I put down the rest of the black liner at the stones and at the steps. Cleaned out the fire pit, put down the stones there, hung up plant hooks, put on lock on back gate (there is one there already, but I felt it needed another one). Painted the herb boxes - actually just slapped paint on them so that they blend in with the mulch. Put rocks in the flower pots, then the soil - still have to get some flowers and also put silicone in a few spots on the patio roof that water drips thru. Took and shower and cleaned the bathroom.
AJ made dinner. I just was finished after all that. Oh - I also cut the grass and watered the plants this morning.
Only things left in the back to do is: hang up lights and wash the patio, deck and chairs. That's another days work.
We have an orchid that I got a few years ago. Three to be exact. Bloomed when we bought it, then the next year again, and tada this year too. Only this year it seems to really explode. 16 blooms and 5 more coming.
It must like that window. I have another one, not shown, that is starting to grow a stock and a few blooms. It's a much smaller one that gets about 5 blooms.
I wrote Joan my questions.
Too hot out to continue now. So.....
I've been doing my homework. Mostly get answers that I kinda already know. Nothing surprising has come up.
Dreams are ... unable to grasp them. Only one - a bit about the tattoo and saying something about the Worth Believing. But other then that, not coming thru.
The thoughts that do are:
1. Want to know more about the truth about the fear that I have given so much power to. (in a gentle, quick, complete, understandable, easy way!)
2. Feel I'm nothing/don't matter. Re dream of sister coming in and me having to give up the leftover foods. Wonder if I had to give up who I am/was/what I had because she came....that there wasn't enough for both of us. I sacrificed me because of it.
3. Feel I need to at the end of my life 'give up me' to save someone else - so that at least my life mattered to someone/ I did something worthwhile for someone else, and they lived. (Kinda follows along the line of #2)
4. Wonder where the fear comes from? Past Life? This Life? Childhood? Other worlds/ spirit or energy world?
(Uh, yeah, we never have talked of all the 'things' I saw when I was very little and in the Douglas house. They/It stopped around age 7-8 yrs. We moved out of there around 10 yrs old.)
5. Still questioning what value I have.
Those are it. Please let me know if you want to reply / do an appointment on this.
Thanks so much.
Her Reply:
Thanks for sending your questions and your thoughts. There is alot in this. Let me meditate on this for a bit and yes we do need to talk about the Aliens. There is alot of stuff coming up from everything you have been through. Coming up with your self love that you are lacking right now. We will work on that too. I would imagine there was alot of fear around the Douglas house while you lived there. Leave me with this for a bit and I will get back to you. Let me know if anything else comes up. I feel were working with many things here, we will have to tackle one at a time. Would be way to much for you, to work on all of this at once. The time tells me you have much wisdom to share and you may have a bit of fear around what you know.
Take extra good care of yourself, show yourself how much you value you. Try to do something special just for you. Will talk soon.
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