Ophs forgot yesterday to write. Just got wrapped up in all the things going on. Yesterday seems so long ago now. Did cooking - made bison ground, pork chops, and salmon. Plus lots of veggies. Then watched the taped Outlander show. Time just got away from me.
Today was out and about day. Went to drop off Jax for daycare, Then off for our appointment with the skin doctor. No moles on AJ and my face is better (not as red and sore as before). Next, off to Tillisonburg to meet a friend of AJ's. Was a nice meeting. Never met this man before. Was someone from AJ's school chum's brother. Brother had died a few years ago, but Ken is Facebook friends with AJ.
Long drive home, pick up Jax, and now.... I'm tired.
Tomorrow we are going to bring Princess to the vet. I've been wondering about her for a while now. Yesterday I went to touch her, and she meowed. Just a quiet one. I looked, went to touch her again and just another little meow. Wasn't like she wouldn't let me pick her up or touch her, just like 'I hurt'. She's very thin lately and I can feel the bones of her spine. I just have a feeling something is off. She's eating so much better with the twins around. Especially since Star likes to help anyone finish any meal. ha ha ha.
Wonder what's going on with her.
I know I haven't gotten around to writing about that book. Read another chapter. Interesting tidbit I got was that we (I) have never been separated from the Divine. I've written a few times about how I feel discontented from God.
Guess I have more to write about that book!!!
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