Thursday, August 2, 2018

Between Emails

I've been working on $$$$$ issues.  I decided to email Joan as I've been down and low rambling.  Basically happy if I don't think on money.  Today was shopping day and I was really down on the cost of pet foods.

Here are the emails between us.  (Yes, that first one is a copy of what I wrote the day before)


One of the affirmations was about the right to exist and it being my birth right to be here.  I found when I was meditating on those two I could feel a low, deep, core waffling.  Then there was the thought about being able to have large amounts of money came up against 'why' and not possible.  Thought that thru to why not?  What makes it that I must only have less and little? 

I come up against a memory that I had seen an astrologer who told me when I was about 19 yrs old, i would never have much money as my sign/houses showed that.  The only way I would have any money would be due to my /if I had one / husband.  Well, i do have one now - so why not the money then.  In a way we do have money, but on the little and less side - for the moment!  I wonder if that kind of thing can change.  If being born under a less/little money sign can be changed.  Feels in a way that it's written in stone.  So how do I change that thinking and heal that issue. 

The affirmation about the right to exist and it being your birth right to be here and you feeling that why and it not being possible, related to money is because you are not feeling totally supported in your life.  If you could shift a bit of that energy of not being supported to being supported and being worthy of recieving, the "why and not possible" would start to change for you.  Believing that your in a flow of good things are coming your way, would align you into the flow of recieving.  

You saw that astrologer a long time ago.  You have been working very hard at changing up your energy and you are achieving great success with everything you are doing.  I believe nothing is written in stone, even if you were born under a less money sign.  Your changing your energy, our energy shifts daily to the way we are feeling and how the energy is with the people we are around.  I feel that believing you were born under that sign is bring up a bit of the saboteur one.  Think about how you felt when he said that.  You are the one that holds the power over you, no one else.  Step into your power and believe that you are worthy of recieving money, having the freedom of the life you want.  Also having the body that you want.  Love you because you are a  precious child of sourse.  You are perfect the way you are.  That this is the truth of you.  If you keep on thinking about what the astrologer said, try to say no worries about that thought, I forgive him for saying that and I'm very thankful for the abundant life I have now.  

Step into your power, you have the power to have the freedom in life you want.  Keep me posted on how things are going.



Interestingly being supported / not being supported is a trigger feeling.  

I will shift a bit to focusing on being totally, completely, joyfully supported now my life.


Yey, you got it.

Can't wait till it feels good!

Today was shopping day and I keep repeating being supported, able to receive/have money/abundance AND realized I am also able to have money to save.  (Instead of always spending)

Bit down and uncomfortable inside.

Keep working on it! 

Peaceful day to you.

I was feeling again and realized that I need to more deal with 💰.

There is stuff coming up that I can't get thru the upset.  I ironically got from Lina & Sol my card of the week which is courage.  Just do it afraid.  I have no problem being willing  to do that.  Just struggling going thru and how. Etc.

Funny thing is I said to AJ the other day that yes Joan is helping and one day I'd like to see her in person.

Any chance you have a 10, 11, 12.....1 available on August 8,9,10,11,12?  I'd like to get into whole it's rubbing me to get it healed.

If not phone is ok mostly anytime day/evening.  In person is the drive issue for time.

Please let me know asap as I need to arrange if in person.


I'm  happy stuff is coming up for you, its the healing process.  Could we do a phone reading?  I have guests in the house this month.  I could do the 8th or 9th.  If either one of those dates are good for you for a phone session, what time would work for you?  I will work with what time is good for you.



The 9th works.  Do you want our usual time?  6pm.  Or earlier.  That day I just have a morning appointment.  So any time after 1pm works for me.
Thank you for taking time considering you have company.  Hope it won't interfere too much!


It won't interfere for a phone session at all.  What ever works for you on the 9th is good.  You pick the time.

Let's just stay with "our" time. Hahaha. That way we will be use to it.  6pm. Thursday August 9.

So far thoughts of spending, saving, wants as in do I really need a manicure money? Vs wanting to pay for just basic comforts etc.  And if I've healed it then $250,000 is a good start to win/get towards having a million.  🤗🤑🤔

Looking forward to the 9th.

So there you have it.  That's where I am with the money issues.  Quiet at the moment and look forward to doing some more healing on it!  And win some big money!!!! YES!  😊😊😻

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