Friday, January 5, 2018

Easy Peasy


With all my readings lately, I've been attempting to put them into my life.

Basically - 

Don't lie.... remind myself of any lies that come up.
Seek Truth.....very elusive yet right there.
Listen to my body about foods.... that is a challenge, but interestingly I do get it sometimes.
Don't talk about foods.....goofed that one today.
Love myself and my body....yes......

Most of the books say they had a hard time, but they don't talk about how hard a time it was. As in, how many times one (me) has to remind myself - that's a lie, is that really what I want to eat?, you are beautiful just as you are etc.

The lie thing is surprisingly at the moment the most challenging as it's so ingrained.  

Might want to skip this next paragraph if you don't like disgusting.....
And I felt very tired today.  I feel off.  I feel like I don't know what I feel.  I can't figure out if I feel ill and tired, or tired and challenged, or just tired.  One thing I don't do is throw up - no matter how bad I feel, or how sick I am.  I was very surprised I 'tossed' on the table - don't know where that's coming from as in why I actually ended up doing that.  It stunned me.  Glad it wasn't too much in my stomach.  Ok enough on that. 

Continue from here is safer!
The weather apparently has been the worse here then it has been in years per the other neigbhour.  Saw John today, he just said to leave the snow - I'm guessing that's what he said/meant - basically said no no no,'s ok.  Speaks mostly Portuguese, which I don't.  I have been out three times so far to shovel the back.  Need to shovel those paths for Jax.  Otherwise he can't get out there.  Hasn't helped in my tireness, but I continue on with it.

And then! our new furnace that we got Dec 20th, so less then a month old, conked.  Luckily it's a rental so they came out.  Seems there a malfunction in it and they have ordered a new part to come either tomorrow or Monday.  If the heat stops again, I am suppose to do a bunch of things in the meantime.  And Rick gave us his personal cell #.  He lives close by.  It's only -30 today.....

I get to see Anne-Marie on Monday for a healing treatment.  I couldn't do it... I couldn't not email....I couldn't not speak with Jacqui.  I just felt I needed some of her insights, so I emailed her.  Get to speak with her Jan 14th over the phone.  I had really thought I could do this on my own, that I know the answers are inside me.  I just can't seem to get them out - or connect with them.  I know it has to do with what's happening with me about the lies, truths, foods, thoughts etc.

Food for thought:

Did you know:  Green beans are the most Zen of all vegetables?  Why? - Because they have inner peas.

ha ha ha ha ha..... 😺


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