So.... 2 things...
He was talking about how people are actually made up of emptiness. I thought that was so funny!!!! Especially since I had stated the other day that I felt empty. I guess I'm really being aware of who I am then. He said that if you took every person on this planet, removed all the empty space, squeeze the rest all together EVERYONE squished together would be smaller then a sugar cube. Man, that's a lot of empty space in us. Might explain some facebook posts I read sometimes......

#2. Pee.
Yup, Pee.
He was talking with a scientist who was explaining -
Hennig Brand, (flourished 1670, Hamburg [Germany]), German chemist who, through his discovery of phosphorus, became the first known discoverer of an element.
A military officer and self-styled physician, Brand has often received the undeserved title “last of the alchemists” because of his continual search for the philosopher’s stone, which reputedly could change base metals into gold. About 1669 he isolated from urine a white, waxy material and named it phosphorus (“light bearer”), because it glowed in the dark. Although Brand kept his process a secret, phosphorus was discovered independently in 1680 by an English chemist, Robert Boyle.
The scientist had pee in a bottle. He took off the lid and Michael Mosley's reaction to the smell was hilarious. Same after the pee was boiled. What is really neat was when the scientist took the pee phosphorus chunk and lit it on fire. He had it in a bottle and the colour of the the flame!! I loved it.
Yesterday was our anniversary. We had a good lunch and a nice day. Best... there is something that is able to 'work' again without a lot of pain. Ok, nuff said on that topic.
Joan emailed me the other day. I was thinking of her. Here are the quick emails. (have to read them up)
Try to meditate as often as possible. I'm sending some positive energy for you. Have a great weekend.
Good morning
I've been thinking of you. Just not sure what to say. Not much happening.I don't want to look backwards anymore. So turning myself around and facing forward... I see. ????? I don't know what is forward. (Or what I want). As everything I have (other then weight loss and some better financial stability) is what I've always wanted.So I feel happy, content, lost, empty, unfocused, sad, peaceful, disconnected. Disconnected from Spirit big time. No interest.That being all said..... I really don't have much to report!Have fun in NB. Enjoy Thanksgiving too. Thanks for the email.Hugs K
Hi Beautiful,
How are you? I'm leaving for a pychic weekend in North Bay Thursday morning. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.Blessings,Joan
I thought about the meditating issue. I decided I would attempt it. I also decided to go back to the Diabetic Walks - started her with Maureen. Was alone, but ok. AJ said he was thinking next time to come with me. That would be nice even tho I will walk at my pace - at least he will be there. I took Jax to the dog park afterwards. VERY windy. So windy, he kinda pooped on his tail hairs. Came home and into the tub. After lunch, I found on youtube a 30 day mediating chant challenge. Ok, so I started with day 4. I'll have to look it up and find day 1. Thought I would do that. Maybe it will keep my head quiet for 30 days and get me into meditating.
Figure too it's time to grow up.
ha ha ha ha TA 😄😄😄😺
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