Friday, October 26, 2018

How Many Doctors?

A bit more up and awake today.  Though long day again.  

On Tuesday I went to see Dr Phua.  And yes, he was the doctor that saw AJ in Barrie and saved him by figuring out AJ had kidney cancer.  He thought too that he knew us.  Back to me.  My reports came back that yes - I have MGUS.  So that's confirmed.  It's low grade MGUS which is what Dr Leung had said too.  Probably will never develop into anything, but still great to know it's confirmed and clear.

One of the things Dr P checked was my bones.  I did that body xray to check.  And something came out of it - I have/had a fracture on my T11 / T12 vertebrata, 10-15% damage.  AJ reminded me that I fell a few years ago in the old house.  Stepped off the stairs and onto ice, fell backwards onto the steps.  Seriously should have gone to the hospital as I was in MEGA, MEGA, MEGA pain.  But I went straight to bed (REALLY BAD PLAN!)  Thankfully I woke after about 3 hours.  When I did go to the hospital about a week later - still in pain - doc didn't care (!!) and told me to take Tyenol or Advil.  Never got an xray.  So I have a fracture in my back.  Huh.  Thought about that a lot Tuesday night.  

Because of this fracture and BONES being an issue with MGUS, doc is sending me for a CT Scan which will show thing better.  Works for me.  Other blood tests are basically within range.  Some a bit up but ok, some close to the edges but also ok of course.  My iron is fine in my circulating but my storage iron is getting low.  3 months ago was 97, now it's 63.  They get interested in it when it gets around 20-50.  Explains a bit of the fatigue I've been feeling.  The other thing that comes up is there is a possible infection in my body.  Not specific, not sure where.  And not enough to hunt for it.  

Infection.... that doesn't surprise me and I've wondered about.  My chest/lung issue first started with a cold going into the lungs....was that / is that an infection that hasn't cleared?  NP of course wouldn't continue to look into that as she'd assume the antibiotics worked.  Then again, is there an infection somewhere else?  Do I wait until the infection really develops into something that finally gets noticed but really can cause health issues for me? 

Wednesday saw the new eye Doctor.

I know - for someone who said they didn't want to go to doctors anymore, I'm going a lot!!!

I liked this new eye Doc.  Dr R.  The new one we saw last year here was fast and pushy.  Ended up getting far glasses because my eyes were always fatigued. But when I used them, they bothered me.  Left those glasses with Dr R to donate.

Dr R said the far glasses basically had no depth in them.  And I didn't need them!  My eyes were fine far distance.  Even my reading glasses were good for different viewing.  So I switched the two pair around - the one is better for computer viewing, the other for reading.  He said if I wanted another pair for closer reading I could do two things - A) buy cheaters from the drug store (2.50 distance) or B) order a new pair with that strength.  Didn't matter to him which I did.

AND FOR DISTANCE ETC.....I NEEDED DROPS!  My eyes are fatigued because of being dry.  I don't need glasses - I need drops to lube my eyes.  

I bought the drops - my eyes feel so much better!!!  They are much more relaxed.  They don't hurt.


AJ went to get his head cut open.  Well, ok, we went yesterday and he got his mole on his head removed.  After 67 years he no longer has this big huge mole that would get caught when he combed his hair, or hairdressers cut his hair.  He's happy. 

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