I've been happy these last couple of days. Wondering why. Glad but wondering. I missed my Sunday MTX shot.... could that be it? I've eaten more carbs.... could that do it? As it is, I've been sqwakie - happily talking with AJ and almost everyone else. Just being nice and happy.
So happy about that. I like being happy. I like the feeling. I enjoy the amusing little smiles that I have in my head as I think.
And boy my chest hurts.... I wonder if the MTX has helped. Going to shoot every two weeks. Hopefully my body can handle that by me being happy and pain being controlled.
I find this town tends to have people that aren't the politest. There are nice people in town, but the customer service people eh, not that good. It's like hitting a brick wall especially when I'm happy. I smile at the cashier, politely answer her question, and get a grumpy reply.
We were in Sarnia today as AJ had to have a MRI. The more we end up going to Sarnia the more I'm liking the town. There I find the customer service people continuously polite and friendly. It's a busy town, yet easier to get around then London. I don't care for the old part of the town, but the newer area is good. And it has the water! Being by the water calms me and helps make me feel better. Told AJ it looks like if/when we move it's going to be Sarnia right now. I feel that Sarnia is where we are going to go.
Jax ended up today at the kennel even though we are home. At first we were going to go for dinner after the MRI but instead we went for lunch - to the Dock Side, right by the water!!! I miss my baby boy. Feels so quiet in the house. Princess has gone back to bed.
I've been working at getting a cookbook together for Keto. Got a new binder to put them in. I'm hoping I will fit better along this line with healthier foods. And I'm planning my tapping for clearing out sabotage issues.
Oh, my topping. On the bed. It's better. It helps. Not the best but much better then the other one I had. Already has a pot hole where I tend to sleep so I'm trying to sleep around. ha ha ha.
I looked in the mirror today and thought I looked pretty. I have a golden yellow top that every time I wear it I seem to look and feel pretty. I think the colour really suits me and lifts me. Need to find a few more tops in that colour.....
That's about it. Rambling I know, but like I said, I'm happy, and I'm sqwakie. 😄😺
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