB2 and jam, cauliflower soup, chicken, olive oil, tea
Tonight dinner is planned as - beef stir fry with swiss chard and zucchini
Snack plan - egg or chicken with mayo.
2017 - looks bright outside. There is a nervousness inside me over 2017. I'm not sure why. I just feel like it's going to be a bit challenging emotionally and what will happen. Not with my foods or eating - that I'm sure on, even if I have oopsie days. I'm really good with my food choices. I did want a pizza last night as I was so tired I couldn't think or want to cook. AJ said he would cook but I didn't know really what I wanted, the pizza idea was just 'easy'. Decided I would make a pizza this week at some point. Cauliflower now is able to buy pre-riced.
So what will 2017 be for me? Whatever it will be - I will need to live it - with positive attitude and remind myself eating/food wise to not give in. May 2017 bring you all many joyous blessing!
It just says it all for me!!!! And for my 2017.
Ment to mention about the change in pills from Dr B to the green tea extract one - it has a more complete B complex in it. That will probably help. I do feel better taking it. Especially on the days when I skip the magnesium pills the night before. I need to take the magnesium for my muscles/leg pain per Dr B. It has helped that, but makes my again tired the next day. Ugh.... finding the balance!
New Year's Eve was very quiet. I was so glad we didn't go to a dance or party. I was out at 7pm shoveling the snow - again. Anne came out to help and then we took Jax for a night walk. Thankfully today I just needed to shovel a bit off the back deck, and even that I could have left for the next snows. The sun doesn't hit it in the winter. The driveway was clear as I salted it last night too. We watched a movie in the afternoon, and some more TV at night, then just went to bed. Was peaceful, quiet and enjoyable night.
Breakfast yesterday was - pancaky omelette with kale and mushrooms. Coffee with cinnamon/cocoa powder and Waldern's caramel milk.
Lunch - cauliflower soup, chicken
Dinner - really wasn't hungry, just very tired - had hot shake and protein bar.
Snack - oopsies with nc pb and jam, pepperitte
Today - we went to church. Thought it was a nice way to start 2017 and Jan 1 - all on a Sunday. Was fine.
Breakfast - high fiber hot cereal, blueberries, splash of almond milk. Coffee same as yesterday.
Snack - havla
Lunch - chia muffin with PB2 and jam, cauliflower soup, chicken, olive oil, tea
Tonight dinner is planned as - beef stir fry with swiss chard and zucchini
Snack plan - egg or chicken with mayo.
2017 - looks bright outside. There is a nervousness inside me over 2017. I'm not sure why. I just feel like it's going to be a bit challenging emotionally and what will happen. Not with my foods or eating - that I'm sure on, even if I have oopsie days. I'm really good with my food choices. I did want a pizza last night as I was so tired I couldn't think or want to cook. AJ said he would cook but I didn't know really what I wanted, the pizza idea was just 'easy'. Decided I would make a pizza this week at some point. Cauliflower now is able to buy pre-riced.
So what will 2017 be for me? Whatever it will be - I will need to live it - with positive attitude and remind myself eating/food wise to not give in. May 2017 bring you all many joyous blessing!
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