Sunday, September 16, 2018

Come Home

I did get a response from Joan about my email.  She said that YES I was on the right track and keep focusing on that.  I do have a bit written down on it, but I need to still work at it.  She said to continue tapping too.  

And.... focusing on it...... it kinda disappears.

I'm in a happy place, tho I should go upstairs and do my MTX shot.  I hope the next few days will be better.  I'll try happy tappings to see if that helps.  Tomorrow I have an appointment for another tattoo session.

AJ comes home today.  Yeah!  

Image result for cartoon happy dance gif

Did some baking today.  Trying to finish all those IP foods.  Almost thru them.  

NEED to get to changing the bed sheets!  Bought new ones the other day and washed them, now to get them on the bed for when AJ gets home.

I did better the last few days being alone here.  Semi-surprisingly Princess has been stressed and upset with AJ gone.  I always say she's attached to him.  And with Moonbeam gone, then AJ leaving for a few days, she's been not eating much.  I hope she will start eating more when she sees he's back.  She loves me, but really loves him.  I'm sure she will be glad.  

I got the grass cut!  Got some done last night, and rest this morning after taking Jax to the dog park.  Best... or more interestingly... I had a gluten free breakfast muffin that I bought the other day for breakfast this morning.  Some chest pain, but not as much as usual.  As I suspected.  And the weather was very humid/hot already this morning.  So glad I got the back done!

AJ had some issues with the hotel.  He didn't seem happy this morning in his texts.  Asked him.  First when he got there - they didn't give him an accessible room - they gave it away. Means he wouldn't be able to shower (for 4 days) and the toilet being low... trouble getting down onto it and off of it.  He complained the next day about it all - they changed his room by the end of the day.  He did have a wonderful time with his friend and around town/dinner etc.  Leaving this morning... the hotel said the room wasn't paid for!  Thankfully another board member happened to be near AJ and paid for it.  Then the airport didn't have food/coffee as he missed breakfast too.  He was able to get a bottle of water ..... and spilled it on himself trying to open it.  AJ's one hand is spastic and he really struggles with getting bottles open.  Then the plane was delayed.  

I hope the delay doesn't cause him to miss the next plane from Toronto to London when they get into Toronto.  If so, he will have to either wait or fly tomorrow.  As long as he is safe, and gets home in one piece - today or tomorrow doesn't matter.  Tho I do prefer today.

Jax I think will be happier too with AJ home.  With just me, he doesn't get too much attention.  I feed them, clean them, take him for walks/park, let him out..... but it's AJ that plays tug etc.  I have things to do - like cook, laundry, bedding, grass stuff....  

Mostly that's about it for today.  Need to get to the changing of the sheets.  And I need a snack, I'm hungry.  Oh, and then there's tapping to do.  Someone's gonna want dinner soon too.


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