Wednesday, November 28, 2018

High Anxigzi

Other night with the snow and rain coming down, and we getting ready for bed... told AJ maybe he should go to the airport by taxi.  So he called them for pick up in the morning.  My anxiety was so high that day/night.  Next morning still up there.  I really struggled to keep it in line.  Even did that anxiety coping skill.



This technique will take you through your five senses to help remind you of the present. This is a calming technique that can help you get through tough or stressful situations.
Take a deep belly breath to begin.
5 - LOOK: Look around for 5 things that you can see, and say them out loud. For example, you could say, I see the computer, I see the cup, I see the picture frame.
4 - FEEL: Pay attention to your body and think of 4 things that you can feel, and say them out loud. For example, you could say, I feel my feet warm in my socks, I feel the hair on the back of my neck, or I feel the pillow I am sitting on.
3 - LISTEN: Listen for 3 sounds. It could be the sound of traffic outside, the sound of typing or the sound of your tummy rumbling. Say the three things out loud.
2 - SMELL: Say two things you can smell. If you’re allowed to, it’s okay to move to another spot and sniff something. If you can’t smell anything at the moment or you can’t move, then name your 2 favorite smells.
1 - TASTE: Say one thing you can taste. It may be the toothpaste from brushing your teeth, or a mint from after lunch. If you can’t taste anything, then say your favorite thing to taste.
Take another deep belly breath to end.

I find that this skill is actually helpful.  Tho I don't do it exact - I just do one of each.  But then still - it's a focus on the present.  There is a sense of calm that comes over me.

AJ went with the taxi next day.  The weather was better, but roads were icy/snowy.  Half hour later I went with Jax and dropped him off at daycare.  Spent the day shopping in London.  Or more like wandering stores.  Found a few tops for AJ for Christmas, got my Moroccan oil for my hair - in the end that is really the only one I like the best.  Found a book call Unf*ck Yourself.  Humm sounds like something I need to do.  Basically get out of your emotions and live life.  Will see if it helps.  Was 50% off.

Funny thing was I past 3 - yes 3 - chocolate stores.  Every time I thought nope - not the type of chocolate I like (Laura Secord, Rocky Mountain, Lindt).  Was talking with AJ as he had gotten to his hotel - he laughed and said I guess you just need to go to the store and get the junk usual chocolates.  In a way, they are what I like best.  Simple bars.  Found a few things - bracelet and massager - for AJ to give to me for Christmas.  The massager is just a simple rolly type.

Picked up Jax.  He did well but still rumbled a bit in his chest.  I asked if he did that during the night if someone would be there.  Nope.  So in the end I cancelled leaving him there when we go to AJ's brother.  I figured I would just take Jax and go to my mom or sis.  Then as I drove I remembered the OTHER kennel.  Tail Waggin.  I called and spoke with Wendy - she said as long as he wasn't contiguous Jax was welcome to come - and yes, he would be with her during the night, so if he rumbled etc she would be there to talk with him.  Bingo!  I told her I would book him in.  And then asked about Christmas days.  Will book him in there then too.  Have to cancel Christmas at the other place.  I'd rather have Jax with someone there instead of just in a kennel during the night alone.  So glad I remembered them.

Anxiety did go down during the day.   Need to do the essential oils more too on the anxiety - at least remember to use them! 

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