Tuesday, September 18, 2018


I'm trying to get organized with my thoughts and what to write.  Think on my insight I got the other day, I need to wait as I need 'space' in me to write about it.  It's a bit crowded in me.  So that post will be on hold for a bit.  

That leaves me with not much at the moment left to tell you.

Tomorrow my sis comes for the day and we will be doing Christmas Cards.  She's going to bring her stuff.  I'm looking forward to it.  Will be nice to have someone to do some of it with.  I'm finding I'm just not creating at the moment.  I'm running out of paintings etc to post on my Krystal Colours too.  Maybe with fall/winter coming I will get back into it more.  

Maybe ..which one is it?  Whatever planet it is that causes creative, will move back into my creative house.... ha ha ha.

AJ has sinuses running since he's been back.  Think I need stock in Kleenex or Scotties.

We were looking yesterday, on line, at places around Ontario again.  NOT that we are in a position to move just yet.  There is a condo in Sarnia that I would love as it looks over the water and has 3 bedrooms.  We looked else where, but the prices, what they offered etc just wasn't what we wanted.  Now, will extra millions $$$, on top of the million we visualize, then maybe those are possible.  Then again, I'm not totally sure a condo would be where I'd be happiest.  I LOVE living in a house.  But the yard work.  There are some places that are maintained, but I'm not sure if they do lawns/snow removal from the house.  

And I look around at all the stuff we have.  Oh the yard sales it will require......Part of me wants to start selling all the stuff already.  Better go think of something else to do - like art!

I went yesterday to get my new tattoos.

This one is on my right upper front near my neck/shoulder.

Love this moon fairy.  Turned out well.  The stars were black on the picture, but I asked Mike to make them coloured.  Decided on blue and pink.

AJ liked them too.  You can't see in the moon fairy photo but just around the front is where the butterfly is.

My stomach has been off again for the last few days.  Nearest I can figure - Smile Cookies.  Guess no more of those.  I have my abdo ultra scan for Oct 15th.  Check on my gallbladder polyps etc.  Maybe they will see my stomach too.  I will mention my pain and hopefully they will add it in.

Went to the dog park today again.  Wendy was there.  She usually is on the small side, so I chat with her.  Look forward to seeing her.  He hubby is dying.  Has the tumors in lung, eating into the bones.  Another guy - John (I think) comes sometimes.  His daughter in law has stomach cancer.  We were talking one day about how I learnt having ulcers in the stomach can actually developed into stomach cancer.  He then spoke up and said that's what happened to his daughter.  No, I know I don't have stomach cancer.  I have to live a long time.  My pup and cat are still young.

Speaking of which - I told my sis today when we were talking of mom's new kitten - Lucky, that she would get them.  I didn't want anymore pets.  Maybe, just maybe a cat, but not sure. She says she saw Lucky and it does look just like my Moonbeam.  I'm not upset about that.  Even Princess looks/looked like my Amber.  Some photos now, I can't really tell to well if it's Amber or Princess.  Princess was happy again that AJ came home.

Guess that's about it.

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