I decided to start by cleaning out the cupboards and fridge/freezer in plan for Dr Poon coming home.
People sometimes don't think about that part. Or the part of making sure there is food in the house. It's horrible to be in the kitchen after cleaning it out, and being hungry and suddenly realizing I didn't buy enough food to last more then one meal. Then realizing there's no-no foods in the house! Oh, to eat it then.
I hate throwing out foods. Not that I mind donating food, it's just irritating to get rid of foods that are healthy (like beans). Then there's the cost to it all too. Frozen foods are harder to get rid of. AJ is going to be eating a lot of foods when I'm off for those 21 days! Mostly the frozen foods. We will also eat more of them until I either get into RH or see Dr Poon.
Keep in mind the foods are healthy. Beans, sweet potatoes, broccoli patties, things like that. Tonight we had turkey, cranberries, rice, brussel sprouts, and then ice cream and herbal tea. It's Thanksgiving Monday here in Canada when I write this tonight.
Hopefully there isn't a lot in the cupboards. I don't think so because I noticed weeks ago that I had started slowing down on what I was buying and focusing more on veggies. Guess Spirit was getting me ready before I knew what I was going to do!
Well, there was a lot in the cupboard.
It's All gotta go. AJ and I went thru it to see what he would eat while I'm in RH. Then that which was still closed, I will donate. The hardest is the opened but usable foods. I posted it on line in our community. As I write, no one has offered the food a home. Our cupboards look a bit empty.
At least there's room now to put the pet food in the cupboards. ha ha
Now I don't know what to make. Not really true. Last night we had left over turkey and salad, herbal tea with stevia, and then it stopped being low carb - had an ice cream. I notice the more I post and read posts etc that I'm already leaning to low carb, low sugar, low salt, low fat choosing. EXCELLENT!
Good on you