Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Wednesday Words

Wednesday doesn't have many words.  

Cleaned this morning before having to go to London for that CT Scan on my head and back.  

Spoke with Joan last night.  A lot of the health issues have to do with self judgement and worth.  So there's work on those things.  My homework with her is:

Try to start your day with a blank slate by saying your full name 3 tiimes.
This helps you to feel grounded.

Create your own Soul Card, or what ever you would like to call it, by:
saying  I am so grateful that I have _________________________________coming to me
with ease and joy.  That you are very powerful.  

If your ego gets in the way, like it so often does for all of us like examples
Like I can't be healthy
I have to struggle to be skinny
Will God/Universe even help me

practice saying with each statement that your ego is getting in the way with you with
Interesting point of view I have that point of view.  What else is possible for me?
Also say What would it take for it to be easy.  What would it take for more ease and joy creating
___________________________that I could ever imagine.

Tonight... not working on it.

Was a long drive from London tonight with the squally snow coming in.  So glad the roads were basically clear still when I drove.

Feeling better, so I hope my energy will be up, especially since tomorrow we want to do housecleaning.  

Now, I'm ready to just sit back.  Night.

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