Jax went off to overnight day care, and Michelle came and checked on the cats.
It was a nice trip....... after AJ stopped harping on what I was buying. Not so much as what the items were but the cost as we couldn't bring that much $$ across the border. I started crying that this is suppose to be a fun trip and you are getting upset over everything I want to look at. We were at our first stop - Walmart - and I wanted to go and look at the groceries they had. Not that I wanted to buy tons of stuff, more because there are things that I can't get in Canada and I'd like to see what they have.
I had already gotten 2 bras and a package of underwear.... yeah, seriously..... can you
#(($*"#@$!#@#%*()^ believe that buying bras and underwear is so much easier in the States??? In Canada they have maybe one or two bras in the size I need IF I'm lucky to find them, and the cost is mega. Underwear they have a few more then 2 - but in the States, there are rows and rows of it. So much that I couldn't figure out which to buy! I find it so weird that I can buy a top in one size but the bras have to be like 3 sizes bigger to fit. And I'm not that big.
I left AJ sitting and wandered Walmart for a while. Found a little bit of art supplies. In the groceries... found some breakfast bars for AJ. Later when I picked him up, he was better and promised to stop complaining. Rest of the day went well and enjoyable. He was totally wiped from the walking (his shoulder and leg continue to pain him and makes walking difficult for him). He couldn't find any running shoes for himself which also disappointed him I think. He needs certain pairs that stabilize his feet well for walking.
I went and got a bunch of protein bars and shakes, again, can't get them in Canada. Was one of the other reasons I wanted to go to the States shopping. I now have enough to last me for months and months - better get back on that IP idea plan.
We booked into Best Western and had a room with a view of the river. I LOVED it. The hotel was old but clean. And I could feel it was acceptable energy wise - I didn't have freaky fears, it was peaceful. I took a bunch of photos from the room:

Loved the wildlife that I saw. In the morning saw a bit more, but it was very foggy and drizzling. Lots of birds. I would, and told AJ, stay at this hotel again.
Crossing the border back home? Next morning since we had done all the shopping the day before, and it was drizzling, after breakfast we decided to head home. Got on the road, to the border crossing, answered the Customs questions: Overnight, some shopping, about $400.... thank you, have a nice day. And onwards home. Now granted he didn't ask if that was $400 US or Cdn. (was US) so we were a bit - about $100 - over the limit. I had all the receipts in my hand ready to show him, and prepared, if needed, to pay the duty. Thankfully that wasn't required. And I didn't say I told you so to AJ! ha ha ha. No, I wouldn't have anyways, all I did say as we were coming up to Customs was think positive, lovely, peaceful easy thoughts.
Now that we have gone over, and it's not that far, I said we should just go for the day again. Do a bit of grocery shopping if anything - not much, under $100. and pay duty if we have to. I don't see needing to do major big shopping as, really, we have everything at the moment. I got a few tops and shorts for the summer for the size I am now. I still have the old smaller clothes that I decided to pack and keep until they fit so it's not like I will need a lot of smaller clothes either.
But if we go overnight, I know which hotel I'm voting for!!!
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