Saturday, January 5, 2019


Well, it looks like I'm MAYBE forgiven.  Star isn't totally running away from me.  And this afternoon, I put my finger towards him as he was sitting on the chair and he reached out and sniffed it.  Then I went away.  Later I went again and was able to scratch his head a bit.  He's still not sure about coming for crunchies.  But he's re-learning.  I just don't put them out if he's not around.  I'm not making him jump onto the chair for them, but he needs to be close enough that he's going to jump once I leave to get them.  Otherwise Jax will eat it all.  

Star is being his cute self.  It's interesting to notice that Star has golden/yellow eyes while Milo has light green eyes.  I think that is what I was first noticing on the photos but couldn't put my finger on it.  The gold/yellow eyes aren't something I'm use to seeing on a cat.  I wonder if they are usual.  Hang on have to google check that.

From 7 Cool Facts about Cat Eye Colors

The pigment produced by the melanocytes is called melanin. A while back I wrote an article on the genetics of cat fur color, in which I explained that melanin plays an important role in determining how dark your cat’s fur coat will be. The same thing is true with cat eye colors: The more melanocytes there are in your cat’s irises, the darker their color will be. But cats don’t get brown or black eyes like people do; the darkest color you’ll see in a cat’s eyes is a deep, rich copper.

When the melanin-producing cells are very active, cat eye colors will become more intense. For example, a cat with a medium amount of highly active melanocytes will have bright golden-yellow eyes, but a cat with a medium amount of less active melanocytes may have pale lemon-yellow eyes.

Huh.  I guess I just never really had a cat with gold/yellow eyes as intense as Star's.

The overnight freebie night away (aka - going to the sleep clinic for AJ's sleep study last night).  Wasn't that exciting.  Decided we need to go somewhere else if we want to have another overnight away!  ha ha ha.  Not much to report on that as we don't get the results for a while.  Came home and slept some more.

I did some bloodwork for my RA doc.  Few levels are up.  Especially the one that shows Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder.  Nothing new there.  Was looking at it again, and notice that one of the things about MCTD can have is polymyositis.  

What is interesting about polymyositis is it's inflammatory, and among a lot of information, it talks about how it inflames the chest muscles... !!!  as in chest pain?.... and in what I've been dealing with for months?   Then too it talks about esophagus inflamed.  Again, something I've had trouble with.  Even swallowing sometimes makes me stop and wonder because that has been hurting at times lately too.  (before I read about the throat/swallowing thing).

Knowing this.  Yeah, doesn't make me worry etc.  It's just part of my life - currently.  I know about the MCTD and muscle issues for a while now.  But the chest last year was new, and now the swallowing is starting as newer.  I'm really hoping doing the AIP will ease up and help me.  I don't want to be on meds that cause more issues (weight gain, down mood etc) Guess it's a wait and see.  I did my usual bloodwork, big one, for RA yesterday.  And I will do it again (it's always the same tests) in April.  This will give me a good 3 months of doing -hopefully - AIP and see if it changes/improves.

The antibiotic I'm on is doing a number on me.  I'm so very tired, and sleeping a lot.  And I'm 'cleaned' out!!!  Have to watch when I cough!  4 more days of it.  


I can't get this to post, but it's a funny facebook video.  Thought I'd just add it on - if you're interested.....

New Years  

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