Sunday, January 20, 2019

Woo Hooo

Lots of snow this weekend.  Went to London on Friday - thankfully it was clear.  Snows started Saturday.  Blessing - neighbour John shoveled.  He made a bigger shovel.  Basically looks like he took a plastic shovel, and screwed a plywood board with edges onto it.  Took about 15-20 shovels to clear the driveway.  YEAH!  

Friday we went to London to the physic fair.  This one basically sucked.  Wasn't the same as the one where I meant Joan.  These ones basically had to use cards.  There was only one that I went to that was basically good.  She didn't need the cards.  Went to a few.  Basically none told me anything of major interest.  The semi-good one (Karen) told me I was on track with things, and that I had just had to wait and have patience for the next 6 months.  I can't make things jump.  I can do some of it faster, but I can't skip it.  She mentioned - which I was not thinking on, or asking about - that I would start to lose weight in March/April.  Ok.

As far as moving - if we wanted, April would be good time.  But really with everything going on, I seriously need to just heal, do things that bring healing, and relax for a while.  Moving would make AIP take a backseat, and I would be all stressed again.  I just don't have it in me to move at this time.  There is a part of me that does want to move - which I don't know why, and another that just wants to stay here.  

Was suppose to go for dinner with Cate and Paul last night, but I wasn't up for it.  Too unfocused and tried.  I hate that.  I think the magnesium every night is too much.  I have noticed that I'm so wiped etc especially in the morning, but by 7-8 pm I start to feel better.  I think I will leave the magnesium for a bit and see if that changes things.

I read the rest of chapter 4 of E/A (Elephant and Angel book) but I have to re-read it.  I couldn't get the info in.

This week we have zippo happening really.  Thursday just my appointment with Joan.  Otherwise nothing for me.  Tuesday AJ has a phone meeting in the evening.  

Guess that's it for the time. 

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