Tuesday, January 1, 2019

And Into 2019

Joyous Flippin The Calendar!!!  😊

Spent last night watching some TV, doing a lot of coughing and nose blowing, and went to bed at 10pm.  Somewhere along the night kissed hubby Happy New Year, and turned over to try and sleep.  Struggling with sleep lately.  Fatigued and wiped, sleep a few hours, wake, then need to sleep again.  We never even planned to go out.  Just not us at this point of our lives.  Sounds sucky, but really do enjoy being home with he who I love.  And all the pets!

Speaking of them... the twins are doing well.  Star is slowly coming around to being touched by me.  He doesn't like it, but tolerates it.  Hope he will accept it more and more as I need to be able to pick him up, pat him etc - especially for doctor visits, and God forbid, if he gets out!!  

Joint pain has been flaring lately.  Think I will need to do another MTX injection.  I have been taking a few Advil, but not doing it.  I have blood work scheduled for Jan 3, so after that.  Jan 2 we go to Sarnia for AJ's appointment.  I'm really optimistic I will be much better with this cold so I can drive.  Over all it's not too bad - thankfully.  Jax will be so glad to go to the Ranch.  Haven't really taken him anywhere lately other then a walk.

Which...... I walked Jax this morning, and oh joy!  This year is starting off with joyful found, presented money!!!  I found $20. on the grass/ground.  That was so nice.  I was happy about it.  Decided to share with AJ, give him $10.  Made me smile.

As you know I have that other Blog - Krystal's Colours.  Don't know if anyone has looked at it, but I decided to stop posting on it as A) I just post on Sundays, and B) finished posting all the art I have basically done.  Only have a few on the camera to download.   I didn't delete the blog.  I decided too to just post art on this blog - on Sundays.  If I have any.  I will continue to do my usually every other day posting (that I try to get to, usually succeed at!)  So Sundays art will be an extra.  I thought too I'm going to add a bit more to this blog.  A Teaching Tuesday and Giggles and Insights Friday.

Teaching Tuesday is just going to be a re-post of something I read and thought interesting.  I will of course, link the information to where I got it from.  It's not specific things.  Just what ever I come across.  Could be cooking/recipe, medical info, rambling info.  Guess both of us will see what develops there!

Giggles and Insights Friday is just posts of pictures I find funny, amusing or insightful.  I have so many (well, ok about 10) on my computer that I want to use on this blog, but never really find the subject to add them to.  This way they will just be posted as they are.  Doubt I will write much on them, just more of a giggle or thought to see.  I hope the extra days will be interesting and insightful to others who happen to read my blog.  I will try to head line them so if you don't want to read them you know what they are.

I finally did succeed at pulling out my photos as a baby.  As I looked at them I realized I did this before.  I don't know if I ever posted on it, as I can't remember when I did.  But I do remember staring at the photos as thinking something happened by October 1963.  There is where a change happen.  I look at the newborn/ June 1963 photo, I can see in the August 1963 the same baby/energy, but when I look at the October 1963 photo the baby energy changed.  I don't know if it is because babies do change as they grow, or if I have decided something happened, or if it's just the photos, or if something really did happen.  I look at the June baby and wish she or August baby could talk to me.  Then I look at October baby or July 1964 baby and they would talk to me.  Maybe I will never know.

I have made 4 AIP soups. Getting organized for Jan 6.  Hoping to feel better enough to make a few cookies too.   I have started back on my Thyroid Hormone pills instead of the Cytomel.  Feel better (minus the cold) back on the Thyroid Hormone.

And today being Jan 1/19....and a Tuesday..... I guess it's Teaching Tuesday!!!!  Better go post that.

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