Thursday, November 22, 2018


First - Happy Thanksgiving Day to those in USA.

Jax is doing much better.  I gave him two doses of the Oxyi cough syrup and bomb - he's doing better.  Giving him the Benadryl for the reverse sneezing too.  I'm getting my puppy back - all bouncy and happy.  He will be ready for daycare next week.  And for overnight as we are going to AJ's brother's for poker night.  AJ will enjoy playing poker with the family.

I got a response back from Joan.

Hi Beautiful,

I'm so happy your feeling a bit better.

Good idea to listen to some heart chakra music.  Do you feel the oils are helping a bit?  I feel your block in your heart chakra is a bit around feeling betrayed.  You have shut down a bit of your heart connection because of how you feel about the worth of yourself.
You have worked on this and have made some progress and you should feel very grateful for all the progress you have made. But there still is a little bit of a block there.  There is still a bit of anger and shame.  Also these emotions are blocking a bit of your second chakra.
I feel every day you are releasing a little bit more of these blocks.  Try to feel you are perfect the way you are.  Keep telling yourself everyday how perfect you are.  

If you could journel about how you feel everyday and how you would like to feel everyday.  It will be helpful.  Try to feel very happy around how you want to feel.  Keep listening to the heart chakra music, it will help.  You have released alot of this, so you know what your doing.
You just have a little bit more to release.  You can do this.  Try to keep saying  Please forgive me, I'm sorry, I love you, every day too.  Its very helpful.  All this releasing just takes a bit of time.  But you are so worth working on it.  Be so proud and grateful for all the relasing you have acomplished.  I can see your beautiful light shinning.  Keep working at it.


I find the 'bit' stuff funny.  I can't decide if she's making fun of the 'bit' or if she's wanting me to notice how much 'bit' I think it is and it's actually more then a 'bit'.  Or that I do just need to do a bit more work.

When I think on betrayal, it does bring up anger and shame.  Not sure if it's a bit more to deal with or more then a bit to deal with.  

I also used some Living Light essences that I still have, and that night I remember that I woke just as I was going to deal with something that I had had a long standing problem with.  It wasn't going to be easy, and I had to be careful not to let them (?) know I was going to change it.  I felt like I had gathered enough strength and courage to try and change/ get thru / remove '''it'''.  Woke just as I was going to start.  Damn.


I used the Onguard and EasyAir oils the other night - got some from Cate.  They helped Jax and us sleep better.  Ordered some for myself so that I could continue to use them.


I finally decided on a naturopath to see.  Dr Christy.  I called to make an appointment.  They had one available next week - but alas I have an appointment that day which I couldn't really change.  Next one - December 20th!!!!!!!  Took it of course and asked to be put on the cancellation list.   Dr C - as I read thru her website - deals with bio-identical hormones which was something that I was thinking on for a while.  And as I continued to read around her site I found her take on diet/foods.  It looks like she's into gluten free, paleo, natural foods which was ok with me.  Then I found a paragraph where she mentions people needing to lose weight and going on a ketoganic diet.  PERFECT!  Right up the alley I was thinking on.  I spoke with the receptionist about it and she said that the doctor would basically go that route if it was something that was best for the person as not everyone works well on Keto.  Which is where I am thinking I am.  I'm not exactly sure what the macros are that would be best for me and need someone who is better at it to help me figure out what I need to heal and lose weight permanently.  Looking forward to that appointment.

It's lunchtime and I'm so ready for it!

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