My results were:
15% The Orphan which is:
The Orphan
Orphans are independent, self-reliant and are mistrustful of authority. Orphans, fearing exploitation, seek to regain the comfort of the womb and neonatal safety in the arms of loving parents. To fulfill their quest they must go through the agonies of the developmental stages they have missed. Their strength is the interdependence and pragmatic realism that they had to learn at an early age.
Shadow Side: The victim. This will manifest itself in your feelings of being victimized by others, and consequently blaming your incompetence, irresponsibility, or even predatory behavior on other people. You might also expect special treatment and exemption from life because you feel so fragile. When your Shadow Orphan takes control it can attack those who are trying to help you, harming these people and yourself simultaneously.
Life Goal: Regain safety
Fear: Exploitation
Response to Problem: Being victimized by it
Life Task: Process and feel pain fully
Personal Gifts: Independence, realism, resilience, empathy
Personal Pitfalls: Cynicism, tendency to be the victim or victimized, chronic complaining
Fear: Exploitation
Response to Problem: Being victimized by it
Life Task: Process and feel pain fully
Personal Gifts: Independence, realism, resilience, empathy
Personal Pitfalls: Cynicism, tendency to be the victim or victimized, chronic complaining
Then came 2nd The Sage (12%) and The Seeker (12%)
The Sage
The Sage archetype seeks the truths that will set us free. If the Sage has overcome the temptation of dogma, this can result in wisdom and the ability to see the world and others objectively. The Sage is a seeker of truth and enlightenment and journeys far in search of the next golden nugget of knowledge. The danger for the Sage is the deep seated fear that their hard-won wisdom is built on the sands of falsehood. However, the Sage has hope that through honesty, they will learn to see life with clarity.
Shadow Side: The judge. This will manifest itself in your life as the tendency to be cold, rational, heartless, dogmatic, even pompous – evaluating others in an unfair or insensitive manner.
Life Goal: Truth, understanding
Fear: Deception, illusion
Response to Problem: Study it, understand it, transcend it
Life Task: Attain wisdom
Personal Gifts: Wisdom, non-attachment, knowledge, skepticism
Personal Pitfalls: Being overly critical, pomposity, impracticality, lacking of feeling/empathy
Fear: Deception, illusion
Response to Problem: Study it, understand it, transcend it
Life Task: Attain wisdom
Personal Gifts: Wisdom, non-attachment, knowledge, skepticism
Personal Pitfalls: Being overly critical, pomposity, impracticality, lacking of feeling/empathy
The Seeker (or Explorer)
The Seeker leaves the known to discover and explore the unknown. This inner-rugged individual braves loneliness and isolation to seek out new paths. Often oppositional, this iconoclastic archetype helps us discover our uniqueness, our perspectives and our callings. Seekers are looking for something that will improve their life in some way, but in doing so they may not realize that they have a lot already inside of themselves. They embrace learning and are ambitious, and often tend to avoid the encumbrance of support from others. Needing to "do it themselves," they keep moving until they find their goal (and usually their true self too).
Shadow Side: The perfectionist. This will manifest itself in your life as the tendency to always strive to measure up to an impossible goal or to find the “right” solution. We see this shadow element in people whose main life activity is self-improvement: going from health club to health club, traveling the world, bouncing back and forth through self-improvement seminars and workshops, etc. If this sounds like you, you might wind up feeling as though you haven't really accomplished anything through a lack of commitment.
Life Goal: Search for a better way (better life)
Fear: Conformity, entrapment
Response to Problem: Leave it, escape it, take off
Life Task: Be true to a Higher Self
Personal Gifts: Autonomy, ambition, identity, expanded possibilities
Personal Pitfalls: Inability to commit, chronic disappointment, alienation and loneliness
Fear: Conformity, entrapment
Response to Problem: Leave it, escape it, take off
Life Task: Be true to a Higher Self
Personal Gifts: Autonomy, ambition, identity, expanded possibilities
Personal Pitfalls: Inability to commit, chronic disappointment, alienation and loneliness
There are others that go down the list. I found that these 3 do kinda fit with me, but I wonder if The Orphan and The Sage could be flipped.
Lastly (?) I did the Spiritual One and got:
The Mystic
Mystics love experiencing first-hand the blissful Union of Divinity. As you resonate the most with the Mystic archetype, you will be drawn towards transcending the ego and melting the boundaries between “you” and Infinite Consciousness. As a deeply sensitive, intuitive, and perceptive person, you have always sensed that there is something “beyond” the ordinary. Therefore, the pursuit of earthly pleasures such as fame, status, and riches has never appealed to you to the same extent as it does to others.
As a Mystic, you yearn for wisdom, love, and the ultimate freedom that comes from merging with your True Nature. You are devoted to exploring the Mystery that is life and inviting the presence of the Divine into your everyday life. To you, the ultimate achievement in life is the unio mystica, the spiritual marriage between the self and the Soul.
Shadow Side:
The dark side of the Mystic temperament can manifest as a selfish hoarding of hidden truths, egocentrism – especially if mystical experiences are used to inflate the ego and make it more “special,” and intellectual dryness – particularly if the search for truth doesn’t include cultivating a Heart connection. When not grounded in the necessary function of logic, Mystics can become impulsive, fickle, and flaky. Also, when not properly grounded, the Mystic temperament can also lose touch with reality.
These strengths are developed when you’re open, aware, and internally balanced.
- Sensitive
- Perceptive
- Intuitive
- Wise
- Receptive
- Open-minded
- Loving
These weaknesses arise when you become unmindful, imbalanced, and spiritually stagnant.
- Egotistical
- Ungrounded
- Dry
- Impulsive
- Airy-fairy
Spiritual Purpose: Transcending the ego and uniting with the Divine.
Existential Fear: Being completely isolated from the Divine in the mundaneness and emptiness of daily life.
Lesson to Learn: Spiritual experiences must be emotionally, psychologically, and physically integrated into daily life for real growth to occur. The heart and mind must be balanced. There is no true separation between “you” and God/Divine.
Mystic’s Totem: Snake; shedding skin as a constant rebirth and transformation.
Mystic’s Crystal: Labradorite; assists in moving into alternate levels of consciousness and vibration, helping one to consciously 'move between the worlds.'
Mystic’s Herb: Elderberry; elder tree has a long history connected to ancient mysticism, the spirit of this tree was known as “Elder Mother” for its powerful transformative energy.
Mystics Mantra: There is no separation, I am One with God.
Huh. Ok, ok - I'll stop posting these! 🙀