Sunday, October 28, 2018

Now I Forgot

I had a thought this last week and kept wanting to write on it.  But with all the doctor appointments, daily stuff.... it's gone.  Probably wasn't all that exciting to read but it was something that was making me wonder.

Now I wonder what it was......???

Let's swim onward.

I had thought on the issue of medical / doctors/ my health  etc as I mentioned before and decided to email Joan.  Going to talk with her about it on Tuesday.  Will be interested to see what develops out of that.

I'm still doing Keto.  But lazy.  As in I'm just keeping on keto foods, with some leftover bars inbetween.  I was hungry this week too.  I figured if I could just keep on keto foods that would be better then stressing and ending up eating off program completely. I do feel better keeping on track even when I felt so tired.  It was better that I had a bar then going out and just eating whatever I saw.  I know eventually I will need to start looking closer at the macros as I know I'm off and too much.  But for now, that's ok.  No weight loss - but still good with the fact I'm still on it.

I ordered some DoTerra essential oils.  I've looked at other oils and read about them.  I just keep going back to DoTerra.  Maybe because of Cate.  But then again, I honestly have noticed that I feel something with DoTerra oils that I never noticed with other oils.  They do have a bit of a pyramid scam idea.  Cate has never asked me to sell.  Good.  She actually paid for my joining too.  I didn't ask her to, she asked me if she could, and I agreed.  3 months later now I'm ordering some stuff for me.

I ordered the cleaning concentrate, again when I listened to Wendy talk about the oils for pets, she mentioned it's all she cleans with.  It's better then all the chemicals.  And better then vinegar I feel.  Then I ordered oils to help with my health - immune, antiox, organs.  Guess I will see how this idea works.

Cate is doing keto also.  AJ and I are going over to her place for dinner on Friday night.  Her hub is Paul.  Look forward to that.  And then we will be off on Saturday to AJ's brother for a sibling lunch.  Jax goes to daycare overnight and the cats are together at home for the day.

And do I remember yet?  Nope.

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