Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Rage Replies

Hi Krystal,

Sorry I'm getting back to you so late, I was in a fair since last Thursday.  How are you now from that experience?  Do you have some aches and pains.  That was an awful event for you to go through.  That woman should of checked on you to make sure you were ok, but I sense that she didn't even realize it happened, she was in to many mental thoughts.

Just before that happened, what were you thinking about?  Spirit is telling me that they wanted you to stop thinking that way.  This was a way to get your attention.  I feel you were feeling a bit hopeless, that nothing was going to change.  Do you remember if you were thinking that way?

With the way the woman acted, I feel you are mirroring not noticing what is really going on behind the sceens.  I feel your blocking something from coming out.  This suituation that your blocking is full of rage.  Like how could that of happened to me.  

Let me know how you are feeling now.

Big hug,

Hi Joan

No problem.  Figured you'd get back when you could.  

I feel ..... Calmer and angry when I think of it.  I feel next time, if it comes to it, I will aim to be ready for that dog and aim to kill.  I will not let it attack my pup or me again.  I hope never to be in that situation!

I had been doing tapping on clearing not wanting to lose weight.  When I saw the dogs I felt fear under ground in me.  Hopeless would be something along with the weight tapping probably.  Also at not being able to protect myself from the dog or to say something to her.

I have since found out she has been told and band a few times cuz her dog attacks.

Thought today about betrayal.  About saying something and being betrayed.  But more about being betrayed by my body.  I KNOW head wise sexual child abuse is not my fault and that the body reacts because it is made that way.

I thought I wonder if I am raging at my body cuz I felt it betrayed me by liking it.  And now pleasure is only good if bad.  That I am bad.  I know logically that's not the case but wonder if that's my belief or something.  And I rage against my body's betrayal with eating/weight/unwilling to lose or eat healthy and deny sexual feelings.  Will not allow sex with hubby because it conflicts loving action with bad sexual betrayal.  Causing internal rage towards self.

Oh yeah, that's going to be an easy one to tap out!!!! 😀😋🤔

Thinking this makes me want to cry.  Hubby flys to BC for 4 days and I can't get myself to a loving action even tho I want to.   So I rage (?) and do nothing or eat something.

Are these the things I'm blocking or is it something else/more?

Otherwise I'm good.

I just heard...... autoimmune issues is the body attacking itself.  Cancer is rage internal eating away at itself.
Might not be true for someone else but for me?  Maybe true.

from Joan
Hi Beautiful,

I feel your still blocking a bit, just keep tapping on it.  Because your working on it, its coming up a bit more too.  A suituation like that would make you not want to walk you dog.  If you see that woman, try to mention what the dog did and how it made you feel.  That way your standing up for yourself and will show you that you are loving you.  Keep working on it.  The tapping is helping.  Don't beat yourself up if you eat something thats not good for you.  Ask yourself if you enjoyed it and if you did, thats good.  That will help you get back on eating the good foods that your body needs.  

Keep me posted.  Weekends usually I'm doing shows if I don't get back to you then.  Do something special for yourself while your husbands away.  Something that will make you happy.


Tapping on Betrayal ........ Brad Yates, says a lot what I feel and think in this one - Betrayal

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