To get more insight, I have been looking for blogs on Dr Poon and reading them. The one that really continues to inspired me, though it's no longer active as she's moved on is Poonapalooza - she went on to Punchapalooza. I'm so happy for her. I look forward to getting to the point where I'm reading her new blog.
And then there are some that I just want to reach out and hug because of the struggle they experience with Dr Poon / low carb and weight loss / eating. Those blogs suddenly end after blogs of trying to get back on track. I totally understand their blogs, as I see them in my past attempts of years ago. I am so thankful that I will be at RH to do the detox. I pray those bloggers have found their way after stopping their blogs.
One that I read today posted a lot of blogs was doing great for months and then stalled. Stalling is part of weight loss sometimes. Please understand what I write next is my thoughts - I could totally be wrong for her.... As I read, I saw that she was trying more and more to get back on track by cutting her food. Reading about fog brain and cravings and reading what she ate, broke my heart. She was barely eating.
Biggest thing I have learnt over the years is that you must eat well to lose weight. Sometimes the more you eat the better the weight loss. Now, I know that doesn't mean eat a bag of chips and then a pizza. But eat proper and a variety. Poonapalooza delights me as she wrote about meals, about needing to eat, and of changing up what is being eaten. The less food the more one's body goes into starvation mode and holds onto everything it can. Then quitting, trying something else, realizing as the weight came back on, going back to Dr Poon - but by themselves not the office, lacking that support and accountability. That's what it is with me wanting Dr Poon - I KNOW I need that accountability after RH.
So what's with that header '20 Ounces'? I know from my friend Talia that RH plan has 20 ounces of vegetables at lunch, and 20 ounces of vegetables at dinner (along with protein and fat in a defined amount). At breakfast there's 16 ounces of veg or 8 ounces of fruit. Of those 20 ounces, at least 4 ounces needs to be raw. This is where RH plan and Poon differ. My understanding at the moment is that Poon doesn't have a set 3 meals, 20 ounces. His is more protein and veggies until you are full, when you need to eat. When Talia called me on the weekend, one of the first things she mentioned was - it's a lot of food. That coming from someone who eats their veggies. I am concerned on the amount. I just don't eat that much at a given meal. Even if the meal is protein and veg. I will probably be glad once I'm home and I can ease up on the amounts. I will post my meals when I come back once in a while to let anyone interested or reading this know.
Another thing, they say the Spirit (or Soul) weighs 21 ounces. :)
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