When AJ and I first started dating, about 3 months in, I was driving him home, and ...something was said - nothing big, just small as I drove - AJ said Don't be stupid. I looked at him quickly (I was driving) and I calmly but icily told him, DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME STUPID.
AJ - I didn't say you were stupid, just what you said.
Me - I don't care, I don't ever want to hear the word stupid. I don't like that word, and my father used it a lot. Never call me stupid.
AJ - ok......
And for 10 years, he has really never used that word. Once or twice it's slipped out, but he caught it and re-worded. (Yeah, I love him.)
But today.
We have a glass stove top, and a plug in kettle.
I came up from the basement, just as AJ was finishing doing the dishes, and in his hand was the kettle. He was looking at the stove. He was trying to figure out what to do. I could see the wheels turning in his head. I could see the confusion as he looked at the bottom of the kettle and the top of the stove. I looked. He said he didn't understand how it happened. I looked at the stove.
AJ never used that word.
I couldn't believe it. The bottom of the kettle had melted some. It was on the glass burner. I was stunned.
I had made our breakfast this morning. And being Saturday, I had made hot chocolate with coconut milk and boiled water. Kettle boiled the water, stove heated the milk. Because I worked on the other side, AJ was doing dishes, I reached to put the kettle back and blindly just put the kettle on the turned off but still hot burner instead of the kettle base.
I said I would clean it as I could be steadier then AJ, and I could scrape easier with the sharp knife then he could.
And all I could think and say was HOW STUPID!!! How could I be so stupid? No - how could I have done something so stupid.
Stupid was the ONLY word I could think of to explain...... how stupid this action was. And I also don't use that word either, very often. But it was the only word that fit. I did have to keep repeating, and reminding myself that the ACT was stupid, not me. AJ of course was good. He said he thought at breakfast that something smelt, but from the table, everything looked normal - the kettle looked in the right place, not farther back on the stove. I just kept saying I can't believe I did something so stupid. AJ said, and you always say don't put or leave things on the stove. I'm hyper about the stove - never put things on it unless it's being cooked. Towels, dishes, food, boards etc - don't put them on the stove! Guess that's the firefighter's daughter remembering all the stories I've heard as a child about stoves/ovens.
I scraped, carefully, at it and thankfully got all the melted kettle bits off. Then had to go to the store and buy a new kettle!!!
I thought about it. It seems when I do a MTX injection I seem to get a bit of forgetfulness. It's not the first time after injecting that I seem to go brain blank on things. Scary in a way. Don't like it. Takes a few days til it seems to wear off. Took a shot yesterday.
Other then that....
Walked Jax around the block mid-morning. Trying to walk more. Still have breathing issues. Thought about it as I walked. Think it's 3 things. One: my stomach does/did have ulcers and making me ill. Two: my body was/still a bit inflamed thus causing my chest and esophagus o cause a lot of pain. Three: I had that Prevnar 13 and Pneumovax 23 shot...... I wonder if I reacted to those vaccines. Especially the Pneumovax 23 as I had the other one years before.
My stomach is still a bit off with things, but so much better. Same with the inflammation. The stuff Dr Christy gave me for my esophagus and stomach does help. But I still have that lung issue, especially walking or doing things fast. I had a cold and was one antibiotics a few weeks before I got the first shot. And I was having lung issues then. I wonder.....
Also got surprise grocery shopping done today!!
And vaccumed.
And gave Jax a bath - he's nice and soft and cleaning smelling now.
And AJ made a pork roast. My stomach is still wobbly from the MTX, but dinner was delish.
Good day over all. And yeah, that action was still pretty stupid. ha ha ha.
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