Friday, January 18, 2019

Elephant Angel

Here's the start!  The book is called Eat Like an Elephant Look Like an Angel by Helen Paige.

Basically I'm just going to paragraph the sections I found interesting.  Most will explain themselves.

Life is full of seeming challenges.  There appear to be many lessons to learn and many hardships to overcome in life.  As you strive for peace, harmony, love, joy, spiritual connection, and wholeness of self, fear often gets in the way.  Life appears full of fearful events, worries, and problems.  Problems appear to be the way of the world.  Problems appear on every corner, and lie seems to be about always overcoming some type of problem.  You carry many wounds that seem to stay no matter what technique is utilized to release them.  Your brain remembers everything.  There is nothing that can be forgotten, even if you cannot recall it.  All of your wounds are fear-based memories.

Safety is paramount to you.

Safety today means having enough money.  Safety means being physically, mentally, and emotionally protected.  Safety means being physically strong so you can protect yourself or at least have more prowess.  Safety means feeling important, for if you are important and seen as important by others, you are indeed safe in the world.  Safety means fitting in.  Safety is shelter.  Safety ultimately is love, hence why you go to such extreme measures to make sure you gain the love and approval of others.  'If others love me, then I am safe' or so you believe.  Therefore any, and I mean any, reaction of the body, which is not of peace wholeness, and harmony is a reflection of a mind that believes it is not safe.  Lack of safety can reveal itself to you as tension, stress, anxiety, shame, guilt, fear, blame, jealousy, envy, anger and many other forms.

Yet, the truth is, you are perfectly safe.

---- she goes on to explain about how in the world there are issues etc. ------ then

Hence, we are constantly striving to become a ''somebody'' of importance, as though this will somehow magically make us safe in the world.

Life does not require a choice or a battle between good and bad.  There is no battle going on between the Love Self and the Ego Self.  Love is all that really is and the ego is merely a false projection of your fear and ultimately a result of your separated thinking.  This thinking has led you to create a self-image separated from the knowledge that you are Spirit first and foremost, and this source energy that you are is all that you are.  The ego, as I see it, is not even real, and every time we feed it, we feed a totally false sense of ourselves.

Next Chapter!

Control is simply a safety measure.  You believe it is necessary in order to keep what you have and to gain all that you desire.  You are told time and again, in regards to health, if you do not maintain control of your health through taking vitamins and minerals and forcing your body to exercise in the latest ways, that you are not good enough.  You may think you are living the best life your free will allows, but this is in fact control in disguise.  This is imprisoned will, for it acts from the rules and regulations and the laws of a mind that has forgotten itself -- a mind which is fearful and in panic. 

Chapter 4

The past is largely what contributes to these thoughts and to the beliefs you hold about yourself, your body, your life, your relationships, your successes, your friends --- EVERYTHING.

Beliefs are big influences.  It is your beliefs that contribute to anxiety, fears about the future, what it holds, what it brings and how you will fare in the world. You are often anxious about whether you will be safe, whether you will be all that you came to be, whether you will fulfill your purpose, and whether you will be a beneficial presence on the planet.

Pain, wounds, and limiting beliefs all come from your mind, which records the past and the experiences you have perceived.  I want to challenge you that the only real pain is that you are here in the first place.  Your only real pain is that you are on Earth.  In having come here, you experienced a separation from your true identity and your true power.  Your are really the Divine Presence in human form.  It is not arrogant to think this, but indeed humbling.  The only sinful thought you have ever had was to think that you are not a piece of the Divine Presence and that you will never be good enough no matter how hard you try.  This thought is the real pain, and it is this thought that, like a magnet, attracts into your life the experiences of fear, blame, guilt, shame, all all lower vibrational forms of emotions, beliefs, and negative thoughts.

You and the Divine are one and the same and have never been separated from each other.  No separation ever occurred.  When you were born on Earth, you did not separate from source energy. 

Only remembering WHO YOU REALLY ARE can bring about the permanent shift you seek.


I haven't finished chapter 4 yet.  But this is as far as I have gotten for the moment.  As I wrote I also did the 'exercises' at the end of the chapters.  I'm finding the book helpful so far.

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